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React css components loader (rcc-loader)


This loader is built to generate types from an imported css module and map its classes into react components in order to use props instead of classNames.

  • fast classNames mapping
  • easy to debug in React dev tools
  • typed css module classNames


let's suppose to have the following scss file my-app.module.scss

.Root {
  background: white;
  color: black;
  &--dark-mode {
    background: black;
    color: white;

.Btn {
  border: solid 1px black;
  border-radius: 3px;
  cursor: pointer;
  /* _as_ is a special key to group classes to one unique property*/
  &--sm_as_size {
    font-size: 10px;
  &--md_as_size {
    font-size: 12px;
  &--lg_as_size {
    font-size: 14px;

/* _ext_:  is a special key to tell that a component should extend another component behaviour. in the following case for example, .DeleteBtn will herit from .Btn */
.DeleteBtn_ext_Btn {
  background: red;
  color: white;
  &--disabled {
    pointer-events: none;
    background: gray;

the loader will generate the following file my-app.rcc.tsx.

import { createRccHelper } from 'rcc-loader/dist/rcc-core'
import _style from './my-app.module.scss'

export interface ModuleStyle {
  Root: string
  'Root--dark-mode': string
  Btn: string
  'Btn--sm_as_size': string
  'Btn--md_as_size': string
  'Btn--lg_as_size': string
  DeleteBtn: string
  'DeleteBtn--disabled': string

// set exportStyleOnly to true in the webpack config to export only the style
export const style: ModuleStyle = _style as any

export interface RootProps {
  '$dark-mode'?: boolean

export interface BtnProps {
  $size?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg'
// DeleteBtnProps extends BtnProps because we defined the class .DeleteBtn_ext_Btn
export interface DeleteBtnProps extends BtnProps {
  $disabled?: boolean

const createRCC = createRccHelper(style, {
  devDebugPrefix: 'S.'

const cssComponents = {
  Root: createRCC<RootProps>('Root'),
  Btn: createRCC<BtnProps>('Btn'),
  DeleteBtn: createRCC<DeleteBtnProps>('DeleteBtn')

export default cssComponents

now we can use it in our main component MyComponent.tsx

import S from './my-app.rcc'

const MyComponent = ({
}: {
  isDarkMode: boolean
}) => {
  return (
    // $as accepts html tags or react component
    <S.Root $as='div' $dark-mode={isDarkMode}>
      {/* if the browser supports proxy, we can directly define the html tag inline */}
      <S.Btn.button $size='sm'>I am a small button</S.Btn.button>
      <S.Btn.button $size='md'>I am a medium button</S.Btn.button>
      <S.DeleteBtn.button $size='lg' $disabled={isDeleteDisabled}>
        I am a large Delete button

how to Install

npm i -S rcc-loader

use and options

see default Configuration example with nextjs

const nextConfig = {
  // ...
  webpack: (
    { buildId, dev, isServer, defaultLoaders, nextRuntime, webpack }
  ) => {
    const rccLoaderRule = {
      test: /\.module\.scss$/,
      use: [
          loader: 'rcc-loader',
          options: {
             * enabled: (required) the loader should be enabled only in Dev environment.
             * alternatively you can just, add the rccLoaderRule to webpack only in dev and set enabled to true by default
            enabled: !!dev && isServer,
             * exportStyleOnly: (optional: boolean | Function), false by default. set it to true in case you want only to export the ModuleStyle from the generated file.
             *  you can use a function in case you want to set it only for given modules or name templates
             * eg: (filename, fileDir) => /-eso\.module\.scss$/.test(filename)
             * in this case, my-style-eso.module.scss for example will export only the ModuleStyle type
            exportStyleOnly: false,
            // cache: (optional) the cache folder by default is .rcc-tmp
            // we should add the cache folder path to the .gitignore file
            // after each css module compilation, rcc-loader checks cache values to decide if it should generate a new .rcc.tsx file or not
            cache: {
              folder: '.rcc-tmp',
               * disabled: (Optional) - always generates new rcc file without checking the cache folder
               * */
              disabled: false
            // getOutputFileName: (optional), to generate file with different name then the defualt one.
            getOutputFileName: (filename, fileDir) =>
              `awesomename-${filename.replace('.module.scss', '')}`,
            // sassOptions: (optional) - sassOptions to pass to sass compiler
            // => sass.compileString(cssString, sassOptions). for example to resolve absolute imports, etc.
            sassOptions: {}
            // devDebugPrefix: (optional: string | function) - for dev environment, dom elements will have a data-kts-name attribute that will help for a fast look up in the project files. the default devDebugPrefix is S.
            //let's assume we render <S.ContentWrapper.div /> in our project, the dom will have data-kts-name="S.ContentWrapper.div"
            // we can have a dynamic prefix corresponding to our css module file.
            // eg: (fileName, fileDir) => fileName.replace(".module.scss", ".")
            // in this case, if our module file name is Overlay.module.scss, we wil then have data-kts-name="Overlay.ContentWrapper.div". etc.
            devDebugPrefix: "S."

    config.module.rules = config.module.rules ?? []

    return config

after setting up the config, we will first use the toRCC transformer in our react component. for example in MyComponent.tsx

import { toRCC } from 'rcc-loader/dist/rcc-core'
import style from './my-style.module.scss'

// S type is an index { [key: string]: RCC }
const S = toRCC(style)

export const MyComponent = () => {
  return <S.Root.div>Hello World</S.Root.div>

after running the project, the my-style.rcc.tsx file will be generated automatically so we can import the rcc components directly from it.

// here S is fully typed
import S from './my-style.rcc'

export const MyComponent = () => {
  return <S.Root.div>Hello World</S.Root.div>

special class keys

Component Class.

the rcc component comes from the root class definition. Each component class should be defined in PascalCase.

// correct definition
.Root {
.Content {
.ItemWrapper {
// wrong definition
// the following classes will be ignored
.Content-Wrapper {
.-ContentWrapper {

component property class

it should start with the component root name followed by double dashes. Each component property should be written in kebab-case (eg: .Component--prop-one--prop-two)

.Wrapper {
  &--dark-mode {
    &--border-2x {
// the Wrapper component will then have 2 props
// $dark-mode: that comes from .Wrapper--dark-mode
// $border-2x: that comes from .Wrapper--dark-mode--border-2x

global property class

defining component property class without specifying the component name at the begining of the class, the generated class will be available for all components in the rcc file

.--flex-center {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

.--font-size-lg {
  font-size: 18px;

.Wrapper {
.Item {
// the Wrapper and the Item component will both have the global props
// $flex-center and $font-size-lg

ternary property class

some times we define a bunch of classes and want to use only one at the time excluding other ones: A or B or C. to do so, we need to use the special key as

.--sm_as_font-size {
  font-size: 12px;

.--lg_as_font-size {
  font-size: 18px;

.Btn {
  &--red_as_color {
    color: green;
  &--yellow_as_color {
    color: yellow;

// global ternary props
// $font-size: 'sm' | 'lg'

// Btn component own props
// $color: 'green' | 'yellow'

Component class extension

some time we just want to extends a class and overwrite other css properties. in this case, we should use the ext key.

.Btn {
  border-radius: 3px;
  box-shadow: 4px 4px grey;

.PrimaryBtn_ext_Btn {
  background: green;
  color: white;
// PrimaryBtn_ext_Btn tells us that the PrimaryBtn we just defined should extend the Btn previously defined

Note: recursive extensions will throw an error to avoid infinte loop

.Btn_ext_PrimaryBtn {

.PrimaryBtn_ext_Btn {

// Btn extends PrimaryBtn and PrimaryBtn extends Btn. this will create an infinite loop

default css properties

if for some reason, we want to have some default props for all components in the rcc context, we can use the --DEFAULT key.

  font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
