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install emacs

install emacs #15

Workflow file for this run

on: [push]
name: ci
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
shell: bash

Check failure on line 7 in .github/workflows/ci.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / ci

Invalid workflow file

The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/ci.yml (Line: 7, Col: 5): Unexpected value 'shell'
- run: apt-get update
- run: |
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends emacs-nox
emacs --version
- run: |
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends erlang
erl -eval '{ok, Version} = file:read_file(filename:join([code:root_dir(), "releases", erlang:system_info(otp_release), "OTP_VERSION"])), io:fwrite(Version), halt().' -noshell
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
#fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/__w/erlang-formatter/erlang-formatter'
# - run: git config --global --add /__w/erlang-formatter/erlang-formatter
- run: make test all
- run: git --no-pager diff --exit-code