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1919 lines (1561 loc) · 53.4 KB


File metadata and controls

1919 lines (1561 loc) · 53.4 KB

Package: src/packages/io.fdoc


key file
flx_ioutil.hpp share/lib/rtl/flx_ioutil.hpp
flx_ioutil.cpp share/src/rtl/flx_ioutil.cpp
flx_ioutil.fpc $PWD/src/config/flx_ioutil.fpc
key file
__init__.flx share/lib/std/io/__init__.flx
ansi_terminal.flx share/lib/std/io/ansi_terminal.flx
textio.flx share/lib/std/io/textio.flx
iostream.flx share/lib/std/io/iostream.flx
socket.flx share/lib/std/io/socket.flx
demux.flx share/lib/std/io/demux.flx
faio.flx share/lib/std/io/faio.flx
posix_faio.flx share/lib/std/posix/faio_posix.flx
win32_faio.flx share/lib/std/win32/faio_win32.flx

Core RTL support

Basic routines built on C FILE* and C++ iostreams. Provides portability, and some conveniences regarding line handling and string handling.

These routines all use binary I/O but are designed specifically for basic text I/O. Error handling is minimal, these are mainly for simple jobs and debugging.

#ifndef FLX_IOUTIL
#define FLX_IOUTIL
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include "flx_rtl_config.hpp"

namespace flx { namespace rtl { namespace ioutil {
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string load_file (::std::string);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string load_text_file (::std::string);

  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string load_file (::std::FILE *);
  RTL_EXTERN int flx_fileno(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN bool flx_isatty(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN bool flx_isstdin(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN bool flx_isconsole(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string raw_readln(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string raw_read(::std::FILE*, ::std::size_t);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string echo_readln(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string readln(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN void write (::std::FILE *, ::std::string);
  RTL_EXTERN void writeln (::std::FILE *, ::std::string);

  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string load_file (::std::istream*);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string readln(::std::istream*);
  RTL_EXTERN void write (::std::ostream*, ::std::string);
  RTL_EXTERN void writeln (::std::ostream*, ::std::string);

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "flx_ioutil.hpp"

#if FLX_WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>

namespace flx { namespace rtl { namespace ioutil {
  using namespace std;

#if FLX_WIN32
  int flx_fileno (FILE *f) { return _fileno (f); }
  bool flx_isatty(int fd) { return 1 == _isatty (fd); }
  int flx_fileno (FILE *f) { return fileno (f); }
  bool flx_isatty(int fd) { return 1 == isatty (fd); }

  bool flx_isatty (FILE *f)
    return 1 == flx_isatty (flx_fileno (f));

  bool flx_isstdin (FILE *f)
    return flx_fileno (f) == 0;

  bool flx_isconsole (FILE *f)
    return flx_isstdin (f) && flx_isatty(f);

/* small buffer for testing, should be much large in production version */
#define MYBUFSIZ 51200

  string load_file (string f)
    char const *fname = f.c_str();

    FILE *fi = fopen(fname,"rb"); // note: binary mode!

    if (fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ];
      while (!feof(fi)) {
        ::std::size_t n = fread(buffer,1,MYBUFSIZ,fi);
        if(n>0) x += string(buffer,n);
        else break;
      return x;
    else return "";

  string load_text_file (string f)
    char const *fname = f.c_str();

    FILE *fi = fopen(fname,"rt"); // note: text mode

    if (fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ];
      while (!feof(fi)) {
        ::std::size_t n = fread(buffer,1,MYBUFSIZ,fi);
        if(n>0) x += string(buffer,n);
        else break;
      return x;
    else return "";


  string load_file (FILE *fi) // note does NOT close file! (would screw up popen)
    if (fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ];
      while (!feof(fi)) {
        ::std::size_t n = fread(buffer,1,MYBUFSIZ,fi);
        if(n>0) x = x + string(buffer,n);
        else break;
      return x;
    else return "";

  // includes newline if present
  // null string indicates end of file
  string raw_readln (FILE *fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ+1];
      bool eof = fgets(buffer, MYBUFSIZ, fi) == 0;
      if(eof) return x;
      x += string(buffer);
      if(x[x.size()-1]=='\n') return x;
      goto next;
    else return "";

  // read up to n bytes
  string raw_read (FILE *fi, ::std::size_t n)
    void *buffer = std::malloc(n);
    ::std::size_t m = fread (buffer, 1, n, fi);
    string s((char const*)buffer,m);
    return s;

  string echo_readln (FILE *f)
    string result = raw_readln (f);
    printf ("%s",result.c_str());
    return result;

  string readln (FILE *f) {
    bool doecho = flx_isstdin(f) && !flx_isatty (f);
    if (doecho)
       return echo_readln(f);
       return raw_readln (f);

  void write (FILE *fi, string s)

  static const char eol[] = { '\n' };

  void writeln (FILE *fi, string s)

// C++ file IO

  string load_file (istream *fi) // note does NOT close file! (would screw up popen)
    if (fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ];
      int n = fi->gcount();
      if(n>0) x = x + string(buffer,n);
      if (n == MYBUFSIZ)goto more;
      return x;
    else return "";

  // includes newline if present
  // null string indicates end of file
  string readln (istream *fi)
      ::std::string x = "";
      if (fi->fail()) return x;
      else return x+"\n";
    else return "";

  void write (ostream *fi, string s)

  void writeln (ostream *fi, string s)
Name: flx_ioutil
Description: I/O support
includes: '"flx_ioutil.hpp"'
Requires: flx

Standard Library Synopsis


include "std/io/textio";
include "std/io/demux";
include "std/io/faio";
include "std/io/socket";
include "std/io/iostream";
include "std/io/ansi_terminal";
include "std/io/filename";
include "std/io/filestat";
include "std/io/directory";
include "std/io/filesystem";

Simple Text I/O

.. index:: Input_file(class)
.. index:: raw_fopen_input(gen)
.. index:: raw_fopen_input_text(gen)
.. index:: fopen_input_text(gen)
.. index:: fopen_input(gen)
.. index:: valid(gen)
.. index:: fclose(proc)
.. index:: load(gen)
.. index:: readln(gen)
.. index:: read(gen)
.. index:: iterator(gen)
.. index:: feof(gen)
.. index:: Output_file(class)
.. index:: raw_fopen_output(gen)
.. index:: raw_fopen_output_text(gen)
.. index:: raw_fopen_append(gen)
.. index:: raw_fopen_append_text(gen)
.. index:: fopen_output(gen)
.. index:: fopen_output_text(gen)
.. index:: fopen_append(gen)
.. index:: fopen_output_append_text(gen)
.. index:: valid(gen)
.. index:: fclose(proc)
.. index:: writeln(proc)
.. index:: write(proc)
.. index:: write(proc)
.. index:: write(proc)
.. index:: fflush(proc)
.. index:: save(proc)
.. index:: save(proc)
.. index:: space(proc)
.. index:: endl(proc)
.. index:: fprint(proc)
.. index:: fprintln(proc)
.. index:: Cstdio(class)
.. index:: FILE(type)
.. index:: raw_load(fun)
.. index:: raw_load_text(fun)
.. index:: load(fun)
.. index:: load_text(fun)
.. index:: stdin(const)
.. index:: stdout(const)
.. index:: stderr(const)
.. index:: cstdin(const)
.. index:: cstdout(const)
.. index:: cstderr(const)

//$ These classes provide simple I/O for text, primarily intended for
//$ naive use, debugging etc. This is because there is no error
//$ handling. This simplifies usage at the expense of correctness,
//$ and so these routines should not be used in production code.

//$ Abstract input file.
class Input_file[input_file]
  //$ Open file for reading.
  virtual gen raw_fopen_input: string -> input_file;
  virtual gen raw_fopen_input_text: string -> input_file;

  gen fopen_input_text (f:string) : input_file =
    if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
      eprintln$ "[Open_input_text] " + f
    return raw_fopen_input_text f;

  gen fopen_input (f:string) : input_file =
    if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
      eprintln$ "[Open_input] " + f
    return raw_fopen_input f;

  //$ Check if the file was opened correctly.
  virtual gen valid : input_file -> bool;

  //$ Close file.
  virtual proc fclose: input_file;

  //$ Load the rest of an open file.
  virtual gen load: input_file -> string;

  //$ Read one line with the trailing end-line mark included.
  //$ Empty string indicates end of file.
  virtual gen readln: input_file -> string;

  // read up to n bytes from file
  virtual gen read: input_file * size -> string;

  //$ Read line excluding end of line marks.
  virtual gen iterator(f:input_file) (): opt[string] =>
    match readln f with
    | "" => None[string]
    | text => text.rstrip.Some

  instance Iterable[input_file, string] {
     gen iterator (f:input_file) () => Input_file[input_file]::iterator f ();

  //$ Check for end of file.
  virtual gen feof : input_file -> bool;

//$ Abstract output file.
class Output_file[output_file]
  //$ Open file for writing.
  virtual gen raw_fopen_output: string -> output_file;
  virtual gen raw_fopen_output_text: string -> output_file;

  //$ Open file for writing in append-only mode.
  virtual gen raw_fopen_append: string -> output_file;
  virtual gen raw_fopen_append_text: string -> output_file;

  gen fopen_output(f:string) : output_file =
    if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
      eprintln$ "[Open_output] " + f
    return raw_fopen_output f;

  gen fopen_output_text(f:string) : output_file =
    if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
      eprintln$ "[Open_output_text] " + f
    return raw_fopen_output_text f;

  gen fopen_append(f:string) : output_file =
    if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
      eprintln$ "[Open_append] " + f
    return raw_fopen_append f;

  gen fopen_output_append_text(f:string) : output_file =
    if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
      eprintln$ "[Open_output_append_text] " + f
    return raw_fopen_append_text f;

  //$ Check if the file was opened correctly.
  virtual gen valid : output_file -> bool;

  //$ Close file.
  virtual proc fclose: output_file;

  //$ Write one line adding the trailing end line mark.
  virtual proc writeln : output_file * string;

  //$ Write a string.
  virtual proc write : output_file * string;

  //$ Write a byte.
  virtual proc write : output_file * utiny;

  //$ Write a char.
  virtual proc write : output_file * char;

  //$ Flush the buffers.
  virtual proc fflush: output_file;

  //$ Save string to file
  proc save (fn:string, d:string)
    var f = fopen_output fn;
    write$ f,d;
    fclose f;

  // save list of strings to file
  // adds a newline to each string in list
  proc save (fn:string, lines:list[string])
    var f = fopen_output fn;
    iter (proc (s:string) { writeln$ f,s; }) lines;
    fclose f;

  //$ Write a space.
  proc space (s:output_file) { write (s, " "); };

  //$ Write end of line mark.
  proc endl (s:output_file) { write (s, "\n"); };

  //$ Write data with conversion using Str::str.
  proc fprint[T with Str[T]] (s:output_file, x:T) { write (s, str x); };

  //$ Write data with conversion using Str::str and end line mark.
  proc fprintln[T with Str[T]] (s:output_file, x:T) { write (s, str x+"\n"); };

//$ C standard IO with FILE*.
open class Cstdio {

  //$ C file type.
  type FILE = "FILE*" requires C89_headers::stdio_h;

  pod type ifile = "FILE*" requires C89_headers::stdio_h;
  pod type ofile = "FILE*" requires C89_headers::stdio_h;

  //$ Load file from filename.
  //$ Note: loaded in binary mode not text mode!
  fun raw_load: string -> string = "::flx::rtl::ioutil::load_file($1)"
    requires package "flx_ioutil";

  fun raw_load_text: string -> string = "::flx::rtl::ioutil::load_text_file($1)"
    requires package "flx_ioutil";

  fun load(f:string) : string =
    if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
      eprintln$ "[load] " + f
    return raw_load f;

  fun load_text(f:string) : string =
    if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
      eprintln$ "[load_text] " + f
    return raw_load_text f;

  //$ Standard input, can be redirected by flx_run.
  const stdin: ifile = "PTF flx_stdin" requires property "needs_ptf";

  //$ Standard output, can be redirected by flx_run.
  const stdout: ofile = "PTF flx_stdout" requires property "needs_ptf";

  //$ Standard error, can be redirected by flx_run.
  const stderr: ofile = "PTF flx_stderr" requires property "needs_ptf";

  //$ Standard input, redirected by shell.
  const cstdin: ifile = "stdin";

  //$ Standard output, redirected by shell.
  const cstdout: ofile = "stdout";

  //$ Standard error, redirected by shell.
  const cstderr: ofile = "stderr";

  //$ C standard IO as instance of Input_file.
  instance Input_file[ifile] {
    requires package "flx_ioutil";
    gen raw_fopen_input: string -> ifile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"rb")';
    gen raw_fopen_input_text: string -> ifile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"r")';
    gen valid : ifile -> bool = "$1!=(FILE*)0";
    proc fclose: ifile = '(void)fclose($1);';
    gen load: ifile -> string = "::flx::rtl::ioutil::load_file($1)";
    gen readln: ifile -> string ="::flx::rtl::ioutil::readln($1)";
    gen read: ifile *size -> string = "::flx::rtl::ioutil::raw_read($1,$2)";
    gen feof : ifile -> bool = "feof($1)";

  //$ C standard IO as instance of Output_file.
  instance Output_file[ofile] {
    requires package "flx_ioutil";
    gen raw_fopen_output: string -> ofile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"wb")';
    gen raw_fopen_output_text: string -> ofile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"w")';
    gen raw_fopen_append: string -> ofile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"ab")';
    gen raw_fopen_append_text: string -> ofile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"a")';
    gen valid : ofile -> bool = "$1!=(FILE*)0";
    proc fclose: ofile = '(void)fclose($1);';
    proc writeln : ofile * string ="::flx::rtl::ioutil::writeln($1,$2);";
    proc write : ofile * string ="::flx::rtl::ioutil::write($1,$2);";
    proc write : ofile * utiny ="fwrite($2,1,1,$1);";
    proc write : ofile * char ="fwrite($2,1,1,$1);";
    proc fflush: ofile = "fflush($1);";

open Input_file[Cstdio::ifile];
// note we cannot open Iterable here because it would cause
// a conflict ;(

open Output_file[Cstdio::ofile];
//$ (can be redirected by OS if OS can do it)

//$ Write string to output.
proc print  [T with Str[T]] (x:T) { fprint (cstdout, x); };

//$ Write string to output with end of line. Also does a flush
//$ to improve synchronisation with cstderr.
proc println[T with Str[T]] (x:T) { fprintln (cstdout, x); fflush cstdout; };

//$ Write end of line on output.
proc endl() { endl cstdout; }

//$ Write space on cout.
proc space() { space cstdout; }

//$ flush buffers of cout.
proc fflush() { fflush cstdout; }

//$ Write string to cerr.
proc eprint  [T with Str[T]] (x:T) { fprint (cstderr, x); };

//$ Write string to cerr with end of line.
proc eprintln[T with Str[T]] (x:T) { fprintln (cstderr, x); fflush cstderr; };

//$ Write end of line on cerr.
proc eendl() { endl cstderr; }

//$ Write space on cerr.
proc espace() { space cstderr; }

Ansi Terminal

.. index:: AnsiTerminal(class)
.. index:: cc(const)
.. index:: NC_(fun)
.. index:: NC_(fun)
.. index:: NC(proc)
.. index:: NC(proc)
.. index:: blue_(fun)
.. index:: blue_(fun)
.. index:: blue(proc)
.. index:: blue(proc)
.. index:: BLUE_(fun)
.. index:: BLUE_(fun)
.. index:: BLUE(proc)
.. index:: BLUE(proc)
.. index:: cyan_(fun)
.. index:: cyan_(fun)
.. index:: cyan(proc)
.. index:: cyan(proc)
.. index:: CYAN_(fun)
.. index:: CYAN_(fun)
.. index:: CYAN(proc)
.. index:: CYAN(proc)
.. index:: green_(fun)
.. index:: green_(fun)
.. index:: green(proc)
.. index:: green(proc)
.. index:: GREEN_(fun)
.. index:: GREEN_(fun)
.. index:: GREEN(proc)
.. index:: GREEN(proc)
.. index:: red_(fun)
.. index:: red_(fun)
.. index:: red(proc)
.. index:: red(proc)
.. index:: RED_(fun)
.. index:: RED_(fun)
.. index:: RED(proc)
.. index:: RED(proc)
.. index:: yellow_(fun)
.. index:: yellow_(fun)
.. index:: yellow(proc)
.. index:: yellow(proc)
.. index:: YELLOW_(fun)
.. index:: YELLOW_(fun)
.. index:: YELLOW(proc)
.. index:: YELLOW(proc)

// Author Mike Maul
//$ #### Color output formatting for Ansi Terminals.
class AnsiTerminal
  const cc:char = "(char)27";

  // No colour
  fun  NC_ () => cc + '[0m';
  fun  NC_(s:string) => NC_() + s;
  proc NC()     { print$ NC_(""); }
  proc NC(s:string)     { print$ NC_(s); }

  // Blue
  fun blue_() => cc + '[1;34m';
  fun blue_(s:string) => blue_() + s + NC_();
  proc blue()   { print$ blue_(); }
  proc blue(s:string)   { print$ blue_(s); }
  fun BLUE_() => cc + '[1;34;1m';
  fun BLUE_(s:string) => BLUE_() + s + NC_();
  proc BLUE()   { print$ BLUE_(); }
  proc BLUE(s:string)   { print$ BLUE_(s); }

  // Cyan
  fun cyan_() => cc + '[0;36m';
  fun cyan_(s:string) => cyan_()+ s + NC_();
  proc cyan()   { print$ cyan_(); }
  proc cyan(s:string)   { print$ cyan_(s); }
  fun CYAN_() => cc + '[1;36;1m';
  fun CYAN_(s:string) => CYAN_() + s + NC_();
  proc CYAN()   { print$ CYAN_(); }
  proc CYAN(s:string)   { print$ CYAN_(s); }

  // Green
  fun green_() => cc + '[0;32m';
  fun green_(s:string) => green_() + s + NC_();
  proc green()  { print$ green_(); }
  proc green(s:string)   { print$ green_(s); }
  fun GREEN_() => cc + '[1;32;1m';
  fun GREEN_(s:string) => GREEN_() + s + NC_();
  proc GREEN()  { print$ GREEN_(); }
  proc GREEN(s:string)   { println$ GREEN_(s); }

  // Red
  fun red_() => cc + '[0;31m';
  fun red_(s:string) => red_()+ s + NC_();
  proc red()   { print$ red_(); }
  proc red(s:string)   { print$ red_(s); }
  fun RED_() => cc + '[0;31;1m';
  fun RED_(s:string) => red_()+ s + NC_();
  proc RED()   { print$ red_(); }
  proc RED(s:string)   { print$ red_(s); }

  // Yellow
  fun yellow_() => cc + '[0;33m';
  fun yellow_(s:string) => yellow_() + s + NC_();
  proc yellow() { print$ yellow_(); }
  proc yellow(s:string)   { print$ yellow_(s); }
  fun YELLOW_() => cc + '[1;33;1m';
  fun YELLOW_(s:string) => YELLOW_() + s + NC_();
  proc YELLOW() { print$ YELLOW_(); }
  proc YELLOW(s:string)   { print$ YELLOW_(s); }

Stream I/O

.. index:: IOStream(class)
.. index:: cat(proc)
.. index:: cat(proc)
.. index:: cat(proc)
.. index:: stream_cmp(proc)
.. index:: cmp(proc)
.. index:: echo(proc)
.. index:: tee(proc)
.. index:: write_string(proc)

class IOStream {
  requires package "demux";
  requires package "faio";

  open Faio;

  if PLAT_POSIX do
    open Faio_posix;
    typedef fd_t = FileSystem::posix_file;
    open Faio_win32;
    typedef fd_t = Faio_win32::fd_t;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  publish "The interface for a readable stream of bytes."
  class IByteStream[T] {
    publish "Read N bytes from the stream into the address."
    virtual proc read: T * &int * address * &bool;

  publish "The interface for a writable stream of bytes."
  class OByteStream[T] {
    publish "Write N bytes from the address into the stream."
    virtual proc write: T * &int * address * &bool;

  publish "The interface for a readable and writable stream of bytes."
  class IOByteStream[T] {
    inherit IByteStream[T];
    inherit OByteStream[T];

  publish "A readable stream that can have it's read channel closed."
  class TerminalIByteStream[T] {
    inherit IByteStream[T];

    publish "Close the input stream."
    virtual proc iclose: T;

  publish "A writable stream that can have it's write channel closed."
  class TerminalOByteStream[T] {
    inherit OByteStream[T];

    publish "Close the output stream."
    virtual proc oclose: T;

  publish "A writable stream that can have it's channels closed."
  class TerminalIOByteStream[T] {
    inherit TerminalIByteStream[T];
    inherit TerminalOByteStream[T];

    publish "Close the stream."
    virtual proc ioclose: T;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  variant devnull_t = DEVNULL;

  publish "devnull_t"
  instance IByteStream[devnull_t]
    proc read(strm: devnull_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
      len <- 0;
      eof <- true;

  instance OByteStream[devnull_t]
    proc write(strm: devnull_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
      eof <- false;

  instance IOByteStream[devnull_t] {}
  instance TerminalIByteStream[devnull_t] { proc iclose (x:devnull_t) {} }
  instance TerminalOByteStream[devnull_t] { proc oclose (x:devnull_t) {} }
  instance TerminalIOByteStream[devnull_t] { proc ioclose (x:devnull_t) {} }

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  publish "fd_t -- native file handle (disk file)"
  instance IByteStream[fd_t]
    if PLAT_POSIX do
      gen cread: fd_t * int * address -> int = "read($1,$2,$3)";
      proc read(fd: fd_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
        var oldlen = *len;
        len <- cread(fd, *len, buf);
        eof <- oldlen < *len;
      // int32 = DWORD
      gen ReadFile: fd_t * address * int32 * &int32 -> bool =
      proc read(fd: fd_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
        var oldlen = *len;
        var readin: int32;
        var res = ReadFile(fd, buf, len*.int32, &readin);
        len <-;
        eof <- res or (oldlen < *len);

  instance OByteStream[fd_t]
    if PLAT_POSIX do
      gen cwrite: fd_t * int * address -> int = "write($1,$2,$3)";
      proc write(fd: fd_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
        var oldlen = *len;
        len <- cwrite(fd, *len, buf);
        eof <- oldlen < *len;
      // int32 = DWORD
      gen WriteFile: fd_t * address * int32 * &int32 -> bool =
      proc write(fd: fd_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
        var oldlen = *len;
        var written: int32;
        var res = WriteFile(fd, buf, len*.int32, &written);
        len <-;
        eof <- res or (oldlen < *len);

  instance IOByteStream[fd_t] {}

  instance TerminalIByteStream[fd_t]
    proc iclose (fd: fd_t) {
      if PLAT_POSIX do
        C_hack::ignore(FileSystem::close fd);
        CloseFile fd;

  instance TerminalOByteStream[fd_t]
    proc oclose (fd: fd_t) {
      if PLAT_POSIX do
        C_hack::ignore(FileSystem::close fd);
        CloseFile fd;

  instance TerminalIOByteStream[fd_t]
    proc ioclose (fd: fd_t) {
      if PLAT_POSIX do
        C_hack::ignore(FileSystem::close fd);
        CloseFile fd;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  publish "Read the input stream to the output stream."
  proc cat[istr,ostr with IByteStream[istr], OByteStream[ostr]] (
    istream: istr,
    ostream: ostr,
    buf: address,
    bufsize: int)
    var reof = false;
    var weof = false;
    var len: int;

    // if we finish input, stop. if output eofs, don't keep hammering on it!
    while not reof and not weof do
      len = bufsize;
      read (istream, &len, buf, &reof);
      write(ostream, &len, buf, &weof);

  publish "Read the input stream to the output stream."
  proc cat[istr,ostr with IByteStream[istr], OByteStream[ostr]] (
    istream: istr,
    ostream: ostr)
    val BUFSIZE = 100000;
    var buf = Memory::malloc(BUFSIZE);

    // that's some nice error checking
    cat (istream, ostream, buf, BUFSIZE);

    Memory::free (buf);

  publish "Read all the input streams to the output stream."
  proc cat[istr,ostr with IByteStream[istr], OByteStream[ostr]] (
    istreams: list[istr],
    ostream: ostr,
    buf: address,
    bufsize: int)
    List::iter (proc (istream:istr) {
      cat (istream, ostream, buf, bufsize);
    }) istreams;

  publish "Compare the results of two streams."
  proc stream_cmp[istr1,istr2 with IByteStream[istr1], IByteStream[istr2]] (
    stream1: istr1,
    stream2: istr2,
    buf1: address,
    buf2: address,
    bufsize: int,
    sign: &int)
    var eof1 = false;
    var eof2 = false;
    var len1: int;
    var len2: int;
    var terminated = false;
    var cmp = 0;

    while cmp == 0 and not terminated do
      len1 = bufsize; read(stream1, &len1, buf1, &eof1);
      len2 = bufsize; read(stream2, &len2, buf2, &eof2);

      len := min(len1, len2);

      // It's very unfortunate that memcmp doesn't return the position of the
      // first non-equality
      cmp = Memory::memcmp(buf1, buf2, size len);

      if cmp == 0 do
        cmp = len1 - len2;
        if cmp == 0 do
          terminated = eof1 and eof2;
          cmp =
            // ugg: false = case 0, true = case 1
            match eof1, eof2 with
            | case 1, case 1 => 0
            | case 0, case 0 => 0
            | case 0, case 1 => 1
            | case 1, case 0 => -1

    sign <- cmp;

  publish "Compare the results of two streams."
  proc cmp[istr1, istr2 with IByteStream[istr1], IByteStream[istr2]] (
    istream1: istr1,
    istream2: istr2,
    res: &int)
    val BUFSIZE = 100000;
    var buf1 = Memory::malloc(BUFSIZE);
    var buf2 = Memory::malloc(BUFSIZE);
    stream_cmp(istream1, istream2, buf1, buf2, BUFSIZE, res);

  publish "Read the results of a stream back into it's stream."
  proc echo[iostr with IOByteStream[iostr]] (
    iostream: iostr,
    buf: address,
    bufsize: int)
    // echo a = cat a a. that's deep, man.
    cat(iostream, iostream, buf, bufsize);

  publish "Read in from a stream and write to two streams."
  proc tee[istr,ostr with IByteStream[istr], OByteStream[ostr]] (
    istream: istr,
    ostream1: ostr,
    ostream2: ostr)
    var reof  = false;
    var weof1 = false;
    var weof2 = false;
    var len: int;

    val BUFSIZE = 10*1024;
    var buf = Memory::malloc(BUFSIZE);

    // don't hammer!
    while not reof and not weof1 and not weof2 do
      len = BUFSIZE;
      read  (istream,  &len, buf, &reof);
      write (ostream1, &len, buf, &weof1);
      write (ostream2, &len, buf, &weof2);

    Memory::free buf;

  // highly inefficient!
  noinline proc get_line[istr with IByteStream[istr]] (
    istream: istr,
    s: &string)
//println$ "get_line starts";
    var c: char;
    val ac = address (&c);
    var st: string="";
    var finished = false;

    while not finished do
      var len = 1;
      var eof: bool;

//println$ "read 1 byte";
      read(istream, &len, ac, &eof);
//println$ if eof then "EOF" else "not EOF" endif;
//println$ "Char = " + str(ord c) + "='"+str c+"'";
      if eof or c == char '\n' do
        finished = true;
        st += c;
    s <- st;  // pass back result

  proc write_string[ostr with OByteStream[ostr]] (
    ostream: ostr,
    var s: string,
    eof: &bool)
    var slen =;
    var a = C_hack::cast[address]$ cstr s;
    write(ostream, &slen, a, eof);
} // class Stream

TCP/IP Sockets

These sockets are ONLY for TCP/IP.

.. index:: Socket_class(class)
.. index:: mk_listener(proc)
.. index:: accept(proc)
.. index:: shutdown(proc)
.. index:: connect(proc)

class Socket_class[socket_t] {
  requires package "demux";

  virtual proc mk_listener: &socket_t * &int * int;
  virtual proc accept: socket_t * &socket_t;
  virtual proc shutdown: socket_t * int;
  virtual proc connect: &socket_t * +char * int * &int;

  inherit IOStream::IByteStream[socket_t];
  inherit IOStream::OByteStream[socket_t];
  inherit IOStream::IOByteStream[socket_t];
  inherit IOStream::TerminalIByteStream[socket_t];
  inherit IOStream::TerminalOByteStream[socket_t];
  inherit IOStream::TerminalIOByteStream[socket_t];

Posix sockets

.. index:: PosixSocket(class)
.. index:: def(type)
class PosixSocket
  requires package "demux";
  typedef socket_t = Faio_posix::socket_t;
  inherit Socket_class[socket_t];
  instance Socket_class[socket_t]
    proc mk_listener (l:&socket_t, port: &int, qlen:int) =>
      Faio_posix::mk_listener(l, port, qlen)

    proc accept (l:socket_t, s:&socket_t) =>
      Faio_posix::accept(s, l)  // success or not? error checking

    proc shutdown(s: socket_t, how: int) =>
      Faio_posix::shutdown(s, how)

    proc connect(s: &socket_t, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int) =>
        Faio_posix::connect(s, addr, port, err)


  // socket_t
  instance IOStream::IByteStream[socket_t]
    proc read(s: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
      { Faio_posix::async_read(s, len, buf, eof); }

  instance IOStream::OByteStream[socket_t]
    proc write(s: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
        //println$ "faio/socket.flx: Stream::OByteStream[socket_t]: write(s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+") calling async_write ..";
        Faio_posix::async_write(s, len, buf, eof);
        //println$ "faio/socket.flx: Stream::OByteStream[socket_t]: write(s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+") called async_write ..";

  instance IOStream::IOByteStream[socket_t] {}

  instance IOStream::TerminalIByteStream[socket_t]
    proc iclose (s:socket_t)
      { Faio_posix::shutdown (s,0); Faio_posix::close s; }

  instance IOStream::TerminalOByteStream[socket_t]
    proc oclose (s:socket_t)
      { Faio_posix::shutdown (s,1); Faio_posix::close s; }

  instance IOStream::TerminalIOByteStream[socket_t]
    proc ioclose (s:socket_t)
        // RF: just close, I don't think any of this stuff is necessary.
        // I think this is an application level problem.
        //fprint (cstderr,q"STREAM:Closing socket $s\n");
        //Faio::sleep (Faio::sys_clock,5.0);
        var len = 1; var eof = false; var buf = Memory::malloc(1);
        Faio_posix::async_read(s, &len, buf, &eof);
        fprint (cstderr,q"STREAM:socket $s, eof=$eof\n");
        Faio_posix::close s;


Windows sockets

.. index:: Win32Socket(class)
.. index:: def(type)
class Win32Socket
  requires package "demux";
  typedef socket_t = Faio_win32::socket_t;
  inherit Socket_class[socket_t];
  instance Socket_class[socket_t]
    proc mk_listener (l:&socket_t, port: &int, qlen:int) =>
      Faio_win32::mk_listener(l, port, qlen)
    proc accept (var l:socket_t, s:&socket_t)
      var success: bool;
      Faio_win32::mk_socket(s);  // error check?
      Faio_win32::Accept(&success, l, *s);
      if not success do
        fprint (cstdout, "Accept failed! num?\n");

    proc shutdown(s: socket_t, how: int) =>
      Faio_win32::shutdown(s, how)

    proc connect(s: &socket_t, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int) =>
      Faio_win32::Connect(s, addr, port, err)


  // socket_t
  instance IOStream::IByteStream[socket_t]
    proc read(s: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) =>
      Faio_win32::WSARecv(s, len, buf, eof)

  instance IOStream::OByteStream[socket_t]
    proc write(s: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) =>
      Faio_win32::WSASend(s, len, buf, eof)

  instance IOStream::IOByteStream[socket_t] {}

  instance IOStream::TerminalIByteStream[socket_t]
    proc iclose (s:socket_t) =>
      Faio_win32::closesocket s

  instance IOStream::TerminalOByteStream[socket_t]
    proc oclose (s:socket_t) =>
      Faio_win32::closesocket s

  instance IOStream::TerminalIOByteStream[socket_t]
    proc ioclose (s:socket_t) =>
      Faio_win32::closesocket s

Host sockets

.. index:: Socket(class)

class Socket
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    inherit Win32Socket;
  elif PLAT_POSIX do
     inherit PosixSocket;

Demux: Felix Event notification service

.. index:: Demux(class)
.. index:: demuxer(type)
.. index:: mk_sys_demux(gen)

class Demux
  type demuxer = "::flx::demux::flx_demuxer_t*"
    requires package "demux"
  gen mk_sys_demux: 1->demuxer = "::flx::demux::make_std_demuxer()";
  var sys_demux =  mk_sys_demux();

Faio: Felix Asynchronous I/O service

.. index:: Faio(class)
.. index:: faio_req(proc)
.. index:: get_thread(proc)
.. index:: sel_param(type)
.. index:: sel_param_ptr(type)
.. index:: get_bytes_done(fun)
.. index:: init_pb(proc)
.. index:: calc_eof(proc)
.. index:: sleep_request_t(type)
.. index:: alarm_clock_t(type)
.. index:: mk_alarm_clock(fun)
.. index:: mk_sleep_request(fun)
.. index:: sleep(proc)
.. index:: sleep(proc)

class Faio {
  requires package "demux";
  requires package "faio";

  open C_hack;

  proc faio_req[t](preq: &t ) { // FIXME: HACK! It has to be driver request base
    var p = C_hack::cast[driver_request_base]preq;
    svc (svc_general p);

// this svc call doesn't exist now
  proc get_thread(thread: &fthread) {
      svc (svc_get_fthread thread );

  type sel_param = "flx::demux::sel_param";
  type sel_param_ptr = "flx::demux::sel_param*";

  fun get_bytes_done : sel_param_ptr -> int = '$1->bytes_written';
  proc init_pb : sel_param*address*int
  = '{$1.buffer=(char*)$2;$1.buffer_size=$3;$1.bytes_written=0;}';

  proc calc_eof(pb: sel_param_ptr, len: &int, eof: &bool)
      //println "Calc_eof ..";
      var bytes_done = pb.get_bytes_done;
      //println$ "Bytes done = "+ str bytes_done;
      //println$ "Req len= "+ str (*len);
      eof <- (bytes_done != *len);
      //println$ "Eof = " + str (*eof);
      len <- bytes_done;
      //println$ "Reset len to bytes done ..";

  type sleep_request_t = 'flx::faio::sleep_request' requires package "timer";
  type alarm_clock_t = 'flx::demux::timer_queue*' requires package "timer";

  fun mk_alarm_clock: 1 -> alarm_clock_t = '::flx::demux::mk_timer_queue()';
  fun mk_sleep_request: alarm_clock_t * double -> sleep_request_t = '::flx::faio::sleep_request($1,$2)';

  proc sleep(clock: alarm_clock_t, delta: double)
    var sr = mk_sleep_request$ clock,delta;
    faio_req$ &sr;

  // this should be deleted if not used!
  var clock = mk_alarm_clock();
  proc sleep (delta:double) { sleep (clock,delta); }

} // class faio

Posix Faio

.. index:: Faio_posix(class)
.. index:: str(fun)
.. index:: str(fun)

class Faio_posix  {
header faio_posixio_hpp = '#include "faio_posixio.hpp"';
requires package "demux";
requires package "faio";
open C_hack;        // cast, address
open Faio;
open Pthread;
open Demux;
open Posix_headers;

header sockety_h = '#include "demux_sockety.hpp"';  // my socket utils
header '#include "faio_posixio.hpp"';

// ------------ core file and socket definitions ----------------
typedef fd_t = PosixFileSystem::posix_file;

// type of a socket
type socket_t = "int";

// a size type for use in some socket functions
// stupid confused Unix standard!
type socklen_t="socklen_t" requires sockety_h;
ctor socklen_t : int = "$1";
ctor int : socklen_t = "$1";

// A socket address consists of
// 1. a port number
// 2. an address family indicator
// 3. the encoded address, dependent on the family
// We deal only with Internet addresses IPv4 and IPv6,
// indicator AF_INET and AF_INET6
// type of socket address protocol family
type sa_family_t = "sa_family_t" requires sys_socket_h;
fun ==: sa_family_t * sa_family_t -> bool = "$1==$2";

type in_port_t = "in_port_t" requires netinet_in_h;

const AF_INET : sa_family_t;
const AF_INET6 : sa_family_t;

// type to allocate on stack to hold any socket address for any protocol
// required for stack allocations
type sockaddr_storage_t = "struct sockaddr_storage" requires sockety_h;
fun ss_family : &sockaddr_storage_t -> sa_family_t = "$1->ss_family";

// type of a socket address
type sockaddr_t = "struct sockaddr" requires sockety_h;
fun sa_family : &sockaddr_t -> sa_family_t = "$1->sa_family";

// cast socket address storage object pointer to socket address pointer
fun sockaddr_p : &sockaddr_storage_t -> &sockaddr_t = "(struct sockaddr*)$1";
axiom inet_family(ss: &sockaddr_storage_t) : ss_family ss == sa_family (sockaddr_p ss);

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// IPv4
// type containing IPv4 internet address
type in_addr_t = "in_addr_t" requires netinet_in_h; // an integer
type struct_in_addr = "struct in_addr";
fun s_addr: struct_in_addr -> in_addr_t = "$1.s_addr";

// type containing encoded port and IPv4 address
type sockaddr_in_t = "struct sockaddr_in" requires sockety_h;
fun sin_family: sockaddr_in_t -> sa_family_t= "$1.sin_family";
fun sin_port : sockaddr_in_t -> in_port_t= "$1.sin_port";
fun sin_addr : sockaddr_in_t -> struct_in_addr = "$1.sin_addr";
fun sin_addr : &sockaddr_in_t -> &struct_in_addr = "&($1->sin_addr)";

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// IPv6
// type containing IPv6 internet address
type struct_in6_addr = "struct in6_addr";
typedef ipv6_addr = uint8^16;
fun s6_addr: struct_in6_addr -> &ipv6_addr = "$1.s6_addr";

// type containing encoded socket address for IPv6
type sockaddr_in6_t = "struct sockaddr_in6" requires sockety_h;
fun sin6_family: sockaddr_in6_t -> sa_family_t= "$1.sin6_family";
fun sin6_port : sockaddr_in6_t -> in_port_t = "$1.sin6_port";
fun sin6_addr : sockaddr_in6_t -> struct_in6_addr = "$1.sin6_addr";
fun sin6_addr : &sockaddr_in6_t -> &struct_in6_addr = "&($1->sin6_addr)";

// convert Internet address to display format.
// $1: Address family
// $2: pointer to the address
// $3: pointer to output buffer
// $4: length of output buffer
fun inet_ntop: sa_family_t * address * +char * socklen_t -> +char requires arpa_inet_h;;
const INET_ADDRSTRLEN : socklen_t requires arpa_inet_h;
const INET6_ADDRSTRLEN : socklen_t requires arpa_inet_h;

// --------------------------------------------------------------

instance Str[FileSystem::posix_file] {
  fun str: FileSystem::posix_file -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

instance Str[socket_t] {
  fun str: socket_t -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

fun getpeername: socket_t * &sockaddr_t * &socklen_t -> int;

fun getpeername (s: socket_t) : string =
  // store for encoded IP address
  var sa:sockaddr_storage_t;
  var paddr : &sockaddr_t = sockaddr_p &sa; // cast

  // length of encoded IP address
  var nsa = C_hack::cast[socklen_t] sizeof[sockaddr_storage_t];

  // get encoded peer address
  var res = getpeername (s,  paddr, &nsa);
  if res == -1 return "";

  var p = C_hack::cast[+char] null[char];
  var ips = "";
  var family = ss_family &sa;
  match family with
  | $(AF_INET) =>
      var buffer = C_hack::cast[+char] (Memory::malloc;
      // cast to IPv4 socket address
      var inet_sockaddr = C_hack::cast[&sockaddr_in_t] paddr;
      // extract pointer to IPv4 internet address
      var p_ipnumber : &struct_in_addr = inet_sockaddr.sin_addr;
      p = inet_ntop
          C_hack::cast[address] p_ipnumber,
      if not p.isNULL do ips = str p; done
      Memory::free (C_hack::cast[address] buffer);

  | $(AF_INET6) =>
      var buffer = C_hack::cast[+char] (Memory::malloc;
      // cast to IPv6 socket address
      var inet6_sockaddr = C_hack::cast[&sockaddr_in6_t] paddr;
      // extract IPv6 internet address (address of a byte array)
      var p_ip6number : &struct_in6_addr = inet6_sockaddr.sin6_addr;
      p = inet_ntop
          C_hack::cast[address] p_ip6number,
      if not p.isNULL do ips = str p; done
      Memory::free (C_hack::cast[address] buffer);

  | _ => ;
  return ips;


proc close: socket_t = 'close($1);' requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
proc shutdown: socket_t*int = 'shutdown($a);' requires Posix_headers::sys_socket_h;
fun bad_socket : socket_t -> bool = "$1 == -1";

// socketio_request should be renamed to be async_fd_request
type socketio_request = "::flx::faio::socketio_request";

gen mk_socketio_request: demuxer * socket_t*address*int*bool -> socketio_request
    = '::flx::faio::socketio_request($1, $2, (char*)$3, $4, $5)';

fun get_pb: socketio_request -> sel_param_ptr = '&$';

// read & write differ only by a flag
proc async_rw(fd: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool, read_flag: bool)
    //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_rw (s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+", "+str read_flag+") calling mk_socketio_req ..";
    var asyncb = mk_socketio_request(sys_demux,fd, buf, *len, read_flag);
    faio_req$ &asyncb;
    //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_rw ("+ str fd+", "+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+", "+str read_flag+") calculating eof ..";

    calc_eof(asyncb.get_pb, len, eof);
    //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_rw (s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+", "+str read_flag+") called mk_socketio_req ..";

proc async_read(fd: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address,
    eof: &bool)
    async_rw(fd, len, buf, eof, true);      // read

proc async_write(fd: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
    //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_write(s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+" calling async_rw ..";
    async_rw(fd, len, buf, eof, false);     // write
    //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_write(s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+" call async_rw ..";

// connect!
type async_connect = '::flx::faio::connect_request';

fun mk_async_connect: demuxer * +char *int-> async_connect = '::flx::faio::connect_request($a)';
fun get_socket: async_connect -> socket_t = '$1.s';
fun get_err: async_connect -> int = '$1.socket_err';

// could do multi connects for capable drivers
proc connect(s: &socket_t, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int)
    var ac = mk_async_connect(sys_demux,addr, port);
    faio_req$ &ac;
    err <- ac.get_err;
    s <- ac.get_socket;

type accept_request = "::flx::faio::accept_request";

fun mk_accept: demuxer * socket_t -> accept_request = '::flx::faio::accept_request($1,$2)';
fun get_socket: accept_request -> socket_t = '$1.accepted';

// arg1 = returned socket, arg2 is port, pass 0 to have one assigned
proc mk_listener: &socket_t* &int *int
    = '*$1 = ::flx::demux::create_async_listener($2, $3);' requires sockety_h;

proc accept(s: &socket_t, listener: socket_t)
    var acc = mk_accept$ sys_demux,listener;
    faio_req$ &acc;
    s <- acc.get_socket;

} // class faio_posix

Win32 Faio

.. index:: Faio_win32(class)

module Faio_win32 {
requires package "demux";
requires package "faio";
// contains windows overlapped/iocp io & copipes. no stream wrapper yet.
open C_hack;
open Faio;
open Demux;

header '#include "faio_winio.hpp"'; // this has everything (includes asyncio.h)

// ------------ core file and socket definitions ----------------
// I could just use HANDLEs everywhere, but I want to see how this goes
type WFILE = 'HANDLE';
typedef fd_t = WFILE;

fun == : WFILE*WFILE -> bool = '($1 == $2)';

typedef socket_t = SOCKET;

instance Str[socket_t] {
   fun str: socket_t -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

// --------------------------------------------------------------

// useful windows function
fun GetLastError: 1 -> int = 'GetLastError()';

// maybe don't use this - let the socket be passed in already associated
// with an IOCP. do I have to make this explicitly overlapped? If we
// want async io I think I'll need to associate this with the iocp.
fun cmk_socket : unit -> SOCKET = '::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)';

// well that didn't help.
// must associate with iocp to do overlapped io with s (WSASend/Recv)
proc mk_socket(s: &SOCKET)
    s <- cmk_socket();
    associate_with_iocp(*s);                // associate with iocp (errors?).

type wasync_accept = "flx::faio::wasync_accept";

fun mk_accept: demuxer *  SOCKET*SOCKET -> wasync_accept = 'flx::faio::wasync_accept($a)';
// make this a parameterised type
fun get_success[t]: t -> bool = '$1.success';

// this feels silly
// oops, no good if we can't check against it
fun eq : SOCKET*SOCKET -> bool = '($1 == $2)';

// windows style accept. accepted is an already created socket, unbound
proc Accept(success: &bool, listener: SOCKET, accepted: SOCKET)
    var acc = mk_accept(sys_demux,listener, accepted);
    faio_req$ &acc;    // causes AcceptEx to be called
    success <- get_success(acc);

type connect_ex="flx::faio::connect_ex";
fun mk_connect_ex: demuxer * SOCKET*+char*int -> connect_ex = 'flx::faio::connect_ex($a)';

// for use on sockets you make yourself, who knows, maybe you want to
// reuse them
proc Connect(s: SOCKET, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int)
    var con = mk_connect_ex(sys_demux,s, addr, port);
    faio_req$ &con;    // causes ConnectEx to be called
    var success = get_success(con);
    err <- if success then 0 else -1 endif;

proc Connect(s: &SOCKET, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int)
    mk_socket s;            // error handling?
    Connect(*s, addr, port, err);

// listens on all interfaces, I guess
proc cmk_listener: &SOCKET*&int*int
    = '*$1 = flx::demux::create_listener_socket($2, $3);';

proc mk_listener(listener: &SOCKET, port: &int, backlog: int)
    cmk_listener(listener,port, backlog);

// ignores return value
proc closesocket: SOCKET = 'closesocket($1);';

const SD_RECEIVE:int = 'SD_RECEIVE';
const SD_SEND:int = 'SD_SEND';
const SD_BOTH:int = 'SD_BOTH';

proc shutdown: SOCKET*int = 'shutdown($1, $2);';

type wasync_transmit_file = "flx::faio::wasync_transmit_file";

// hacked for ro atm. the 0 means exclusive (not good, but I haven't deciphered
// the flags yet. NULL for non inheritable security attributes.
// OPEN_EXISTING is to make sure it doesn't create the file
// Geez, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL? not hidden, not temp, etc.
// final NULL is for template file. not sure what it does, but I don't want it.
// notice that it's opened for SHARED reading
gen OpenFile: string -> WFILE =
  '''CreateFile($1.c_str(), FILE_READ_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,

// basically for windows named pipes
gen OpenFileDuplex: string -> WFILE =
  '''CreateFile($1.c_str(), FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA,

proc CloseFile: WFILE = '''if(!CloseHandle($1))
  fprintf(stderr, "CloseHandle(WFILE) failed: %i\\n", GetLastError());''';

// error handling?
// proc CloseFile: WFILE = 'CloseHandle($1);';

fun mk_transmit_file : demuxer * SOCKET*WFILE -> wasync_transmit_file
    = 'flx::faio::wasync_transmit_file($a)';

// toylike interface for now, but still fun
proc TransmitFile(s: SOCKET, f: WFILE)
    var tf = mk_transmit_file(sys_demux,s, f);
    faio_req$ &tf;

// by passing special flags to TransmitFile we can transform a connected
// socket into a socket ready for use with AcceptEx. DisconnectEx explicitly
// does this and without the warning that accept-style & connect-style sockets
// cannot be reused as the other type (which isn't a problem for my use)
// however I already have TransmitFile code in place.
fun mk_reuse_socket : demuxer * SOCKET -> wasync_transmit_file
    = 'flx::faio::wasync_transmit_file($a)';

proc ReuseSocket(s: SOCKET)
    var tf = mk_reuse_socket(sys_demux,s);
    faio_req$ &tf;

type wsa_socketio = "flx::faio::wsa_socketio";
gen mk_wsa_socketio: demuxer * SOCKET*sel_param_ptr*bool->wsa_socketio = 'flx::faio::wsa_socketio($a)';

private fun to_ptr : sel_param -> sel_param_ptr = '&$1';

proc WSARecv(s: SOCKET, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
    var pb: sel_param;
    init_pb(pb, buf, *len);
    var ppb: sel_param_ptr = to_ptr pb;

    var rev = mk_wsa_socketio(sys_demux,s, ppb, true);  // reading
    faio_req$ &rev;
// we do have a success flag
    calc_eof(ppb, len, eof);

proc WSASend(s: SOCKET, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
    var pb: sel_param;
    init_pb(pb, buf, *len);
    var ppb: sel_param_ptr = to_ptr pb;

    var rev = mk_wsa_socketio(sys_demux,s, ppb, false); // writing
    faio_req$ &rev;
    calc_eof(ppb, len, eof);

// general request for addition of socket to iocp. might be better to
// just create them that way.
type iocp_associator = "flx::faio::iocp_associator";
fun mk_iocp_associator: demuxer * SOCKET -> iocp_associator = 'flx::faio::iocp_associator($a)';

// this ends up just casting to a handle, so I should be able to use
// this for other HANDLEs. Note that the user cookie is not settable
// via this interface.
proc associate_with_iocp(s: SOCKET)
    // results? err code?
    var req = mk_iocp_associator(sys_demux, s);
    faio_req$ &req;

} // module win32_faio