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Before Cloning This Repo

  • Please install Git Large File Storage (LFS) here first before cloning this repository. It's required to download the models. If not, you will have only empty models, which will cause erros.


Install Dependencies

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Search Engine (Elasticsearch) & Insert Evidence Documents

  • Install Elasticsearch package at
    • Use default settings (host=localhost, port=9200)
  • python scripts/ and python scripts/ to insert documents
    • Elasticsearch should be running

Install Models

  • python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
  • python -m textblob.download_corpora

Example (

from helper import SentenceRetriever
from helper import SentenceSelectorPytorch as SentenceSelector
from helper import StanceClassifier
from pprint import pprint

HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 9200
INDEX = 'kixx' # Use hand-annotated documents (small - 46 docs)
# INDEX = 'news-please' # Use crawled documents (big - 10,000,000)
FIELDS = ['title', 'text']

# Initialize modules
sentence_retriever = SentenceRetriever(
    hosts=HOST, port=PORT, index=INDEX, fields=FIELDS)
sentence_selector = SentenceSelector()
stance_classifier = StanceClassifier()

def get_candidates(claim, doc_k, sent_k):
    candidates =, doc_k=doc_k, sent_k=sent_k)
    return candidates

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # sample claimS
    # 1. If Australia can take 18,000 refugees, if Canada can take 25,000, if France can take 35,000, then the United States, 10 times the size of Canada, can take 100,000 refugees.
    # 2. It takes 18 to 24 months for the average Syrian refugee to get through the security screening process.
    # 3. Most the refugees are in the Middle East. And that's where most of the help is going.
    # 4. Almost two-thirds of Germans say their country has accepted too many refugees.
    # 5. Accepting refugees benefit the citizens of high-income countries.
    # 6. Taking in refugees costs a lot of money.
    # 7. All high-income countries are signatories to the 1951 Refugee Convention.
    # 8. Taking in refugees will increase criminality within host countries.
    # 9. Most refugees arriving in high-income countries are Muslims; their cultural and religious backgrounds have led to many conflicts in the past.
    # 10. Accepting refugees can be a solution to the problem of aging populations.

    claim = "Taking in refugees costs a lot of money."
    print('Get evidence candidates for the claim: "{}"'.format(claim))
    candidates = get_candidates(claim, doc_k=5, sent_k=30)
    # candidates = [(sent_1, sent_1_orig, doc_id, doc_url), (sent_2, sent_2_orig, doc_id, doc_url), ...]

    # candidates_id_url_map -> {
    #   'sent_1': (doc_id, doc_url),
    #   'sent_2': (doc_id, doc_url),
    #   ...
    # }
    candidates_id_url_map = {c[0]: (c[2], c[3]) for c in candidates}
    candidates_text_only = list(candidates_id_url_map.keys())

    # 1. Select evidence sentences
    print('Evidences with relevancy_score')
    claim, ranked_evidences = sentence_selector.get_evidences(claim, candidates_text_only, k=10)

    # 2. Classify stances for the selected evidences
    print('Evidences with stance_score')
    ranked_evidences_text_only = [ev for ev, _ in ranked_evidences] # classify stances for evidences only
    claim, evidence_stances = stance_classifier.get_evidence_stance(claim, ranked_evidences_text_only)



  • How to use SentenceSelector
    • Generate SentenceSelector instance
      • selector = SentenceSelector()
    • call get_evidences method with claim, sentence candidates, and an optional values k which specifies desired number of evidences to retrieve (default is 5).
      • claim, ranked_evidence = selector.get_evidence(claim, sentence_candidates)
    • ranked_evidence is sorted based on confidence score in reverse order
  • Input/Output: (claim, [sent1, sent2, ...]) -> (claim, [(relevant_sent_a, score), (relevant_sent_b, score), ...])
    • Output should be sorted by the score in reverse order


  • How to use StanceClassifier
    • Generate StanceClassifier instance
      • stance_classifier = StanceClassifier()
    • call get_evidence_stance method with claim, sentence candidates.
      • evidence_stance = stance_classifier.get_evidence_stance(claim, sentence_candidates)
    • evidence_stance is sorted based on confidence score in reverse order
  • Input/Output: (claim, [sent1, sent2, ...]) -> [(sent1, 'SUPPROTS', score), (sent2, 'SUPPROTS', score), (sent3, 'REFUTES', score), ...]
    • Output is sorted by stance and confidence score of each stance (leftmost-strongest SUPPORTS, rightmost-strongest REFUTES)


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