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What is it
This is a port from hobo's dryml engine written in java.
It comprises the experience that java's default template solution jsp is not good.
(Other parts is based on scooter framework, scooter is a java framework that resembles rails, please do a google to find out).

The dryml:
when you define a tag:
<def tag="page" attrs='title, full-title'>
(see the source for how page is defined).

you can call it:

or customting a bit:
<param-content><div style="clear:both">
blah blah blah
or customting different parts:
(most can be see from hobo's dryml documentation,
only some difference:
I don't use <content:> for parameteration because that's
illegal in xml parsing(I using dom4j for parsing), besides,
the xml document needs a root, so I add a <dummy> node, the root
node can be arbitrary named.

How to Run
1. make sure your database is up
2. the sql file is under docs\db\mysql
3. make sure the configuration in is correct

4.Running java -jar tools\server.jar [port] to start the server

*see http://localhost:8080/blog/posts to see etc pages

1.Polymorphism Tag.

Design Considerations
Split up into several parts
1. the core of dryml and some core tags(If,Else,Repeat etc) shouldn't be tied to any framework
2. framework related tags(rapid so-called), like ui tags, textfield, javascript tags, stylesheet tags, link_to tags etc,
   should be related to framework
3. more complex tags, like table, table-plus, link-remote, form-remote etc, based on part 2, is possible to not bound to framework?

*And Tag Definition Implementation
XmlTagDefinition, JavaTagDefinition, GroovyTagDefinition ?etc
(because java is not like ruby, very dynamic, you cannot put a whole bunch of string inside xml 
can dynamic evaluate as java, so most of logic needs to be implemented in java tag definition,
the xml can only use some simple ognl expression. unfornately, ognl is very limited.