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Don Horner edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 51 revisions

Please check below for solutions to common problems and known bugs. If you still can't find a solution, please see Error Reporting.

Python Setup

  • Make sure that Anaconda or Miniconda Python is the python you are using (you can verify this via the which python command)/verify that your Anaconda or Miniconda installation is in your PATH.
  • In order to use Jupyter Notebooks you will need to install the nb_conda package via conda install, i.e., conda install nb_conda

Activating Conda

  • Activation fails with an error like :] Event not found."
    We have found that custom command prompts that contain terms like [\!] cause the activation to fail in the latest conda version (4.5), at least in csh. Escaping the final bracket, e.g., [\!\], seems to fix the problem. We have filed an error report with the Conda developers.
  • You receive a warning like:
    WARNING: You have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set. This might interfere with the correct functioning of conda and the Fermi ST
    WARNING: You have PYTHONPATH set. This might interfere with the correct functioning of conda and the Fermi ST
    Having the PYTHONPATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH set will likely not interfere with the tools. If you encounter a problem with the tools after seeing this warning on setup, try rerunning the problem command with these variables unset.
  • You receive the message cat: EOF: No such file or directory
    This message can happen when activating the tools in csh/tcsh environments. It is a known issue with the csh activation script of the tools and is currently being patched. This should not affect tool functionality.

Pulsar Tools

  • You get the message that the pulsar tools, like gtpsearch or gtpspec, are not found or installed. That is because many of the pulsar tools have been deprecated and removed from the Fermitools. They were not being used by the pulsar community and have not really had anyone to support them for a while. The pulsar community instead uses tools like tempo2 or PRESTO. Please look into using those tools for pulsar analysis.


  • If ModelEditor fails to launch, make sure that you have the pyDS9 package installed via pip. For instructions on how to do this see the Additional Software section of the Installation Instructions.


  • If gtburst is throwing the error OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '~/.gtburst/gtburstGUI.conf': Check the ~/.gtburst directory for a file named gtburstGUI.conf.db. Copying this file to ~/.gtburst/gtburstGUI.conf seems to fix the issue
  • If the gtburst GUI doesn't launch sometimes you need to manually perform an update. Do the following in python:
       >>> from GtBurst import updater
       >>> updater.update()

Other Messages or Errors

CALDB File Not Found Error

You may encounter the error Caught St13runtime_error at the top level: File not found: when running some tools, like gtexpcube2 or gtsuntemp. This error occurs when the irfs input parameter is set to CALDB, and the optional input counts map is set to none. The problem is that CALDB cannot find the EVENT_CLASS keyword in any of the input files and cannot determine the proper IRF to use. In these cases, you must explicitly set the IRF to use (e.g., P8R3_SOURCE_V2). Note the irfs parameter may be a hidden option on some tools. Future versions of the tools will make the error message more explicit.

CFITSIO library mismatch

You may see a message like WARNING: version mismatch between CFITSIO header (v3.43) and linked library (v3.41).

This warning occurs due to the fact that astropy carries a different version of CFITSIO than the version the FSSC builds the conda binaries against. This should not cause any issues with analysis.

External program cannot load shared library

If you are attempting to run an external program while the conda environment is activated and you are seeing a 'Cannot load shared library' error, prepend the location of the environment's libraries to the from of your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:


Parameter not found (N5hoops10HexceptionE)

This can be caused by a corrupt or old parameter file, which specifies the input to a tool. Try removing the parameter file for the problem tool in your $HOME/pfiles directory (e.g., rm $HOME/pfiles/gtlike.par). When you run the tool again, it will install a fresh copy of the .par file into your pfiles directory.