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Nicehash 0.2 patched for

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@feeleep75 feeleep75 released this 26 Oct 21:19
· 1 commit to master since this release

Here is a windows version of nicehash miner with GPU CUDA support and CPU Xenoncat optimizations. You can use it with:

nheqminer -u your_worker_name -p your_worker_password

Until nicehash release sources coinmine pool is hardcoded as well (I cannot change this - sorry)

From nicehash readme:

some fixes
Run with "-h" parameter to learn possible commands. By default, miner uses all CPU cores and no CUDA devices. You need to explicitly enable CUDA devices (setting "-cd" parameter). If you wish to mine only with CUDA and no CPU, set "-t 0".

Miner auto detects CPU extensions (SSE2, AVX1 or AVX2) and uses appropriate miner.

Number of blocks and threads per block have been tested on Maxwell and Pascal cards and seems to be the best left at default. If you have older cards, you may experiment with these values (parameters "-cb" and "-ct") to reach higher speeds.