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Fernando Arias Marqués edited this page Sep 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

csharp-pipelines wiki


Pipelines are usually seen as a set of ordered steps, in which an object is passed from one step to the following, performing some actions to it until we obtain a final state. Typical pipelines steps have all the same input and output types, in other words:

T object --Step1-> T object' --Step2-> T object''

csharp-pipelines takes a slightly different approach to the typical Pipeline Pattern. It is a special type of pipelines in which each step can have different types for the input than for output.

TInput object --Step1-> T1 object' --Step2-> T2 object'' --Step3-> TOutput

It is written in .NET Core.

This project is strongly based upon the work by Jeremy Davis An Alternative Approach to Pipelines

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