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Hibrid mobile application made with react native

showcase video



  1. Multiple screen navigation with react-navigation
  2. Internationalization with react-i18next
  3. Themed components with styled-components
  4. State management with redux-toolkit
  5. HTTP requests with axios
  6. SVG images with react-native-svg
  7. Typechecking with typescript

Future improvements

  • add security layer with fingerprint (or face) scanner to access the app upon lunch (such as Nubank)
  • test different screen sizes and os versions


To run the application in your local environment, follow the steps:

  1. Clone the repository with

    git clone

  2. Install the project dependencies with (make sure to have node installed)

    npm install

  3. Connect your device to your computer and then install the app with:

    npm run android or npm run ios

  4. Run the development server with

    npm run start

Useful commands

yarn react-native generate-bootsplash src/assets/images/logomark.png \
  --background-color=101820 \
  --logo-width=100 \
  --assets-path=assets \

App Screenshots