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sync-directory can sync files from src directory to target directory.

We have two ways to sync files: hardlink and copy.

If type is copy, sync-directory will copy files from src directory to target directory.

If type is hardlink, sync-directory can create hardlink files in target directory from src directory.

Apparently, the type hardlink is quicker than type copy, and sync-directory uses hardlink by default.


npm i sync-directory -g
syncdir [<from> <to>] [options]


Sync from aaa to bbb: syncdir aaa bbb -w

Sync from aaa to bbb and ccc to ddd: syncdir -i aaa -o bbb -i ccc -o ddd -w


  • -i, --source

    Source directory. Can be specified multiple times to sync several source directories.

    Same as api srcDirs.

  • -o, --target

    Target directory. Can be specified multiple times to sync several target directories. The target directories are paired with source directories in order.

    Same as api targetDirs.

  • -w, --watch

    Watch changes. false as default.

    Same as api watch.

  • -do, --deleteOrphaned

    Delete orphaned files/folders. false as default.

    Same as api deleteOrphaned.

  • -c, --copy

    Sync with type copy, hardlink as default.

    Same as api type: 'copy'.

  • -symlink, --symlink: support symlink while sync running. false as default.

    Same as api supportSymlink.


require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir[, config]);
  • parames

    name description type values default
    srcDirs src directory(s) String/String[] absolute path(s) -
    targetDirs target directory(s) String/String[] absolute path(s) - watch files change Boolean - false
    config.type way to sync files String 'copy' / 'hardlink' 'hardlink'
    config.deleteOrphaned Decide if you want to delete other files in targetDir when srcDir files are removed Boolean - true
    config.afterSync callback function when files synced Function - blank function
    config.supportSymlink ensure symlink in target if src has symlinks Boolean - false
    config.exclude files that should not sync to target directory. RegExp / String / Array (item is RegExp / String) - null
    config.forceSync some files must be synced even though 'excluded' Function - (file) => { return false }
    config.filter callback function to filter synced files. Sync file when returning true Function - filepath => true
    config.onError callback function when something wrong Function - (err) => { throw new Error(err) }
  • return

    const watcher = require('sync-directory')(A, B);

    watcher is undefined.

    const watcher = require('sync-directory')(A, B, {
        watch: true

    watcher is a chokidar watcher.

Params & Examples

  • watch

    require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
        watch: true
  • afterSync

    require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
        afterSync({ type, relativePath }) {
            // type: add / change / unlink / unlinkDir
            // relativePath: relative file path
  • type


    require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
        type: 'copy'

    hardlink (default)

    require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir);
  • exclude

    exclude node_modules

    • String

      require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
          exclude: 'node_modules'
    • RegExp

      require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
          exclude: /node\_modules/
    • Array

      require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
          exclude: [/node\_modules/]
      require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
          exclude: ['node_modules']
  • forceSync

    require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
        exclude: 'node_modules',
        forceSync(file) {
            // all files in "node_modules" will be synced event though "exclude" is configed
            return /node_modules/.test(file);
  • supportSymlink

    // srcFolder:
    //     a/     a is symlink
    //      1.js
    // targetFolder:
    //     a/     a is not symlink
    //      1.js
    require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
        supportSymlink: false,
    // srcFolder:
    //     a/     a is symlink
    //      1.js
    // targetFolder:
    //     a/     a is the same symlink
    //      1.js
    require('sync-directory')(srcDir, targetDir, {
        supportSymlink: true,


sync two directories by copying or creating hardlink.






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