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Some thoughts on the next update to node-google-voice

Here, I'm including some ideas and thoughts about what I want to change/add/improve in the next update:

A common call/text method

I think it would be useful to rework the way calls/sms are initiated to use a common function and specify the details in some kind of options object.

I think I will do away with GVClient.placeCall and GVClient.sendSMS and instead have a common method, such as GVClient.connect(options,callback). This will allow a more modular approach to programming with node-google-voice, and will also make it more extendable/pluggable.

options could have the following attributes:

  • method (String, required): 'call' or 'sms
  • outgoingNumber (String/Array, required): A String for method='call', a String or Array for method='sms'
  • text (String): for method='sms'. Defaults to ''.
  • forwardingNumber (String): required for method='call'.
  • phoneType (Integer): required for method='call'
  • remember (True/False): for method='call' - specifies whether this call should be registered in the call history of Google Voice (texts are stored no matter what). Defaults to false.

This would also mean a change for the way scheduling works: It could be GVClient.scheduler(options,eventCallback,scheduleCallback) instead of the current GVClient.scheduler(type, date, ..., eventCallback, scheduleCallback). options would be the same type of object that is used in GVClient.connect

Perhaps it should even be GVClient.scheduler(options), where the callbacks are all given in the options object.


Right now, the short-hand date Array uses [YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE] in GVClient.scheduler and GVClient.unschedule. I think it would be good to allow drilling all the way down to the millisecond to be consistent with the level of control that the native Date object provides.

Each of those entries in the date Array should be optional and default to null if not set. So if someone just specifies [YEAR] it would schedule the event for Jan 01 12:00AM of that year, and if someone gives [YEAR,MONTH,DAY] it would schedule the event for YEAR/MONTH/DAY 12:00AM

Proper error handling

Each callback should follow the Node convention of having error as the first parameter. Right now, callbacks are not consistent in node-google-voice. I think it would be useful to provide an error code in error that can then be matched in an ERROR_CODES array to see what went wrong. For example:

	1: 'Connection method not specified',
	2: 'Invalid connection method',
	3: 'Outgoing number not specified',
	4: 'Invalid outgoing number',
	5: 'Forwarding number not specified',
	6: 'Forwarding number phone type not specified'

I don't really know much about how this type of stuff is usually done, so I'm open to any input on what would be the best/standard way to do this.

GVClient.parseSMS(param,msgDOMelement) --> msgDOMelement.getValue(param)

The current GVClient.parseSMS(param,msgDOMelement) is awkward. I think it would be better to give the SMS DOM element a getValue() method that can be called to get the time, from, or text of the SMS:

So, the example of displaying the SMS thread, which is currently:

        if(err){ console.log('error on request: '+err); return; }
        console.log('latest SMS thread:');
        for(var i=0;i<msgs[0].thread.length;i++){
            var currentMsg = msgs[0].thread[i];
            console.log(voiceClient.parseSMS('time',currentMsg)+' '+voiceClient.parseSMS('from',currentMsg)+voiceClient.parseSMS('text',currentMsg) );

would be

        if(err){ console.log('error on request: '+err); return; }
        console.log('latest SMS thread:');
        for(var i=0;i<msgs[0].thread.length;i++){
            var currentMsg = msgs[0].thread[i];
            console.log(currentMsg.getValue('time') +' '+ currentMsg.getValue('from') + currentMsg.getValue('text');

Connect to google talk

Add documentation explaining how to connect the call to Google Talk, or make it ring in Gmail. Basically, the procedure is simple:

  • For the forwardingNumber, use your Google account:
  • For the phoneType, use 9

Provide a browser-side implementation

If and when I figure out Google Voice authentication with Javascript in the browser, I will port this to a browser-side implementation. This should really require changing only the request() function to use XHR. If you know how authentication with Google can be done through JS, please let me know.