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This Site

This Site is a small web page CMS written in PHP/MySQL. For each page you can specify a navigation link, a URL, content, meta-data, page order and public/private. You can also set the page content using PHP instead of typing text into the CMS.


This README is currently the only documentation.


PHP 5.3 or higher, Composer and Mysqli.

Source Code

The source code for this project is available on GitHub.


Grab all the files using the composer create-project command:

composer create-project this-site/this-site my-dir 0.7.0

Create a new MySQL database for the application.

Set the following constants in const.php:

  • SRC - absolute path to the src directory
  • ROOT - absolute web path to the directory that the public files are in
  • MYSQL_HOST - the MySQL host
  • MYSQL_USERNAME - your MySQL username
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD - your MySQL password
  • MYSQL_DBNAME - your MySQL database name

In public/boot.php change the two paths so that they correctly point to const.php and autoload.php. Use absolute paths.

Browse to install.php. You should see a success message and a link to the CMS.

Using The CMS

You can use the CMS to create new web pages and edit existing web pages. Here are all the fields available for each page and a description of each:

  • Link Title - The text used for the page's navigation link.
  • URL ID - The identifier used in the page's URL. This can be blank for one page(usually your first page).
  • HTML Head Title - The page title. This will show in the browser tab and search engine results.
  • HTML Meta Description - The page description. This will show in search engine results.
  • HTML Meta Keywords - The page's keywords. This should be words and phrases separated by commas. Search engines use these keywords.
  • Page Content - The content that is displayed on the page.
  • Link Order - An integer for the navigation link order. Pages with a lower value will be first in the navigation.
  • Display Mode - The display mode of the page. Show All displays the navigation link and the page. Hide Link hides the navigation link but the page still displays. Hide All hides both the navigation link and the page.

When you finish creating a page, finish editing a page or are editing a page there will be a link to the public page. So it is always easy to go from the CMS to the public site in order to see what your pages look like.

Using PHP To Set The Page Content

You can call a PHP script instead of simply displaying your page content. This is useful if you want to programmatically generate your page or handle form submissions.

In the CMS in the Page Content box enter only a PHP script, for example enter something like "my-script.php". Then when the public page displays this script will be called from the directory indicated by the PAGE_ROUTES constant that is in const.php.

In your PHP script you will want to set the $t_content variable. You can also set $t_head and $t_last. Here's an example script that sets $t_content:

$tenk = implode(', ', range(1, 10000));
$t_content = "<p>$tenk</p>";

You can see where $t_content, $t_head and $t_last are placed in the HTML by looking at src/thissite/html/template.php.


The easiest way to change the theme is to change the colors and the logos. All the colors are in public/css/default.css; you can find them all by searching for ": #". The logo images that you want to replace are in public/img/. When you replace the logo images be sure to update their dimensions in const.php via LOGO_WIDTH, LOGO_HEIGHT, ALT_LOGO_WIDTH and ALT_LOGO_HEIGHT.

The more advanced way to change the UI is to write your own CSS file. The key to writing your own CSS file is understanding the HTML. The HTML is fairly simple; there's a top level div and inside this div there are six divs:

  • a div with a linked logo
  • a div with a linked mobile logo
  • a div with a drop down navigation
  • a div with an unordered list navigation
  • a div for the page content
  • and lastly an empty div

You can see all this by looking at src/thissite/html/template.php.

One thing to notice here is that there are two logos and two navigations; one of each for the normal site and one for the mobile site. So in your CSS you always want to hide at least one logo and one navigation. An example of all the things that your CSS should do at the very minimum can be found in public/css/minimal.css.

Besides default.css, there is another sample layout in public/css/two-column.css.