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Google Sheets extension FAQ

Kirill Fertikov edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

How to open an online dictionary when clicking words in bold?

When repeating your regular email with vocabulary you might forget meanings of some words (especially if this is you first iteration). The extension allows you to open an online dictionary page.

  1. Open your Google Sheet with vocabulary.
  2. Right mouse button click on D1 cell (URL header) -> Insert note.
  3. Insert, for example, for Cambridge Dictionary (where %s is a placeholder for target word).
  4. Now, when you click on word in bold in an email, Cambridge Dictionary will be opened.

Sometimes, you would like to open different words in different dictionaries. For this purpose, you can just fill the value in URL column.

Now if you click on symbol in an email and the link will be opened.

How to open an offline dictionary when clicking words in bold?

Sometimes there might be no Internet on your phone when you decided to repeat your vocabulary.

  1. Install one of these offline dictionaries for Android.
  2. Set the URL template to (for English).

Now you can click the word in bold and it will be opened in offline English dictionary.

Data in a spreadsheet was corrupted by the add-on due to a bug

This is a likely case, since the add-on might contain bugs like any other software. Fortunately, Google Sheets store document's change history. If something has been messed up, you can restore your data. Also please don't forget to create a new issue for the add-on.

Can I undo changes made in a spreadsheet by the add-on?

Like in the previous paragraph: yes, you can.

Can I delete some rows in Vocabulary spreadsheet? Won't it break the algorithm?

If you've decided that you don't want some sentences to be sent (if you've added them twice, for instance), you can safely delete them from the spreadsheet. This won't break the algorithm.

Can a spreadsheet contain some sheets without vocabulary? How to prevent them from being handled by the add-on?

You can hide a sheet. Hidden sheets aren't handled by the add-on.

I didn't find an answer to my question on this page

Please create an issue which describes your problem.