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Releases: felicandalc/UniverseNvim


15 Feb 01:26
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2.0.0 (2024-02-15)


  • plugins: this is a whole new UnivereseNvim neovim configuration, new plugins were added, old ones removed, added new set of utilities, new structure for better modularization and improved DRY


  • add UniverseNvim identity to folder and alpha (b1bea87)
  • dressing: add plugin independently (44c9fe1)
  • plugins: update (caa09db)
  • telescope: removed unnecesary plugin, added most performant search plugin (56b5893)
  • UniverseNvim: add whole new structure, improve modularization, add new plugins (2bedeea)

Bug Fixes

  • mason: missing configuration for setup_handlers, add empty object (2bb3035)
  • mason: missing servers configurations (b4c9812)
  • mason: missing variable declaration (8f9389c)
  • rainbow-delimiters: install nvim-ts-rainbow replacement (fbe5635)
  • which-key: removed packer from options (df6bf67)

Code Refactoring

  • plugins: remove mini-animate (feb797b)


15 Feb 01:20
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1.4.0 (2024-01-23)


  • flutter-tools: add plugin (c58295d)

Bug Fixes

  • treesitter: update plugins (f2f8239)


23 Jan 19:32
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1.3.0 (2023-11-10)


  • indent-blankline: migrate to v3 (78559ad)
  • mason: added plugin, bridges and notify (73abdce)
  • mason: replaced lsp-installer (ae88dc7)

Bug Fixes

  • nvim-tree: errors after update on config (2e2f301)
  • treesitter: ignored objc, throws error on Windows (4f7f279)


11 Aug 15:01
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1.2.2 (2023-08-11)

Bug Fixes

  • treesitter: ignored objc, throws error on Windows (4f7f279)


13 Jul 13:47
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1.2.1 (2023-07-13)

Bug Fixes

  • markdown-preview: added ft and lazy to markdown-preview.nvim plugin in lazy.nvim table (fd2addf)


13 Jul 01:37
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1.2.0 (2023-07-13)


  • lazy.nvim: added lazy-lock.json to source control (a44f620)


04 Jul 19:19
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1.1.0 (2023-07-04)


  • lazy.nvim: replaced packer with lazy.nvim to lazy load plugins and decrease startup time (c19dc5f)


29 Jun 20:09
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1.0.0 (2023-06-29)


  • .github: added PR template and workflow for releases (2729ba3)
  • alpha: added alpha (4d2ce16)
  • auto format on save: moved from async to sync because of how it was working (451adaa)
  • autocommands: added autocommands (95a805f)
  • autotag: added auto closing tag for html (6abd306)
  • bufferline: added bufferline and keymap to close buffers (ca8c0d7)
  • cmp nvim_lua: added nvim_lua completion (be00ca0)
  • easy comments: added plugin for easily generating comments (01e67ad)
  • formatting: add formatting keymap (f7eb740)
  • gitsigns: add gitsigns configuration (9be29f2)
  • gitsigns: added gitsigns (3e18960)
  • impatient: added impatient (6f8341f)
  • indentline: added indentline (c03c8a3)
  • jenkinsfile-linter: added plugin, previously fixed legacy warnings (b793925)
  • keymaps + null-ls: force null-ls formatting, added keymap for copying (04fcbf9)
  • keymaps and minors updates: updated keymaps to prevent conflicts and updated jsonls (c156623)
  • keymaps: added keymaps for copy, pasting and moving two lines at a time (4f6c65a)
  • lsp configuration: adding lsp configuration, TODO: fix error (20c8625)
  • lsp: added support for fmt work on save to gopls server (874b3a5)
  • lsp: finish lsp configuration (8637fca)
  • lua configuration: moved from vimscript to lua configuration (fd380dd)
  • lualine: added lualine (28d44a3)
  • Markdown: added markdown-preview plugin (47c895e)
  • neogen: added doc generator a.k.a neogen (57d40d5)
  • null ls: added null ls (1bcec84)
  • null-ls: support for go imports and go fumpt (stricter than gofmt) (c9f2c0c)
  • nvimtree: added nvimtree plugin (b1cc412)
  • octo: added octo, updated config and others (6857937)
  • plugins: added vim-mdx-js (d8134e1)
  • project: added project (1283542)
  • readme: update (7a4ddaf)
  • sync formattin: async formatting was not working (ead46b5)
  • table-mode: added table mode support and mapped || or __ to use it (53c5ea1)
  • telescope: added telescope configuration, keymaps and use plugin (0fb7c12)
  • telescope: hidden files visible (bc2b034)
  • toggleterm: added toggleterm (776fc07)
  • treesitter and autopairs: added treesitter and autopairs with their minimal configs (5654260)
  • treesitter autopairs: enabled autopairs in treesitter cofig (634d70c)
  • treesitter plugins: added playground and rainbow brackets (0344775)
  • whichkey: added whichkey (ef9f1cd)

Bug Fixes

  • bufferline: change hex value for , error on config (c454ade)
  • bufferline: corrected and improved behaviour on closing tabs (020f27b)
  • lsp handlers: update on deprecated method (8378a45)
  • lsp: swap server_capabilities with resolved_capabilities (56089c0)
  • lsp: updated deprecated method on lsp cofiguration (ecfc620)
  • nvim tree: fixed warning from nvim tree update (66c5dfa)
  • nvim-tree: update moved setup options (8deeb0e)
  • nvim-tree: updated configuration, old config conflicts and auto close (ad29a8e)
  • nvim-tree: updated deprecated config (3ac451c)
  • releases.yml: missing 'n' on name key (9775f7f)
  • resintalled some plugins (766e0e9)
  • treesitter comment plugin: added missing treesitter comment plugin (5ad3e1f)
  • updated some config keys (38dbe28)
  • workflows: change release workflow (8414794)
  • workflows: corrected branch name that triggers release (6ba34ba)
  • workflows: provided PULL_REQUEST and BRANCH parameters (d4993b3)
  • workflows: replaced previous action with release-please (fd090b1)
  • workflows: updated release (e933ccd)
  • workflows: versions (66d4887)
  • workflows: versions (f2e106b)