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This repository contains the implementation of the Reconstruction Corrector component introduced in our article "Exploiting Fairness to Enhance Sensitive Attributes Reconstruction"


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This repository contains the implementation of the Reconstruction Corrector component introduced in our article "Exploiting Fairness to Enhance Sensitive Attributes Reconstruction"

File contains the implementation of our contributions.

File provides an example use of our Python modules. More precisely, it performs the following tasks:

  • It loads the UCI Adult Income dataset
  • It trains a fair model using this dataset, and the ExponentiatedGradient fair learning technique from the FairLearn library.
  • It trains a baseline adversary (corresponding to A' in our paper) using our MachineLearningAttacker object.
  • It performs the adversary's confidence scores exponentiation process using our scale_probas_manual function.
  • It performs the reconstruction correction using our ReconstructionCorrector object.
  • It evaluates its quality (and the improvement brought by the correction step) using our evaluate_reconstruction function.


  • Our ReconstructionCorrector object implements the reconstruction correction method described in our article. It builds and solves a Constraint Programming (CP) model, using the Docplex Python modelling tool and the IBM CP Optimizer solver. Both are required for the ReconstructionCorrector to be able to run.
  • Our example script uses the ExponentiatedGradient fair learning technique from the FairLearn library. To run it, FairLearn must be installed.
  • Our example script uses several tools from the scikit-learn library. To run it, scikit-learn must be installed.
  • Other popular required libraries: numpy, pandas

Example output

Hereafter is an example output produced by our example script for the statistical parity metric with unfairness tolerance epsilon = 0.0 (random_state_value=42):

Data is split among: 
Training set: 15375 examples
Attack set: 14923 examples
Test set: 14924 examples
Number of features for inference:  13 

Training target fair model...
Train unfairness (statistical_parity) =  1.333702367489753e-06
Train accuracy:  0.8394146341463414
Test accuracy:  0.8308094344679711 

Training baseline adversary...
Machine learning attacker ready. Accuracy on attack set is  0.7639884741673926
Computing the probabilities exponentiation factor value...
Exponentiating all probabilities to factor  6 

Performing the reconstruction correction...

Corrected reconstruction:  0.8300487804878048  (was  0.7654634146341464  before)
Absolute improvement =  0.06458536585365848
Relative improvement =  0.08437420341575318


This repository contains the implementation of the Reconstruction Corrector component introduced in our article "Exploiting Fairness to Enhance Sensitive Attributes Reconstruction"






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