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title = "The Spin HTTP Trigger" template = "spin_main" date = "2022-03-14T00:22:56Z" enable_shortcodes = true [extra] canonical_url = "" url = ""

HTTP applications are an important workload in event-driven environments, and Spin has built-in support for creating and running HTTP components. This page covers Spin options that are specific to HTTP applications.

The HTTP trigger in Spin is a web server. It listens for incoming requests and based on the application manifest, it routes them to a component, which returns an HTTP response.

Specifying an Application as HTTP

Every Spin application has a trigger specified in the manifest, which declares the type of events it responds to. For HTTP applications, the application trigger has type = "http":

# spin.toml
trigger = { type = "http", base = "/" }

The HTTP trigger also requires a base field. Spin interprets each component route as relative to this route. In most cases, you can set this to "/", the base of the Web server, meaning Spin applies no prefix to component routes.

If you create an application from a HTTP template, the trigger will be already set up for you.

In addition, each component must have HTTP-specific configuration in its [component.trigger] table.

Mapping a Route to a Component

Each component handles one route, specified in the route field of the component trigger table.

The route may be exact or wildcard.

An exact route matches only the given route. This is the default behavior. For example, /cart matches only /cart, and not /cart/checkout:

# Run the `cart.wasm` module when the application receives a request to `/cart`...
id = "cart"
source = "cart.wasm"
route = "/cart"

# ...and the `checkout.wasm` module for `/cart/checkout`
id = "checkout"
source = "checkout.wasm"
route = "/cart/checkout"

A wildcard route matches the given route and any route under it. A route is a wildcard if it ends in /.... For example, /users/... matches /users, /users/1, /users/1/edit, and so on. Any of these routes will run the mapped component.

In particular, the route /... matches all routes.

id = "user-manager"
source = "users.wasm"
# Run the `users.wasm` module when the application receives a request to `/users`
# or any path beginning with `/users/`
route = "/users/..."

Routing with an Application base

If the application base is "/" then all component routes are matched exactly as given.

If base contains a non-root path, this is prefixed to all component routes, exact or wildcard.

For example, suppose the application base path is base = "/shop". Then a component with route = "/cart" will be executed for requests to /shop/cart. Similarly, a component with route = "/users/..." will be executed for requests to /shop/users, /shop/users/1, /shop/users/1/edit and so on.

Resolving Overlapping Routes

If multiple components could potentially handle the same request based on their defined routes, the component whose route has the longest matching prefix takes precedence. This also means that exact matches take precedence over wildcard matches.

In the following example, requests starting with the /users/ prefix (e.g. /users/1) will be handled by user-manager, even though it is also matched by the shop route, because the /users prefix is longer than /. But requests to /users/admin will be handled by the admin component, not user-manager, because that is a more exact match still:

# spin.toml

trigger = { type = "http", base = "/"}

id = "user-manager"
route = "/users/..."

id = "admin"
route = "/users/admin"

id = "shop"
route = "/..."

Health Check Route

Every HTTP application automatically has a special route always configured at /.well-known/spin/health, which returns OK 200 when the Spin instance is healthy.

HTTP Components

Spin has two ways of running HTTP components, depending on language support for the evolving WebAssembly component standards. This section describes the default way, which is currently used by Rust, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and TinyGo components. For other languages, see HTTP Components with Wagi) below.

By default, Spin runs components using the WebAssembly component model. In this model, the Wasm module exports a well-known function that Spin calls to handle the HTTP request.

The Request Handler

The exact signature of the HTTP handler, and how a function is identified to be exported as the handler, will depend on your language.

{{ tabs "sdk-type" }}

{{ startTab "Rust"}}

In Rust, the handler is identified by the #[spin_sdk::http_component] attribute. It takes a spin_sdk::http::Request, and returns a spin_sdk::http::Response (or error). These types are instantiations of the standard http::Request and http::Response types and behave exactly like them:

use anyhow::Result;
use spin_sdk::{
    http::{Request, Response},

/// A simple Spin HTTP component.
fn handle_hello_rust(req: Request) -> Result<Response> {
        .header("foo", "bar")
        .body(Some("Hello, Fermyon".into()))?)

{{ blockEnd }}

{{ startTab "TypeScript"}}

In JavaScript or TypeScript, the handler is identified by name. It must be called handleRequest. The way you declare it is slightly different between the two languages.

In JavaScript, handleRequest is declared as export async function. It takes a JsvaScript object representing the request, and returns a response object. The fields of these objects are exactly the same as in TypeScript:

export async function handleRequest(request) {
    return {
        status: 200,
        headers: { "foo": "bar" },
        body: "Hello from JS-SDK"

In TypeScript, handleRequest is declared as an export const of the HandleRequest function type - that is, a function literal rather than a function declaration. It takes a HttpRequest object, and returns a HttpResponse object, both defined in the @fermyon/spin-sdk package:

import { HandleRequest, HttpRequest, HttpResponse} from "@fermyon/spin-sdk"

export const handleRequest: HandleRequest = async function(request: HttpRequest): Promise<HttpResponse> {
    return {
      status: 200,
      headers: { "foo": "bar" },
      body: "Hello from TS-SDK"

{{ blockEnd }}

{{ startTab "Python"}}

In Python, the handler is identified by name. It must be called handle_request. It takes a request object and must return an instance of Response, defined in the spin_http package:

from spin_http import Response

def handle_request(request):
    return Response(200,
                    [("content-type", "text/plain")],
                    bytes(f"Hello from the Python SDK", "utf-8"))

{{ blockEnd }}

{{ startTab "TinyGo"}}

In Go, you register the handler as a callback in your program's init function. Call spinhttp.Handle, passing your handler as the sole argument. Your handler takes a http.Request record, from the standard net/http package, and a ResponseWriter to construct the response.

The do-nothing main function is required by TinyGo but is not used; the action happens in the init function and handler callback.

package main

import (

        spinhttp ""

func init() {
        spinhttp.Handle(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
                w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
                fmt.Fprintln(w, "Hello Fermyon!")

func main() {}

If you are moving between languages, note that in most other Spin SDKs, your handler constructs and returns a response, but in Go, Spin constructs a ResponseWriter, and you write to it; your handler does not return a value.

{{ blockEnd }}

{{ blockEnd }}

The Request and Response Records

Exactly how the Spin SDK surfaces the request and response types varies from language to language; this section calls out general features.

  • In the request record, the URL contains the path and query, but not the scheme and host. For example, in a request to, the URL contains /shop/users/1?theme=pink. If you need the full URL, you can get it from the spin-full-url header - see the table below.

Additional Request Information

As well as any headers passed by the client, Spin sets several headers on the request passed to your component, which you can use to access additional information about the HTTP request.

In the following table, the examples suppose that:

  • Spin is listening on
  • The application base is /shop
  • The component route is /users/...
  • The request is to
Header Name Value Example
spin-full-url The full URL of the request. This includes full host and scheme information.
spin-path-info The request path relative to the component route (including any base) /1/edit
spin-matched-route The part of the request path that was matched by the route (including the base and wildcard indicator if present) /shop/users/...
spin-raw-component-route The component route pattern matched, as written in the component manifest (that is, excluding the base, but including the wildcard indicator if present) /users/...
spin-component-route The component route pattern matched, excluding any wildcard indicator /users
spin-base-path The application base path /shop
spin-client-addr The IP address and port of the client

Inside HTTP Components

For the most part, you'll build HTTP component modules using a language SDK (see the Language Guides section), such as a JavaScript module or a Rust crate. If you're interested in what happens inside the SDK, or want to implement HTTP components in another language, read on!

The WebAssembly component model is in its early stages, and over time the triggers and application entry points will undergo changes, both in the definitions of functions and types, and in the binary representations of those definitions and of primitive types (the so-called Application Binary Interface or ABI). However, Spin ensures binary compatibility over the course of any given major release. For example, a component built using the Spin 1.0 SDK will work on any version of Spin in the 1.x range.

The HTTP component interface is defined using a WebAssembly Interface (WIT) file. (Learn more about the evolving WIT standard here.). You can find the latest WITs for Spin HTTP components at

The core HTTP types are defined in

// wit/ephemeral/http-types.wit

// The HTTP status code.
type http-status = u16
// The HTTP body.
type body = list<u8>
// The HTTP headers represented as a list of (name, value) pairs.
type headers = list<tuple<string, string>>
// The HTTP parameter queries, represented as a list of (name, value) pairs.
type params = list<tuple<string, string>>
// The HTTP URI of the current request.
type uri = string
// The HTTP method.
enum method { get, post, put,... }

// An HTTP request.
record request {
    method: method,
    uri: uri,
    headers: headers,
    params: params, // Retained for binary compatibility but no longer used
    body: option<body>,

// An HTTP response.
record response {
    status: http-status,
    headers: option<headers>,
    body: option<body>,

// error types omitted

The same HTTP types are also used to model the API for sending outbound HTTP requests.

The entry point for Spin HTTP components is then defined in

// wit/ephemeral/spin-http.wit

use * from http-types

// The entry point for an HTTP handler.
handle-http-request: function(req: request) -> response

This is the function signature that all HTTP components must implement, and which is used by the Spin HTTP executor when instantiating and invoking the component.

This interface (spin-http.wit) can be directly used together with the Bytecode Alliance wit-bindgen project to build a component that the Spin HTTP executor can invoke.

This is exactly how Spin SDKs, such as the Rust, JavaScript, Python and Go SDKs, are built. As more languages add support for the component model, we plan to add support for them in the same way.

WIT and the ABI are evolving standards. The latest version of wit-bindgen creates binary implementations that do not work with current language implementations of the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). Spin remains pinned to an older implementation of wit-bindgen until the next generation of the component model stabilizes and achieves language-level support.

HTTP With Wagi (WebAssembly Gateway Interface)

The WebAssembly component model proposal is currently in its early stages, which means only a few programming languages fully implement it. While the language communities implement toolchain support for the component model (for emitting components and for automatically generating bindings for importing other components), we want to allow developers to use any language that compiles to WASI to build Spin HTTP applications. This is why Spin currently implements an HTTP executor based on Wagi, or the WebAssembly Gateway Interface, a project that implements the Common Gateway Interface specification for WebAssembly.

Spin will keep supporting the Wagi-based executor while language toolchains add support for the WebAssembly component model. When enough programming languages have implemented the component model, we will work with the Spin community to decide when to deprecate the Wagi executor.

Wagi allows a module built in any programming language that compiles to WASI to handle an HTTP request by passing the HTTP request information to the module's standard input, environment variables, and arguments, and expecting the HTTP responses through the module's standard output. This means that if a language has support for the WebAssembly System Interface, it can be used to build Spin HTTP components. The Wagi model is only used to parse the HTTP request and response. Everything else — defining the application, running it, or distributing is done the same way as a component that uses the Spin executor.

Wagi Component Requirements

Spin uses the component model by default, and cannot detect from the Wasm module alone whether it was built with component model support. For Wagi components, therefore, you must tell Spin in the component manifest to run them using Wagi instead of 'default' Spin. To do this, use the executor field in the [component.trigger] table:

id = "wagi-test"
source = "wagitest.wasm"
route = "/"
executor = { type = "wagi" }

If, for whatever reason, you want to highlight that a component uses the default Spin execution model, you can write executor = { type = "spin" }. But this is the default and is rarely written out.

Wagi supports non-default entry points, and allows you to pass an arguments string that a program can receive as if it had been passed on the command line. If you need these you can specify them in the executor table. For details, see the Manifest Reference.

Request Handling in Wagi

Building a Wagi component in a particular programming language that can compile to wasm32-wasi does not require any special libraries — instead, building Wagi components can be done by reading the HTTP request from the standard input and environment variables, and sending the HTTP response to the module's standard output.

In pseudo-code, this is the minimum required in a Wagi component:

  • either the content-media or location headers must be set — this is done by printing its value to standard output
  • an empty line between the headers and the body
  • the response body printed to standard output:
print("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n");
print("hello world\n");

Here is a working example, written in Grain, a programming language that natively targets WebAssembly and WASI but does not yet support the component model:

import Process from "sys/process";
import Array from "array";

print("content-type: text/plain\n");

// This will print all the Wagi env variables
print("==== Environment: ====");
Array.forEach(print, Process.env());

// This will print the route path followed by each query
// param. So /foo?bar=baz will be ["/foo", "bar=baz"].
print("==== Args: ====");
Array.forEach(print, Process.argv());

You can find examples on how to build Wagi applications in the DeisLabs GitHub organization.

Wagi HTTP Environment Variables

Wagi passes request metadata to the program through well-known environment variables. The key path-related request variables are:

  • X_FULL_URL - the full URL of the request — http://localhost:3000/test/hello/abc/def?foo=bar
  • PATH_INFO - the path info, relative to both the base application path and component route — in our example, where the base path is /test, and the component route is /hello, this is /abc/def.
  • X_MATCHED_ROUTE - the base path and route pattern matched (including the wildcard pattern, if applicable; this updates the header set in Wagi to include the base path) — in our case "/test/hello/...".
  • X_RAW_COMPONENT_ROUTE - the route pattern matched (including the wildcard pattern, if applicable) — in our case /hello/....
  • X_COMPONENT_ROUTE - the route path matched (stripped of the wildcard pattern) — in our case /hello
  • X_BASE_PATH - the application base path — in our case /test.

For details, and for a full list of all Wagi environment variables, see the Wagi documentation.

Exposing HTTP Triggers Using HTTPS

When exposing HTTP triggers using HTTPS you must provide spin up with a TLS certificate and a private key. This can be achieved by either using trigger options (--tls-cert and --tls-key) when running the spin up command, or by setting environment variables (SPIN_TLS_CERT and SPIN_TLS_KEY) before running the spin up command.

Trigger Options

The spin up command's --tls-cert and --tls-key trigger options provide a way for you to specify both a TLS certificate and a private key (whilst running the spin up command).

The --tls-cert option specifies the path to the TLS certificate to use for HTTPS, if this is not set, normal HTTP will be used. The certificate should be in PEM format.

The --tls-key option specifies the path to the private key to use for HTTPS, if this is not set, normal HTTP will be used. The key should be in PKCS#8 format. For more information, please see the Spin CLI Reference.

Environment Variables

The spin up command can also automatically use the SPIN_TLS_CERT and SPIN_TLS_KEY environment variables instead of the respective flags (--tls-cert and --tls-key):


Once set, spin up will automatically use these explicitly set environment variables. For example, if using a Linux-based system, you can go ahead and use the export command to set the variables in your session (before you run the spin up command):

export SPIN_TLS_CERT=<path/to/cert>
export SPIN_TLS_KEY=<path/to/key>