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Vision-based Rubik's Cube Move Detection

Michael Song

University of California, Los Angeles


This research explores methods for detecting Rubik's Cube rotations from a video stream input. Focusing on three fundamental rotations (right layer counterclockwise, top layer counterclockwise, and front layer counterclockwise denoted as R, U, and F), we divided the task into two main components: identifying frames of movement and classifying sequences of frames into specific moves. To achieve the first task, we propose a two-model system comprising a YOLOv* based object detection model and a classification model. For the second task, we designed three distinct model architectures using related datasets: an LSTM-based model, a Convolutional LSTM, and a combination of two CNNs. In our limited dataset experiments, the LSTM and ConvLSTM both achieved over 80% accuracy, while the BiCNN achieved over 40%. Furthermore, a combined model incorporating both the LSTM and ConvLSTM improved on both and achieved over 90% accuracy.

1. Introduction

This study draws inspiration from the emergence of smart cubes like the Giker cube, which can record cube rotations, times, scrambles, and more. These cubes, however, have faced criticism for their subpar feel compared to flagship speed cubes from brands like GAN, Moyu, and Qiyi. This research explores the potential of computer vision techniques to replace smart cubes, allowing cubers to record and replay their solves on their preferred speed cubes. Additionally, it seeks to improve on modern video based classification, particularly movement recognition.

2. Related Work

While Rubik's Cube-specific research is limited, numerous papers have addressed computer vision tasks involving sequences of frames. Our model architectures draw on previous works, including Karen Simonya and Andrew Zisserman's "Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks for Action Recognition in Videos" [1] and Shi et al.'s "Convolutional LSTM Network: A Machine Learning Approach for Precipitation Nowcasting." [2]

3. Methodology

The pipeline of this project can be separated into two main sections. The first is responsible for processing the input stream (video) and separating the video into sequences of frames that are moves. The second makes inferences based on these image folders, and the output is one of three moves R, U, and F. The next sections detail the steps and processes behind each component.

3.1 Input Stream Processing

As mentioned earlier, the input stream processing will convert the input, in this case video, into sequences of frames that will be used for inference. At the core of this section is two computer vision models: an object detection model and a classification model. The object detection model is responsible for locating the Rubik's Cube in every frame, identifying the region of interest used for both the classification model and in some of the move prediction models. On the other hand, the classification model is used to predict whether the Rubik's Cube is in motion. This is important because we ideally only want to run the move prediction models on sequences of frames that we are most likely sure to contain moves, which avoids having to infer on every sequence of ten frames in the video. To train these models, we used Roboflow to help process our datasets, which were hand recorded videos of example Rubik's Cube turns. Through the Roboflow interface, we were able to easily annotate over 200 images, which were automatically split into training, validation, and testing data. Additionally, Roboflow supplemented the original 200 labeled data by performing data augmentation, including a horizontal flip, vertical flip, and -15 to 15 degrees rotation. Afterward, we fine-tuned a pretrained YOLOv8 object detection model on the newly created dataset using the YOLOv8 API. The classification model was trained in a similar method, with the only differences being that we used the earlier object detection model as a preprocessing step, which locates the region of interest in each frame. This way, we isolated the Rubik's Cube from the background image and allowed the classification model to solely predict based on the pixels from the cube. By using the YOLOv8 API to train these models, we were also able to record the accuracy and loss during training, and obtain useful metrics that can help us improve performance in the future. We will discuss the results of these models in a later section.

With both models fully trained, we separate the input stream into frames using the OpenCV library, then crop each frame using the object detection model, and predict whether the cube is in motion using the classification model. Furthermore, we also store the state of the previous frame, such that we can check if the state of motion has changed. If the cube has changed from stationary to moving, we then create a sequence folder and begin adding subsequent frames until we identify that the cube is no longer in motion. As we want to make move predictions on the fly, we then immediately pass that sequence of frames into the model used for move prediction.

3.2 Move Prediction

The move prediction model is responsible for taking a sequence of frames, and making a prediction about what move is being shown in the sequence. We consider three potential model architectures here, and the datasets behind each one. There is an overarching dataset that is shared by all subsequent datasets, which each make their own modifications to it. This dataset is comprised of a "sequences" folder, containing folders "sequence1", "sequence2", etc. Additionally, there is a "metadata.csv" file that helps with loading the data. The frames in each sequence were handpicked from a plethora of recorded videos using the same background and similar location, all which only include the three types of rotations specified earlier. In the following sections, we will examine these different architectures more closely.

3.2.1 LSTM Model

The first model we propose is an LSTM model. Compared to the other models, this model is relatively simple, and is implemented with a single LSTM cell and a fully connected layer. Compared to a standard RNN, this model is better at retaining information across a series of time, and thus chosen for this task. The primary focus of this model is to make a move prediction based on hand landmarks during a rotation. To obtain landmark information from each frame, we use MediaPipe's Hand Landmark Task model, which accurately locates 21 landmarks per hand, totaling to 42 landmarks across two hands. Each landmark has three values, an x, y, z coordinate, and thus the sample input data for a given frame is a (42, 3) array. Due to the nature of a LSTM model, we can pass in a variable length sequence in the forward pass, and this results in an input data of size (N, sequence_length, 42, 3), where N represents the number of sequences in the batch, and sequence_length is the number of frames in that sequence. Finally, there is a fully connected layer that takes inputs from the last layer of the LSTM and converts that data into a three element output array. One issue that results with this architecture is that in some frames, the MediaPipe model isn't able to detect a hand, and in those cases, we decided to fill in the array with dummy values of 0. In the future, we would like to come up with better methods to handle these edge cases.

3.2.2 ConvLSTM Model

The second model that we examine is a Convolutional LSTM. Using the Convolutional LSTM model from Shi et al. implemented by Andrea Palazzi and Davide Abati. On top of the standard ConvLSTM cell from the paper, we also add a linear layer and a softmax layer for prediction. Contrary to the first model, this model operates on a cropped rubik's cube dataset. The cropping is done by the object detection model presented earlier, and the training dataset still uses the same videos and frames, with the only difference being that the rubik's cube is cropped frome each individual frame. After testing a few different configurations, we settled on a architecture consisting of a 64 sized hidden layer, 3x3 convolution kernel, and 3 total layers.

3.2.3 BiCNN Model

The last model we present is an architecture consisting of two Convolutional Neural Networks, each serving a different purpose. The inspiration for this model was from Simonyan and Zisserman's "Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition in Videos", who used this style of architecture to perform video classification. Because videos are spatiotemporal data, the idea is to process the spacial data and temporal data separately. In this manner, the first CNN of this system is used on spacial information, static images of Rubik's Cube rotations. In Simonyan and Zisserman's application, they noted that simply with the spatial CNN alone, they were able to achieve a high level of accuracy in video classification, as many actions were drastically different from one another. However, since our application only deals with slight differences between move rotations, the spatial model performed similarly to that of a randomized prediction model. To reinforce this first model, we introduce a second CNN to help with temporal information. For our case, we use the optical flow between frames and concatenate that flow over a series of frames as data. As an example, say that we had a sequence of 10 frames. Then, we can obtain 9 optical flow frames, and each of these 9 optical flows would have 2 dimensions: an x displacement and y displacement. To help with calculating the flow fields, we use OpenCV's calcOpticalFlowFarneback and then transform the data by stacking the x displacements on top of the y displacements. Additionally, since the input to the CNN must be consistent across all frames, we decide to randomly sample a sequence of 6 frames within a rotation, leading to a optical flow array of (5x224x224x2), which we reshape to (10x224x224). The specific architectures of each model are detailed in "Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition in Videos", and are very similar to the AlexNet CNN model used in Image Detection models back in the days.

4. Results

Before looking at the results of the models, here are some metrics from the YOLOv8 models along with example validation batches.

YOLOv8 Object Detection Model

image image image

YOLOv8 Classification Model

image image

Model Type Test Accuracy
(Avg over 10 tests)
LSTM 82.35%
ConvLSTM 91.84%
BiCNN 41.42%
LSTM + ConvLSTM 94.12%

We tested many different model parameters and hyperparameters throughout the project, and we found interesting results regarding the structure and performance. Starting with the finger landmark LSTM model, our model performed best with the following configurations: input_dim=3, hidden_dim=128, output_dim=3, num_landmarks=42, num_layers=3. We noticed that when we increased the complexity of this model by increasing the number of layers, the model was unable to learn accurately, and we also see a similar trend in the ConvLSTM. We hypothesize that this is due to the limited size of the training data. With such a small training dataset, the model isn't able to accurately adjust all the weights and biases; it essentially has too many settings to tune and not enough knowledge to know which setting does what. The accuracy displayed are results averaged over 10 tests, with a testing data of around 40 sequences. Another interesting observation with the LSTM is that the current model does not include a softmax layer to normalize the output. When we added a softmax layer after the fully connected layer, we documented an inability to actually learn the data, resulting in accuracies between 20 and 30 percent, which is equivalent to a randomized guessing algorithm.

Our ConvLSTM model showed slightly better results than our finger landmark based LSTM. Over 10 tests, our trained ConvLSTM reached an accuracy of 91.84% on our custom testing dataset. Similar to the LSTM, when we increased the number of layers to 5 and added more hidden dimensions, the model failed to train well. For example, when we defined our ConvLSTM as having input_dim=3, hidden_dim=64, kernel_size=(7,7), num_layers=3, we achieved a test accuracy of 34.6%. Instead, our best results with the ConvLSTM was with input_dim=3, hidden_dim=32, kernel_size=(3,3), num_layers=1, resulting in an accuracy of 89.80% after 200 epochs. We noticed consistent learning but oscillations of loss between epochs, which lead to us using an adaptive learning rate of alpha=0.0001 after 200 epochs. Using this scaled learning rate produced the accuracy shown in the table of 91.84%.

The BiCNN model performed as expected given the previous results, and with the model architecture defined in "Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition in Videos" we achieved poor accuracy ranging between 30 and 40%. We opted to train each model separately, as was done in the paper, but our results weren't great. Again, this is likely due to the small sample size not being able to accurately train the large amount of parameters in the BiCNN. Reducing the complexity of both CNN's will likely increase performance by a substantial margin, but was not tested in this project.

While not mentioned previously, we also examined a fourth model that combines both the LSTM and ConvLSTM by applying a fully connected layer on top of the last layers of both models. The goal of this model is to utilize the benefits of the LSTM and ConvLSTM to produce results that reach even higher accuracies. Throughout testing, we documented that this combined model had an average of 94.12% accuracy, which indeed is the highest of the model tested.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed a end to end custom pipeline for detecting and classifying Rubik's Cube moves. To handle the input stream, we utilized two YOLOv8 based object detection and classification models that identified the region of interest in each frame, and determined the state of motion of the cube. For this project, we focused our attention on the latter half of the pipeline; training three different prediction models to classify move sequences. The first was a finger landmark based LSTM model, which achieved a decent level of accuracy at 80%. The second was a Convolutional LSTM model that made predictions on the region of interest in each frame and improved on the original model, obtaining an accuracy of over 85%. Noting the success of these two models, we furthermore trained a model that combined the LSTM and ConvLSTM, resulting in the best accuracy of 94%. Our third prediction model was a combination of two CNN's that operated separately on spatial and temporal data. While the performance of the last model didn't match the earlier models, it can likely also obtain good results with more time to modify and experiment. Throughout, our training session, we noticed that due to the significantly small size of training sequences, our models failed to learn appropriately when overly complex. Contrastingly, models with simple architectures such as having only one layer and a fewer number of hidden dimensions tended to drastically outperform it's complex counterparts.

Moving forward, we believe there is much research potential in generalizing the entire move detection pipeline. The models trained in this project were highly fitted towards a specific type of turning style, Rubik's Cube size (3x3), and camera angle. With a much larger training dataset and better architecture, we propose that it is very likely to achieve amazingly accurate move detection with low latency that matches that of bluetooth technology.

Works Cited

  1. Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A. "Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks for Action Recognition in Videos." Journal of Computer Vision, 2014.
  2. Shi, X., Chen, Z., Wang, H., Yeung, D., Wong W., Woo W. "Convolutional LSTM Network: A Machine Learning Approach for Precipitation Nowcasting" NeurIPS, 2015.


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