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Kotlin Android library for asking users to rate the app


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MIT JitPack

RateDialog is a Kotlin library to easily make "rate this app" dialog.


Getting Started

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.feliperce:RateDialog:v1.0.2'


Where do you want the dialog to start:

  .setDays(4) // Default is 7
  .setLaunchTimes(3) // Default is 7
  .setDialogOptions(DialogOption()) // Optional
  .setPlaystorePackageName("mypackage") // Optional, dialog will use your app package name if you no set
  .create() // Create the dialog if the conditions are met, IMPORTANT: Always set the create() method last

Or you can easily set with one line code and the Dialog will use the default configurations:


You can customize some Dialog configurations with DialogOptions and pass it in .setDialogOptions(dialogOptions):

val option = DialogOption().apply { 
  title = "My Dialog Title" // Dialog title, empty will use the default
  msg = "My dialog Message" // Dialog message, empty will use the default
  cancelable = false // Make the dialog cancelable, default is false
  hasNegativeButton = true // Show negative button, default is true
  hasNeutralButton = true // Show neutral button, default is true
  neutralButtonText = "Remind me later" // Neutral button text, empty will use the default
  positiveButtonText = "Rate it" // Positive button text, empty will use the default
  negativeButtonText = "No, thanks." // Negative button text, empty will use the default

// Create the dialog with custom options

Language and Support

  • Currently supported only English and Brazilian portuguese, please help me with new translations by opening new PR.
  • Support Android API 15+
  • Kotlin and Java support