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Feelsgoodman packages monorepo

This is a monorepo for all the packages that make up the Feelsgoodman ecosystem.

Useful Commands

  • pnpm build - Build all packages, including the Storybook site
  • pnpm lint - Lint all packages
  • pnpm changeset - Generate a changeset
  • pnpm clean - Clean up all node_modules and dist folders (runs each package's clean script)

Apps & Packages

This Turborepo includes the following packages and configs:

  • packages/siwviem: Sign-in with Viem package
  • packages/typescript-config: Shared tsconfig.jsons used throughout the Turborepo
  • packages/eslint-config-config: ESLint preset

Each package and app is 100% TypeScript. Workspaces enables us to "hoist" dependencies that are shared between packages to the root package.json. This means smaller node_modules folders and a better local dev experience. To install a dependency for the entire monorepo, use the -w workspaces flag with pnpm add.