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613 lines (509 loc) · 38.5 KB

PowerModelsDistribution.jl Change Log


  • Updated documentation in make_multiconductor! to better indicate its unsupported nature
  • Added automatic detection of multinetwork data to instantiate_mc_model
  • Converted ::Float64 types in function signatures to ::Real


  • Fixed bug in apply_voltage_bounds! for multinetwork data
  • Added compat for JuMP v1
  • Fixed bug in _map_eng2math where global keys were not being propagated in multinetwork
  • Fixed bug/typo in _create_storage where kwhstored was derived from :stored instead of Symbol("%stored")
  • Fixed bug in function _dss2eng_loadshape!() where qmult data was overwriting pmult data #386


  • Fixed bug in dss parser where circuit was not being edited using the edit dss command
  • Fixed bug in eng2math functions where the voltage angle was being set incorrectly for generation assets that were set to isochronous control mode


  • Fixed failing unit test "3-bus SOCConicUBF opf_bf" for Windows
  • Updated minimum Julia requirement to v1.6 (LTS) #382
  • Added compat for JuMP v0.23, Ipopt v1.0, SCS v1.1, PolyhedralRelaxations v0.3.3
  • Dropped support for SCS 0.8 in Unit tests (0.9 no longer supports eps option)
  • Fixed bug in remove_all_bounds! where an || was not enclosed in parentheses
  • Changed remaining instances of Int64 to Int for better compatibility #382
  • Fixed bug in create_solar where kwargs were not being utilized #380
  • Fixed bug in create_storage where datatypes were inconsistent with documentation #379
  • Added check for missing vbase in apply_voltage_bounds! transformation
  • Refactored constraint_mc_power_balance_capc(pm::LPUBFDiagModel, ...) to be more consistent with other versions, for easier debugging
  • Removed Cbc, Juniper from unit tests (not being utilized in tests)
  • Removed explicit field copying from voltage_source math2eng solution conversion (now copies all fields)
  • Fixed bug in _calc_branch_series_current_max where vmin_to used bus_fr instead of bus_to #378


  • Fix variable_mc_capcontrol keyword arguments


  • Drop support for JuMP < v0.22


  • Refactored functions to remove kwargs in many cases of constraints/variables
  • Fixed bugs in NFAU constraints/variables
  • Fixed bug where no solution would result in an error, instead of empty solution


  • Fixed issue with looped edge components in ref (i.e., if f_bus==t_bus)
  • Added linear relaxation of ampacity constraints (remove quadatric)
  • Fixed on-off storage variable start value


  • Fixed 1phase-pv unit tests
  • Adjusted sbase_default, and added @info if basemva from dss is the default value
  • Fixed storage model for powerflow validation (new test values are based directly on dss outputs)
  • Added con(pm, nw, :ohms_yt, f_idx) to store ohms constraints
  • Added constraint_mc_branch_flow for effective zero impedance branches in Bus Injection models, including con(pm, nw, :branch_flow, i) to store the constraints
  • Fixed broken capcontrol test
  • Fixed broken storage tests
  • Fixed data model unit tests
  • Updated to add InfrastructureModels v0.7
  • Fixed wrong kvar in storage dss struct
  • Updated default pg in solar object when parsing from dss to use pmpp and irradiance
  • Fixed missing solar in 1-to-1 maps for eng2math
  • Fixed default vad_lb and vad_ub in create_line
  • Fixed bug in create_voltage_source where the voltage angles va were all zero
  • Updated storage parsing to use kva instead of kvar for qs_lb and qs_ub (storage in dss is defined to be able to handle any reactive power up to the thermal limit of the inverter)
  • Fixed make_lossless! to adjust how switches are made lossless
  • Fixed voltage sqr variable start values
  • Fixed p/q variable start values
  • Added missing temperature on pvsystem
  • Added configuration=WYE to voltage sources
  • Fixed bug in voltage angle variable start values
  • Fixed bug with case sensitve filenames by using Glob.glob with Glob.FilenameMatch
  • Fixed bug in constraint_mc_switch_current_limit where voltage variables being used were wrong
  • Moved all import statements to root PowerModelsDistribution
  • Fixed bug in _calc_transformer_current_max_frto where sm_ub should have been divided by vmin, NOT vmax
  • Updates LPUBFDiagModel description in docs


  • Fixed bug in constraint_mc_theta_ref where default va_ref was in wrong units
  • Fixed bug in call to constraint_capacitor_on_off where nw network id was not being passed
  • Refactored kwargs kron_reduced and phase_projected to be kron_reduce and phase_project, respectively
  • Added more native support for multinetwork data structures
  • Changed "multiple references buses found" warning to @debug
  • Added multinetwork versions of data model transformation functions using apply_pmd!
  • Added propagate_network_topology!, a helper function to propagate the status of buses to connected components
  • Updated Documentation on Storage data model
  • Added LPUBFDiag version of constraint_mc_storage_thermal_limit using PolyhedralRelaxations to relax the quadradic constraints
  • Fixed bug in reporting duals (typo in ampacity constraint functions) (#367)
  • Changed multiconductor storage model parsing from opendss to be single values (instead of creating some multiconductor values, making assumptions about split between phases)
  • Fixed vm, va variable starts in ACRU and ACPU forms
  • Fixed boundless LPUBFDiagModel constraint_mc_transformer_power_yy with controls
  • Fixed ACPUPowerModel vm,va variable starts
  • Updated FOTPU, FOTRU and FBS models for consistency with other formulations
  • Fixed bug in make_lossless!
  • Updated correct_bus_types! to be knowledgable about islands in the network data
  • Changed warning to @warn
  • Added storage to solve_mc_opf_oltc_capc problems
  • Fixed bug in parsing of null values from JSON
  • Changed cm_ub on storage parsing to sm_ub to be consistent with what the parsed value actually is
  • Fixed bug in cm_ub parsing on lines
  • Updated constraint_mc_transformer_power_yy(pm::LPUBFDiagModel) to be truly LP
  • Updated ACRUPowerModel voltage start value computation
  • Fixed bug in dimensionalize_math, where sc_on, and sd_on were included under storage (non-dimensional values should not be scaled)
  • Removed sm_ub_b, cm_ub_b, sm_ub_c, cm_ub_c from kron reduction (fields no longer exist)
  • Updated make_lossless! to make the model truly lossless, by including all line parameters
  • Added adjust_transformer_limits! to multiple transformer variable bounds
  • Added transformations adjust_small_line_impedances!, adjust_small_line_admittances!, adjust_small_line_lengths!, to help prune bad eng-model data
  • Fixed set_time_elapsed! multinetwork function to update "time" and "mn_lookup"
  • Added "status" to transformer decomposition functions
  • Updated eng2math functions to have consistent usage of "status" from eng model
  • Updated variable_mc_storage_power_mi to have explicit kwargs
  • Updated on_off variable functions to ensure zeros are included in variable bounds
  • Changed "multiple reference buses found" warning to @info
  • Added LP version of constraint_storage_complementarity_nl
  • Added PolyhedralRelaxations.jl as a dependency for relaxing quadratic and bivariate constraints
  • Fixed voltage warm start in FBSUBFModel form
  • Added functions necessary for capc and oltc in NFAUPowerModel
  • Fixed bug in FBSUBFModel formulation, where transformer variables were being created in their matrix form
  • Fixed bug in parsing of dss generator objects, which didn't take into account pf
  • Fixed oltc in LPUBFDiagPowerModel, which was previously a @NLconstraint to now use @constraint
  • Fixed bug in constraint_mc_power_balance_capc::AbstractUnbalancedACPModel, where @smart_constraint was failing due to missing variable
  • Fixed bug in start values for tap variables
  • Refactored _calc_branch_power_max and _calc_branch_current_max to be more robust
  • Added solve_mc_opf_oltc_capc problem, which includes both solve_mc_opf_oltc and solve_mc_opf_capc features
  • Added kwarg to apply_voltage_bounds! to exclude some buses
  • Added adjust_line_limits! transformation function
  • Added support for parsing sm_ub from dss to transformers (comes from emerghkva)
  • Fixed bug in capc problems where switches were not considered as a control element for capacitors
  • Fixed bug in _create_xfmrcode where :bus was included in iteration
  • Added missing constraint_mc_ampacity_from and constraint_mc_ampacity_to constraints in opf_oltc problems
  • Fixed bug in NFAUPowerModel formulation, where variable_mc_transformer_power_real was incorrectly setting up transformer power variables
  • Fixed bug in calc_voltage_bases where if a transformer configuration was in xfmrcode, the function would error
  • Added data transformations remove_line_limits! and remove_transformer_limits!, to remove current/power bounds on lines, linecodes, switches, and transformers
  • Fixed bug in linecode objects where cm_ub or sm_ub were not being passed correctly to lines
  • Added capability to infer number of phases from supported dss objects
  • Fixed bug in calc_connected_components where function signature was incorrect


  • Fixed issue of missing va on reference buses which have been selected automatically
  • Fixed PVSystem fields and defaults based on latest version
  • Added support for action=normalize on dss LoadShapes
  • Fixed bug in dss LoadShape where useactual=yes was the default, whereas useactual=no is the real default
  • Removed remaining PowerModels files / dependency from unit tests
  • Changed sbase_default to 1.0 by default, because often with default solver settings, constraints were ignored for being far too small
  • Changed to use emergamps from dss for cm_ub on lines by default (higher limit)
  • Fixed bug in transformer math2eng conversion where tap was not carried to the solution
  • Fixed wrong index in constraint_mc_theta_ref for ACRUPowerModel
  • Fixed Type collections; AbstractUBFModels do not necessarily have to have w variables, so these are explicity spelled out now
  • Added ampacity (current limit) constraints for branches and switches, which better reflect standard input data: constraint_mc_ampacity_from and constraint_mc_ampacity_to for branches, and constraint_mc_switch_ampacity for switches
  • Fixed bug in bank_transformers! function where status field was not being set correctly
  • Updated switch thermal constraints to store the constraints in con(pm, nw, :mu_sm_switch, f_idx)
  • Removed extraneous thermal limit constraints from power flow problem formulations
  • Fixed the function signature for variable_mc_capacitor_switch_state and variable_mc_capcontrol to match conventions
  • Removed depreciated run_ functions, which were replaced in with solve_ functions in v0.10.2
  • Fixed bug in make_multinetwork! where inferred time_elapsed was not being used
  • Fixed bug in make_multinetwork! for cases where replace=false was used where we needed a deepcopy
  • Added explicit neutral formulations
  • Fix bug in constraint_mc_switch_thermal_limit where switch property name contained a typo
  • Fix bug in constraint_mc_thermal_limit_from where Inf values in rate_a would lead to an error
  • Fix bug in correct_branch_directions! where f_connections and t_connections were not being swapped
  • Fix bug in _rebase_pu_branch! where current ratings were being non-dimensionalized with the power base instead of the current base, and added non-dimensionalization for power ratings
  • Fix bug in _rebase_pu_switch! where current ratings were being non-dimensionalized with the power base instead of the current base, and added non-dimensionalization for power ratings
  • The qualifier t was removed from the transformer solution properties, i.e. crt->cr, to be consistent with solution naming conventions where these qualifiers are omitted as they are contained in a transformer component dictionary, unlike the variables


  • Fixed bug in eng2math conversion of buses, where the status was not correctly parsed, so DISABLED buses were not getting set to bus_type = 4


  • Fixed bug in apply_kron_reduction! where not all transformers were getting kron reduced
  • Fixed typos in documentation


  • Fixed bug in LPUBFDiagModel transformer variables
  • Removed phase projection of only wye-connected transformers (left over), phase projection of delta components remains for now
  • Updated time_series to affect upper real and reactive power bounds on solar objects in dss2eng parse
  • Fixed bug in dss pvsystem struct where temperature, pmpp, and irradiance were the wrong type (Int instead of Float64)
  • Fixed bug in dss node structs, where daily was the wrong type (should be String, not Vector{Float64})
  • Fixed bug in _calc_branch_power_max where c_rating_b was being used
  • Add support for storage to OPF_OLTC
  • Add wye-connected CapControl for ACP, ACR, LinDist3Flow, FBS and FOT formulations


  • Added storage to correct_bus_types! check
  • Updated start values for some variables to improve performance on some solvers
  • Added ability for comp_start_value to sequentially check for a series of keys for a start value
  • Added FOT linear formulation in rectangular coordinate frame
  • Fixed lower voltage magnitude limits for FBS linear formulation
  • Fix bug where the lower and upper bound variables created in variable_mx_hermitian can be the wrong type
  • Fix bug in correct_bus_types! and eng2math functions where reference bus was being overwritten depending on the order generation objects were parsed
  • Fix calc_max_cost_index to support multi-infrastructure data


  • Fix voltage magnitude start values, by looking for _start values, then vm, then vmin, to ensure start values are feasible
  • Fix bug in _biggest_generator where if generator upper bound is missing, correct_bus_types! would fail
  • Adds simple transformer bounds calculations in _calc_transformer_power_ub_frto and _calc_transformer_current_max_frto
  • Updated usage of control_mode property on generation objects, such that ISOCHRONOUS leads to bus_type=3, FREQUENCYDROOP leads to bus_type=2, and status being DISABLED leads to bus_type=1
  • Fixed bug in make_solution_si where an error would occur if the solution was empty
  • Fixed bug in build_mn_mc_mld_simple(pm::AbstractUBFModel) where call to constraint_mc_switch_thermal_limit was missing keyword argument nw=n
  • Added simplified linear formulation using first-order Taylor (FOT) approximation
  • Added wye-connected RegControl for ACP, ACR, LinDist3Flow and FBS formulations


  • Fixed typo in transform_data_model where global_keys should have been global_keys=global_keys
  • Added power variables Pt and Qt for transformers to AbstractUBFModels
  • Updated _add_gen_cost_model! to have a default cost vector that is [1.0, 0.0] instead of including a redundant first 0.0
  • Fixed bug in eng2math functions where there was no check on generator or storage objects when assigning bus_type on their bus to see if the gen obj was enabled or disabled
  • Fixed bug in sol_data_model for W-space models where if the optimizer allowed some small infeasibility, it was possible to have a negative w value, which would crash when attempting to take the square-root
  • Added build_solution_values for data of type LinearAlgebra.Symmetric{JuMP.VariableRef, Matrix{JuMP.VariableRef}}
  • Fixed bug in solution builder where building a result dict would fail if there was no solution
  • Added "root-level" eng2math_passthrough option
  • Fixed bug where global keys were not getting passed to _map_eng2math function
  • Added support for parsing the results of dss command export voltages into vm_start and va_start values for warm starting bus voltages
  • Added simplified linear UBF formulation using a single iteration of forward-backward sweep (FBS)
  • Added support for raw parsing of RegControl and CapControl objects from dss
  • Added delta/voltage-dependent loads to LinDist3Flow formulation


  • Fix bug in _bank_transformers! where "status" field was not being added to banked transformers
  • Fix bug in identify_load_blocks where even fixed OPEN switches were being included in a block
  • Fix eng2math conversion of switches, check for whether to create impedance branches was malformed


  • Fix _fix_nulls data type conversion for vectors from JSON inputs
  • Fix which variables from switch impedance branches get pulled into eng solution (add series current)
  • Add power variables to solution for IVRUPowerModel to switches, similar to how they're implemented for branches
  • Fix missing branch variables csr_fr and csi_fr from ibase unit conversions
  • Fix apply_kron_reduction! to recalculate the conductor_ids after the reduction
  • Fix bug in transformer tap variable creation, where report variable was over all transformers instead of just ones with unfixed taps
  • Fix bug in current bounds calc for branches, where if c_rating_a was missing, calc would fail
  • Fix bug in eng2math conversion where "is_kron_reduced" was being looked for in the wrong place
  • Fix solar pg/qg bounds calculation in dss2eng parsing (needed to be / nphases)
  • Add ability for control_mode on generation objects to get bus_type on connecting buses
  • Fix bug in function signature of calc_voltage_bases
  • Fix bug introduced when changing construction of vbases_default in settings
  • Changed Gcap calculation in reactor object parsing to use own kv value, instead of system basekv
  • Added control_mode and vg to gen object in vsource eng2math conversion
  • Fixed bug in apply_phase_projection_delta! where some padding was out of order, which could pose a problem when apply_voltage_bounds! was used
  • Changed default angmin/angmax on virtual branches to +-10deg
  • Fixed missing factor sqrt(nphases) from vg definition on generator and solar objects
  • Fixed bug in voltage source vnom determination, and now uses basekv from vsources to populate vbases_default
  • Fixed unit conversion bug in calculating the power rating of branches from current ratings, and uses emergamps first, if it exists
  • Fixed typo in _calc_connected_components_math, where edge_type::String was used instead of edge_obj::Dict to check properties
  • Fixed bug in constraint_mc_transformer_power constraint template, where nw was missing from call to ref


  • Fixed solve_ functions; they were missing make_pu_extensions kwargs
  • Fixed _init_math_obj, if an object is not defined in the built-in 1to1 map const, it would error
  • Fixed method for user-defining custom math2eng functions
  • Fixed documentation for transform_solution


  • Added iseng and ismath helper functions
  • Added dss2eng_extensions, for custom user functions for dss2eng transformations
  • Added eng2math_extensions, for custom user functions for eng2math transformations
  • Added eng2math_passthrough, for easily passing through properties from eng2math
  • Added make_pu_extensions, for custom user functions to convert additional properties to per-unit
  • Added make_si_extensions, for custom user functions to convert additional variable results back to SI units
  • Added dimensionalize_math_extensions, for easily specifying multiplicative factors on additional variable results for converting back to SI units
  • Added global_keys, for users to easily add to global keys which making multinetworks
  • Added documentation on how to add math2eng custom functions for transforming solutions back to ENGINEERING model
  • Documentation overhaul, new organization, updated docstrings, Pluto notebook building
  • Improve parse of ZIPV into array, and update "duty" on loads to better default
  • Add support for parsing GrowthShape objects
  • Miscellaneous code comment corrections
  • Refactor to use Type[] instead of Vector{Type}([]) internally for easier reading of code
  • Add section on import_all to beginners guide
  • Update default %cutin and %cutout to be 20.0 on pvsystem objects
  • Fix objective_mc_max_load_setpoint to remove iteration over "conductor_ids"
  • Fix constraint_mc_voltage_magnitude_bounds to have default (0,Inf) bounds the length of "terminals", rather than 3 phases.
  • Updated UBF version of power flow problem to re-enable bounded=false of bus voltage variables
  • Add more descriptive error message for islanded models when attempting to calculate voltage bases
  • Add check_enabled toggle to calc_connected_components
  • Updated documentation to reflect correct definition of multiple buses in a vector on transformers using bus instead of buses
  • Fixed bug for eng transformers in calc_connected_components


  • Removed PowerModels.jl as a dependency, porting over any remaining dependencies (breaking) [see PR #336 for complete list of functions]
  • Rename the formulation type heiracrhy to include Unbalanced, or U in the names (breaking) [see PR #336 for complete list]
  • Removed Memento.jl as a dependency, and added LoggingExtras, to assist in creating easy log filters for PMD via the Julia stdlib
    • Added silence!, set_logging_level!, reset_logging_level!, and restore_global_logger! helper functions
  • Upgraded to InfrastructureModels v0.6 to support multi-infrastructure models (breaking)
  • Refactor multinetwork functionality, and added helper functions for better multinetwork data handling (breaking)
    • Renames build_multinetwork kwarg to multinetwork
    • Exports make_multinetwork function to users
    • Adds set_time_elapsed!, sort_multinetwork! helper functions
    • Updates _pmd_eng_global_keys and _pmd_math_global_keys
  • Refactor ENGINEERING data model to allow only dict types Dict{String,<:Any} (breaking)
  • Refactor conductor ids types to allow only Int (breaking)
  • Refactor JSON serialization to eliminate special serializers and create special data correction function for importing (breaking)
  • Convert IJulia notebooks in examples to Pluto.jl notebooks for better interactivity
  • Add apply_voltage_angle_difference_bounds! transformation function
  • Remove references to dcline
  • Fix source_id in MATHEMATICAL model to originate from ENGINEERING model, rather that be passed from dss


  • Add wdgcurrents, core, rdcohms support on dss transformers
  • Fix bug in definition of xcsarra datatype on dss transformers
  • Fix bug in opendss2pmd line parser, which would error on reshape of rmatrix, xmatrix, cmatrix when explicitly grounded and those matrices defined on line and not linecode
  • Fix bug in datatype guesser _guess_dtype
  • Add support for setbusxy dss command
  • Fix parsing of dss matrices and arrays with mixed delimiters (i.e., mixing commas and spaces)
  • Fix bug in dss parser to better support object= syntax
  • Add support for parsing of spectrum dss objects
  • Docs updates


  • Add support for filetype autodetection, will be slower for large files, and filetype is better to explicitly specify in those cases
  • Fix overly restrictive type enforcement in parse_dss and parse_opendss from IOStream to IO
  • Fix bug in parsing of properties starting with % on pvsystem and storage objects
  • Fix bug in parsing of storage kva, kvar, and pf on storage objects


  • Fix bug in parsing of storage power loss parameters, which were derived from values specified in percent, not decimal
  • Add support for %stored to be used to derive kwhstored if not specified explicitly
  • Fix bug in buscoords parser where comments at the end of the line were not stripped


  • add exclude kwarg to remove_all_bounds! transformation, to selectively exclude certain asset types
  • fix bug in IVR transformer current variables where bounds needed to be iterated over their connections to be applied
  • fix bug in objective function for opf_pbs debugging problem, wrong iteration over bus terminals
  • fix typo in variable_mc_switch_current_imaginary that overwrote real variables (crsw)
  • fix bug in _map_eng2math_switch! where vmin/vmax were taken from f_bus instead of t_bus
  • fix bug in _build_eng_multinetwork, where "dss_options" was missing from const _pmd_eng_global_keys
  • change enums (SwitchState and Dispatchable) for switches to Reals, was causing problems in loops of OSW problems
  • fix bug in variable_mc_bus_voltage_magnitude_sqr and variable_mc_transformer_power_imaginary where _start values were not being iterated over per connection
  • depreciate run_ functions in favor of solve_
  • add support for relax_integrality (InfrastructureModels ~0.5.4)
  • fix bug in variable_mx_real constructor where it was indexing over terminals instead of enumerates
  • added storage variables to automatic unit conversion to si units on math2eng transformation


  • Fix buspairs ref not getting built
  • Fix bug in storage linear constraints and mixed integer variable instantiation
  • Add support for ideal (lossless) switches
  • Fix bug in handling of dss edit command
  • Fix bug in correctly tracking current transformer winding
  • Fixes bug in assignment of variables' start values over active conductors/connections


  • Refactor variables, constraints, objectives to support iterating over arbitrary connections/terminals (breaking)
  • Add ref_add_connections! that adds lists of connections to ref for each component (breaking)
  • Rename constraint and variable functions to better match PowerModels conventions (breaking)
    • variable_mc_gen_power_setpoint -> variable_mc_generator_power
    • variable_mc_gen_power_setpoint_on_off -> variable_mc_generator_power_on_off
    • constraint_mc_gen_setpoint -> constraint_mc_generator_power
    • constraint_mc_slack_power_balance -> constraint_mc_power_balance_slack
    • constraint_mc_shed_power_balance -> constraint_mc_power_balance_shed
    • constraint_mc_load_power_balance -> constraint_mc_power_balance
    • variable_mc_load_setpoint -> variable_mc_load_power
    • constraint_mc_load_setpoint -> constraint_mc_load_power
  • Updates objective function for MLD problem (breaking)
  • Add correct_mc_voltage_angle_differences, correct_mc_thermal_limits
  • Removed support for JuMP < v0.21 (breaking)
  • Overrides _objective_min_fuel_cost_polynomial_linquad from PowerModels to support arbitrary connections on generators
  • Updated solution building functions to automatically parse arbitrarily-sized vectors of variables into solutions
  • Changed Array{...,1} to Vector{...} and Array{...,2} to Matrix{...}
  • Removes phase projection by default, but keeps phase projection for delta connected components for now (breaking)
  • Adds apply_phase_projection_delta! to project phases of delta connected components
  • Fixes grounding logic for generator and solar objects
  • Fixes bug in parsing of file paths on windows in redirect/compile dss commands
  • Adds multiconductor version of the OPF objective function objective_mc_min_fuel_cost
  • Update publication in README
  • Fixes bug in json parser (typo)
  • Fixes bug in dss parser that skips some files with same names as previously parsed files


  • Fix bug in buscoords parser to support more valid buscoords files
  • Fix bug in parse_json(::String) which passed additional unused argument to parse_json(::IO)


  • Add possibility to give vm_start in variable_mc_voltage for ivr and acr formulations
  • Remove leftover code that was causing a warning on import, but was not breaking the implementation
  • Add multinetwork MLD and OPF problem specifications


  • Add support for storage components and mld problem in ACR formulation
  • Add storage variables and constraints to OPF, PF, and MLD problems
  • Fix bug in con mapping in power balance constraints where an array was expected
  • Fix bug in constraint_mc_shed_power_balance where Gt, Bt were not defined
  • Fix bug in the status of virtual branches created from switches where the status of the switch was not taken into account, only the state
  • Fix bug in transformer parsing where status wasn't being included
  • Fix constraint for PV buses, which were attempting to be applied in places where vm was not specified
  • Fix bug in type enforcement of map argument in transform_solution
  • Fix storage parsing including unit conversion and inclusion of time_elapsed from the root level
  • Add wye-wye and delta-wye constraints to LPUBFDiagModel formulation
  • Fix typo in ivr formulation line 548, was var(pm, nw, :crg_bus, id) now is var(pm, nw, :cig_bus, id)
  • Fix missing / incorrect type of some properties on lines in opendss parser (#290)
  • Fix connections-determining-code on solar and storage objects to generator object syntax (#291)
  • Refactors Kron reduction and padding transformations out of eng2math into their own transformation functions (#287)
  • Add functionality of run_mc_mld_bf to run_mc_mld via multiple dispatch
  • Fixes inconsistency of connections on MATHEMATICAL components, in particular, virtual objects (#280)
  • Add a transformation remove_all_bounds! that removes all fields ending in _ub and _lb (#278)
  • Add missing connections for virtual generator at voltage source
  • Fix pu conversion bus voltage bounds and add parsing for vm_pair_lb and vm_pair_ub
  • Add
  • Add pull request template
  • Add Pull Request Checks (Github Actions), to inform developers of potentially missing aspects of their PR
  • Store references for power balance constraints


  • Add instantiate_mc_model to aid in building JuMP model from ENGINEERING data model
  • SDP and SOC relaxations were broken but are fixed again (unit tests added)
  • Remove run_mc_opf_iv, run_mc_opf_bf, run_mc_opf_bf_lm, run_mc_pf_bf, run_mc_pf_iv, these can be accessed by using the correct formulation with run_mc_opf and run_mc_pf
  • Add support for Memento 1.1
  • Add support for PowerModels v0.17 (breaking)
  • Add support for InfrastructureModels v0.5
  • Updates JSON parser to handle enum ("data_model" values)
  • Adds some commonly used InfrastructureModels and PowerModels functions as exports
  • Adds model building functions add_{component}! to aid in building simple models for testing (experimental)
  • Add run_mc_model (adds ref_add_arcs_transformer! to ref_extensions, and sets multiconductor=true by default) (breaking)
  • Rename ref_add_arcs_trans -> ref_add_arcs_transformer (breaking)
  • Update count_nodes, now counts source nodes as well, excludes _virtual objects
  • Change _PMs and _IMs to _PM, _IM, respectively
  • Add example for PowerModelsDistribution usage (see Jupyter notebooks in /examples)
  • Update transformer mathematical model
  • Introduce new data models: ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICAL (see data model documentation) (breaking)
  • Update DSS parser to be more robust, and parse into new format (breaking)
  • Updates DSS paser to parse more options/commands, moves these into "options" dict (breaking)
  • Updates how dss like is applied to better match opendss (almost all properties are copied with like) (breaking)
  • Add support for new OpenDSS components (loadshape, xfmrcode, xycurve)
  • Add support for JuMP v0.22 (exports optimizer_with_attributtes by default)
  • Add support for PowerModels v0.16 (breaking)
  • Add support for Memento v0.13, v1.0


  • Update to support JuMP v0.21
  • Makes bounds optional, turned on by default (#250)
  • Updated transformer data model in the mathematical model (#250)
  • Add automatic parsing of lon,lat from buscoords file into PowerModelsDistribution data structure (#245, #249)
  • Updates virtual_sourcebus, which is intended to represent a voltage source, to have a fixed voltage magnitude (#246,#248)
  • Add parsing of series data files into array fields in OpenDSS parser
  • Add LoadShape parsing to OpenDSS parser (#247)
  • The pf and opf problem specifications now contain delta connected, and voltage-dependent load models by default; pf_lm and opf_lm were removed.
  • Generators can now also be connected in both delta and wye.
  • The delta/voltage-dependent loads in the ACP power models were refactored to be consistent with the new ones.
  • The non-linear formulations now support matrix shunts.
  • A current-voltage (IVR) formulation was added, and supports all features that ACP supports as well.
  • Several power balance constraints now require NLconstraints because the load power/current can contain a NLexpression. This might be optimized further in the future if it leads to performance issues.


  • Update solution building infrastructure (PowerModels #77) (breaking). The reported solution is now consistent with the variable space of the formulation.
  • Moved multi-conductor support from PowerModels into PowerModelsDistribution. (breaking)
  • PowerModels.var no longer takes conductor as an argument
  • Constraints have been (partially) re-written to use vectorized JuMP syntax where possible.
  • Bugfixes: generator on-off and storage on-off constraints were incorrect
  • Removal of SOCWRPowerModel
  • Drop support for matpower format
  • Possible regressions in MLD problem types
  • Simplified linear UBF formulations. LPLinUBFModel and LPdiagUBFModel are equivalent, and are replaced by LPUBFDiagModel. The more popular name 'LinDist3FlowModel' was added as an alias for LPUBFDiagModel.
  • The linearization by Gan & Low is also equivalent to LPUBFDiagModel, though it has redundudant variables and equations. LPfullUBFModel is now implemented as an alias of LPUBFDiagModel, 'LPUBFFullModel'.


  • Updates function names for PowerModels v0.14 compatibility (breaking) (#194)


  • Fixed bug with new default SCS settings causing tests to fail (#190)
  • Changed unit test '5-bus independent radial different sdpubf opf_bf', testing vm instead of qg
  • Added exponential load models, including convex relaxations
  • Refactored branch flow relaxations
  • Added helper functions for creating matrix variables
  • Cleaned up the transformer/oltc methods, including ACP formulation
  • added rate_a setting to virtual lines (#185, #186)


  • Adds count_nodes function to count the number of nodes in a parsed network (#183)
  • Exports find_bus and find_component functions for better user experience (#183)
  • Fixed solution_bf! for branch flow solution building (#182)
  • Refactored problem definitions to remove any explicit loops over conductors (#181)
  • Added data format documentation (#180)
  • Moved storage to main MLD and OPF problems (#179)
  • Refactor to remove dcline variables and constraints (#179)
  • Refactor to genericize constraint_mc_power_balance (#179)
  • Fix bug in OpenDSS circuit initialization (vsource) (#178)
  • Make current rating (c_rating_a|b|c) be the default on branches (breaking)
  • Fix bug in transformer ref extension where all refs were not built for all nw in multinetworks (#171)
  • Fix bug in OpenDSS parser where properties were not applied in the order they were received (#170)
  • Rename "trans" in data and ref to transformer for component naming consistency (breaking) (#169)
  • Change internal variable and constraint functions to loop over phases internally (breaking) (#168)
  • Fix bug in OpenDSS parser on Lines where the connected phases are listed out of order (#167)
  • Add ability to "bank" single phase OpenDSS transformers into a single multiphase transformer (#166)
  • Add virtual line to sourcebus to model source impedance (#165)
  • Update to JuMP v0.20 / MOI v0.9 (#164)
  • Fix bug in OpenDSS parser on Lines / Linecodes related to basefreq (#163)
  • Fix bug in OpenDSS parser on Transformers (#162)
  • Fix bug in OpenDSS parser on Lines where switch=y property is used (#161)
  • Update Formulation types to follow PowerModels v0.13 conventions (breaking) (#160)


  • Fix bug in OpenDSS parser on Capacitors (#158)
  • Add support for full matrix line shunts (#153)


  • Add continuous load shedding problem (mld)


  • Enforce function naming conventions (starts with _: internal function; ends with !: transforms data; correct_: corrects network data; check_: warnings about network data) (breaking)
  • Update for PowerModels.jl v0.12 (breaking)
  • Enforce constraint/variable naming conventions to include _tp (breaking)
  • Add automatic export of non-internal functions (all functions not prefixed with _)
  • Enforce function naming conventions (starts with _: internal function; ends with !: transforms data; correct_: corrects network data; check_: warnings about network data)


  • First version of PowerModelsDistribution.jl


  • Final version of ThreePhasePowerModels.jl before name change to PowerModelsDistribution.jl (adds depreciation warnings)


  • Allow for arbitrarily named sourcebus
  • Add json parser
  • Add support for additional load models (constant power, constant impedance, constant current; delta or wye connected) (#127)
  • Fix bug in OpenDSS parse of Capacitors [zbase factor and wrong sign] (#138)
  • Add voltage balance constraints (#129)


  • Update to JuMP v0.19/MathOptInterface


  • Add transformer support to active power only models
  • Fix bug in source_ids of new components created for transformer support


  • Add transformer to TPPM: wye and delta windings, vector group variations (indirectly) and variable taps per phase with bounds
  • Add ACPForm for transformers
  • Add transformer parsing to OpenDSS, including mapping of loss model
  • Add voltage base calculation, and corresponding change of base
  • Add AC rectangular formulation
  • Remove support for Julia versions < 1.0
  • Switch to using import instead of using internally


  • Minor fix to OpenDSS line parsing (length units mismatch with linecode)


  • Update to PowerModels v0.9


  • Add opf with multi-phase storage model
  • Add support for parsing OpenDSS Storage objects
  • Minor fix to branch parsing in matlab format
  • Minor fix to OpenDSS parser (parsing ~ lines with preceeding whitespace)
  • Fixed parsing OpenDSS files containing redirect/compile/buscoords on case-sensitive filesystems
  • Add 'source_id' field to components parsed from OpenDSS, to help determine origin and active phases
  • Add conversion of OpenDSS PVSystem objects into generators, using KVA for generator limits
  • Add compatibility for Julia v0.7/v1.0


  • Add support for network flow approximation formulation, NFAUPowerModel
  • Updates to problem specifications
  • Update tests for SCS v0.4
  • Minor improvements to OpenDSS parser


  • Added a variety of matrix-based branch flow formulations
  • Updated LPLinUBFForm to more closely match published refrence model
  • Update MINLP solvers used in testing
  • Added basic docs setup
  • Minor improvements to OpenDSS parser #29, #59, #62, #63, #64, #65


  • Initial release