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File metadata and controls

167 lines (128 loc) · 5.91 KB

Customizing the Model

The ROIModel class is responsible for managing the source and diffuse components in the ROI. Configuration of the model is controlled with the :ref:`config_model` block of YAML configuration file.

Configuring Diffuse Components

The simplest configuration uses a single file for the galactic and isotropic diffuse components. By default the galactic diffuse and isotropic components will be named galdiff and isodiff respectively. An alias for each component will also be created with the name of the mapcube or file spectrum. For instance the galactic diffuse can be referred to as galdiff or gll_iem_v06 in the following example.

  src_roiwidth : 10.0
  galdiff  : '$FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR/gll_iem_v06.fits'
  isodiff  : '$FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR/isotropic_source_4years_P8V3.txt'
  catalogs : ['']

To define two or more galactic diffuse components you can optionally define the galdiff and isodiff parameters as lists. A separate component will be generated for each element in the list with the name galdiffXX or isodiffXX where XX is an integer position in the list.

  galdiff  :
    - '$FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR/diffuse_component0.fits'
    - '$FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR/diffuse_component1.fits'

To explicitly set the name of a component you can define any element as a dictionary containing name and file fields:

  galdiff  :
    - { 'name' : 'component0' : 'file' : '$FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR/diffuse_component0.fits' }
    - { 'name' : 'component1' : 'file' : '$FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR/diffuse_component1.fits' }

Configuring Source Components

The list of sources for inclusion in the ROI model is set by defining a list of catalogs with the catalogs parameter. Catalog files can be in either XML or FITS format. Sources from the catalogs in this list that satisfy either the src_roiwidth or src_radius selections are added to the ROI model. If a source is defined in multiple catalogs the source definition from the last file in the catalogs list takes precedence.


  src_radius: 5.0
  src_roiwidth: 10.0
  catalogs :
    - ''
    - 'extra_sources.xml'

Individual sources can also be defined within the configuration file with the sources parameter. This parameter contains a list of dictionaries that defines the spatial and spectral parameters of each source. The keys of the source dictionary map to the spectral and spatial source properties as they would be defined in the XML model file.

  sources  :
    - { name: 'SourceA', glon : 120.0, glat : -3.0,
     SpectrumType : 'PowerLaw', Index : 2.0, Scale : 1000, Prefactor : !!float 1e-11,
     SpatialModel: 'PointSource' }
    - { name: 'SourceB', glon : 122.0, glat : -3.0,
     SpectrumType : 'LogParabola', norm : !!float 1E-11, Scale : 1000, beta : 0.0,
     SpatialModel: 'PointSource' }

For parameters defined as scalars, the scale and value properties will be assigned automatically from the input value. To set these manually a parameter can also be initialized with a dictionary that explicitly sets the value and scale properties:

  sources  :
    - { name: 'SourceA', glon : 120.0, glat : -3.0,
        SpectrumType : 'PowerLaw', Index : 2.0, Scale : 1000,
        Prefactor : { value : 1.0, scale : !!float 1e-11, free : '0' },
        SpatialModel: 'PointSource' }

Spatial Models

Fermipy supports three types of pre-defined spatial models which can be defined by setting the SpatialModel property: PointSource (the default), RadialDisk, and RadialGaussian. The spatial extension of RadialDisk and RadialGaussian can be controlled with the SpatialWidth parameter which sets the 68% containment radius in degrees. Note for ST releases prior to 11-01-01, RadialDisk and RadialGaussian sources will be represented with the SpatialMap type.

  sources  :
    - { name: 'DiskSource', glon : 120.0, glat : 0.0,
     SpectrumType : 'PowerLaw', Index : 2.0, Scale : 1000, Prefactor : !!float 1e-11,
     SpatialModel: 'RadialDisk', SpatialWidth: 1.0 }
    - { name: 'GaussSource', glon : 120.0, glat : 0.0,
     SpectrumType : 'PowerLaw', Index : 2.0, Scale : 1000, Prefactor : !!float 1e-11,
     SpatialModel: 'RadialGaussian', SpatialWidth: 1.0 }

Editing the Model at Runtime

The model can be manually editing at runtime with the :py:meth:`~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.add_source` and :py:meth:`~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.delete_source` methods. Sources can be added either before or after calling :py:meth:`~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.setup` as shown in the following example.

from fermipy.gtanalysis import GTAnalysis

gta = GTAnalysis('config.yaml',logging={'verbosity' : 3})

# Remove isodiff from the model

# Add SourceA to the model
gta.add_source('SourceA',{ 'glon' : 120.0, 'glat' : -3.0,
                'SpectrumType' : 'PowerLaw', 'Index' : 2.0,
                'Scale' : 1000, 'Prefactor' : 1e-11,
                'SpatialModel' : 'PointSource' })


# Add SourceB to the model
gta.add_source('SourceB',{ 'glon' : 121.0, 'glat' : -2.0,
                 'SpectrumType' : 'PowerLaw', 'Index' : 2.0,
                 'Scale' : 1000, 'Prefactor' : 1e-11,
                 'SpatialModel' : 'PointSource' })

Sources added before calling :py:meth:`~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.setup` will be appended to the XML model definition. Sources added after calling :py:meth:`~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.setup` will be created dynamically through the pyLikelihood object creation mechanism.