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An extension of graphql-dotnet ( ) that automatically generates InputObjectGraphType and ObjectGraphType starting from Dto classes

Nuget package is here:

Use your specific version related to graphql-dotnet version. So, if you have GraphQL 3.0.0 installed, you need to install GraphQL.AutoTypes 3.0.0 version.


To generate InputObjectGraphType use this sintax:

public class TestRequestInputType : GraphQLInputGenericType<TestRequest> { }

In this case, our input Dto model is named TestRequest. You need to use convention dto name + "InputType", so in the example we will have TestRequestInputType type

To generate ObjectGraphType use this sintax:

 public class TestResponseType : GraphQLGenericType<TestResponse> { }

In this case, our output Dto model is named TestResponse. You need to use convention dto name + "Type", so in the example we will have TestResponseType type

In both cases, we can add also other properties to autogenerated types. Example:

public class TestResponseType : GraphQLGenericType<TestResponse>

    //example if you want add others graphql props to automatic generated props from dto
    public TestResponseType()
        //Computed field example
        Field<StringGraphType>("otherCode", resolve: context => $"{context.Source.Code}-append-other");

PS: enums will be converted into IntGraphType, so I suggest to add a computed field (StringGraphType) or dto output property (string) that makes "ToString()" if you want return enums name too.

Our example Dtos:

public class TestRequest
    public int Filter1 { get; set; }
    public int Filter2 { get; set; }


public class TestResponse
    public string Code { get; set; }


Here an example mutation, but you can use in queries too:

                arguments: new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<TestRequestInputType>> { Name = "input" }),
                resolve: async context =>

                    //use Netwonsoft deserializer, because default fails if there are other properties outside original type schema; you can create a context extension method to do this
                    TestRequest request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(context.GetArgument<dynamic>("input")));
		    //TestRequest request = context.GetArgument<TestRequest>("input"); //sometimes fails

                    TestResponse response = await _testService.DemoMutation(request);

                    return response;

Call example:

 mutation($input: TestRequestInput!){     
        demoMutation(input: $input){
    "input": {
        "filter1": 100
        "filter2": 200

Note that:

1-Mutation field get "TestRequestInputType", that is converted to "TestRequest" request that is passed to service method

2-Service method returns "TestResponse" response, that is converted in TestResponseType

NB: I prefer to use Netwonsoft deserializer, because default fails if there are other properties outside original type schema

You can automatically register all schema types, in startup.cs/ConfigureServices, so you can avoid registering them one by one manually:

(from t in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(YourGraphQLSchema)).GetTypes()
         where t.BaseType.IsGenericType &&
         (t.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(GraphQLGenericType<>) ||
         t.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(GraphQLInputGenericType<>))
         select t)
        .ForEach(t => services.AddSingleton(t));

You can find here an example of implementation:


An extension of graphql-dotnet that automatically generates InputObjectGraphType and ObjectGraphType starting from Dto classes






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