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This repo contains scripts to reproduce experiments in the paper: Insights into Pre-training via Simpler Synthetic Tasks


Use a Google Cloud v3 or v4 TPU VM. Run the below commands:

cd ./modified_t5x
python3 -m pip install -e '.[tpu]' -f \
cd ..
cd modified_text-to-text-transfer-transformer
pip install -e .
cd ..
pip uninstall jax jaxlib libtpu-nightly libtpu libtpu_tpuv3 libtpu_tpuv4 -y
pip install jax[tpu] -f


Before pre-training or fine-tuning, you must first download all pre-training and fine-tuning data. Run:

bash run_scripts_to_reproduce_experiments/data_scripts/

The above command will save data to data/data_from_gcs.

To generate your own 18 simpler pre-training task data run:

bash run_scripts_to_reproduce_experiments/data_scripts/


Before running any training scripts, do the following:

You must cd to modified_text-to-text-transfer-transformer. Run all training scripts from inside there. For example you might run the command bash ../run_scripts_to_reproduce_experiments/training_scripts/finetuning/cnndm_10k/ Note the .. in the command.

Also, you must set the variable DATA_BASE_DIR in the file modified_text-to-text-transfer-transformer/t5/data/mar31_and_after_tasks/ to the absolute path of your downloaded data from above. For example, to run the code on my VMs I set DATA_BASE_DIR = '/mnt/disks/persist/draft_synthetic_pretraining_code/data/data_from_gcs/'


First, edit run_scripts_to_reproduce_experiments/training_scripts/pretraining/ two arguments:


task_id is the task you pre-train on. It can be set to: lime, nonsense_summary, nesting_language, set, identity, delete, sort, union, replace, duplicate, intersect, reverse, deduplicate, search,longest_word, length, count, first_token, last_token, set1_minus_set2, set2_minus_set1

exp_dir is where the checkpoints and results of your training will be saved.


Table 1 Results

Edit variables in the file run_scripts_to_reproduce_experiments/training_scripts/finetuning/*/ and then run it. The * can be cnndm_10k, code_translation, mtop, retrosynthesis, squad, or webqsp. The variables to be editted are exp_dir (same definition as above) and ckpt, which is either the absolute path to your pre-trained model checkpoint that you want to load, or the text from_scratch which will not load any checkpoint and reproduce the results labelled Random Init in the paper. For CNNDM-10K, as mentioned in the paper, T5v1.1-small instead of T5-small was used to evaluate off-the-shelf language pre-training. To run this experiment, instead of you must run run_scripts_to_reproduce_experiments/training_scripts/finetuning/cnndm_10k/

Table 2 Init Results

Edit variables in the file run_scripts_to_reproduce_experiments/training_scripts/finetuning/*/ and then run it. The * can be cnndm_10k, code_translation, mtop, retrosynthesis, squad, or webqsp. The variables to be edited are exp_dir (same definition as above),ckpt (same definition as above), and init_id, which specifies what initialization scheme you want to use. init_id can be:

per_param_grouping___init_mean_std (Per Param Mean/SD in paper)
per_param_grouping___init_scale (Per Param Scale in paper)
across_ALL_layer_AND_per_layer_grouping___init_scale (Whole Model Scale in paper)
preattnln_per_param_grouping___init_scale (Pre-attn LN Per Param Scale in paper)

For the additional initialization schemes tried in the appendix, init_id can be:

across_ALL_layer_grouping___init_scale (Across Layers Scale in paper)
per_layer_grouping___init_scale (Per Layer Scale in paper)
premlpln_per_param_grouping___init_scale (Pre-MLP LN Per Param Scale in paper)
qkvo_per_param_grouping___init_scale (Attention Per Param Scale in paper)
mlp_per_param_grouping___init_scale (MLP Per Param Scale in paper)

Table 3 Init Pre-attention Layer Norm Results

Edit variables in the file run_scripts_to_reproduce_experiments/training_scripts/finetuning/*/ and then run it. The * can be cnndm_10k, code_translation, mtop, retrosynthesis, squad, or webqsp. The variables to be edited are exp_dir (same definition as above) and init_pre_attn_ln_value, which is the value you want to initialize the pre-attention layer norms to.


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