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StringEnum.NET - Enumeration-like string values

C# .Net

.NET 5.0, .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0

Define your StringEnum clean and simple:

public class MyPet : StringEnum<MyPet>
	public static MyPet Monkey = New(); // = "Monkey" 
	public static MyPet Cat = New(); 
	public static MyPet Rabbit = New();

More initialization options:

public class MyPet : StringEnum<MyPet>
	public static MyPet Rabbit = New("Rabbits");
	public static MyPet Dog = New(EnumCase.Upper, "Dog"); // MyPet.Dog.ToString() -> "DOG"
	public static MyPet Ghost = New(null);  // handy when values in dataobject may have null values
	public static MyPet Empty = New(String.Empty);

Add additional properties for yout StringEnum:

public class MyFlower : StringEnum<MyFlower>
	public static MyFlower Rose = New().HasPropertyValue(x => x.AdditionalInfo, "Big");
	public static MyFlower Camomile = New()
		.HasPropertyValue(x => x.AdditionalInfo, "Small")
		.HasPropertyValue(x => x.DefaultQuantity, 15);
	//your custom properties here:
	public string AdditionalInfo { get; protected set; }
	public int? DefaultQuantity { get; protected set; }

Usage example:

var mouse = MyPet.Mouse;

if (mouse == "Mouse") // compare with string without .ToString()
	return true;

if (mouse == MyPet.Parse("mouse")) // parsing is case insensitive
	return true;

// implicit conversions example
string cat = MyPet.Cat;
Assert.IsTrue(cat == "Cat");

string dog = (MyPet)"Dog";
Assert.IsTrue(dog == "Dog");

JSON conversion example:

public class MyFlower : StringEnum<MyFlower>
    public static MyFlower Rose = New();
    public static MyFlower Hibiscus = New();

public class GardenFlower
    public MyFlower FlowerType { get; set; }
    public int Quantity { get; set; }

string jsonData = "{'FlowerType' : 'Rose', 'Quantity' : 2 }";
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GardenFlower>(jsonData);

Assert.IsTrue(obj.FlowerType == "Rose");
Assert.IsTrue(obj.FlowerType == MyFlower.Rose);

TypeConverter and IConvertible support to work with strings:

[TypeConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter<MyFlower>))] // default type converter
public class MyFlower : StringEnum<MyFlower>
    public static MyFlower Rose = New();
    public static MyFlower Hibiscus = New();

TypeConverter typeConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(MyFlower));
var rose = (MyFlower) typeConverter.ConvertFrom(null, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, "Rose");

var fl = MyFlower.Hibiscus;
var res = Convert.ChangeType(fl, typeof(string));

Use with data entities

  1. Define your model:

    public class PersonType : StringEnum<PersonType>
    	public static PersonType EM = New();
    	public static PersonType SP = New();
    	public static PersonType SC = New();
    	public static PersonType VC = New();
    	public static PersonType IN = New();
    	public static PersonType GC = New();
    [Table(Name = "[Person].[Person]")]
    public class Person
    	[PrimaryKey, Identity]
    	public int BusinessEntityID { get; set; }
    	public PersonType PersonType { get; set; } // string values "EM", "SP", "SC" ... etc.
  2. Setup type conversion via MappingSchema:

    var ms = new MappingSchema();
    _ = dbContext.AddMappingSchema(ms);
    var builder = ms.GetFluentMappingBuilder();

    and type conversion setup:

    _ = builder.Entity<Person>().Property(e => e.PersonType).HasConversion(v => v.Value, s => PersonType.Parse(s));
    ms.SetDataType(typeof(PersonType), DataType.VarChar);


    ms.SetConverter<string, PersonType>(s => PersonType.Parse(s));
    ms.SetConverter<PersonType, DataParameter>(val => new DataParameter { Value = val, DataType = DataType.VarChar });
  3. Usage:

    // select records
    var persons = await db.GetTable<Person>().ToListAsync();
    // update record
    var pers = new Person() { PersonType = PersonType.VC, BusinessEntityID = 1675 };
    var res = await db.UpdateAsync(pers)

EF Core:

public class PersonTitle : StringEnum<PersonTitle>
	public static PersonTitle Mr = New("Mr.");
	public static PersonTitle Ms = New("Ms.");
	public static PersonTitle Mss = New("Ms");
	public static PersonTitle Mrs = New("Mrs.");
	public static PersonTitle Sr = New("Sr.");
	public static PersonTitle Sra = New("Sra.");
	public static PersonTitle Undefined = New(null);

// setup converter:
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
		.Property(e => e.Title)
			v => v.ToString(),
			v => PersonTitle.Parse(v));
