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the source for, this is built and sent to github:angular-class/


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This is a MEAN stack app using ES6. Babel is the transpilers in use, and right now, the front end uses a combo of Gulp and Webpack. the backend is still using JSPM but should and will be changes to use Webpack as well.

The front end uses a component approach similar to React, just take a look through it and you'll see. The backend use a SOA similar to the front end. Again, take a look. Because the backend is still using JSPM we have a mix of require and import statments. Just require node_modules and import your files.

Here's a list of things you need.

  • node version >= .12 (use nvm to manage versions)
  • mongo
  • npm globals
    • karma
    • karma-cli
    • webpack
    • gulp
    • bower
    • jspm

Getting started

  • fork this baby
  • clone your fork
  • make sure you have above dependencies
  • npm i
  • bower i

All that will install all the needed dependencies for you.


After you have installed everything, you can start building things. Note because the backend uses JSPM, all paths in import on the backend are relative to the server folder but all paths in require work as usual, relative the the current file. This is changing soon. The front end is using webpack so all paths are relative to the current file.

  • checkout a new branch in this format

    • [featureName/yourName]
    • example git checkout -b blogListAnimations/scott
  • open a new terminal window and run mongod to start mongo.

  • open a new terminal window and run gulp. Check out the list of tasks you can run.

  • run test npm test

  • check for issues

  • if you select an issue to work on, assign yourself to it so no one else does it

  • after you make your changes and tests pass, commit them using the following format

  • Pull from remote/dev

  • push to your fork/branch

  • only submit a PR when you have completed the issue, and open a PR againts remote/dev

  • wait for CodeShip (CI) runs your test

  • if tests pass, assign PR to @Hendrixer

  • Watch for comments on code sugestions / changes

  • Make any changes and update PR


All tasks are ran by Gulp

  • nodemon
    • starts the node server
  • serve
    • will serve the front end through browser-sync wich has live reloading
    • it will proxy the node server on port 3000 to port 9000
  • webpack
    • will run our client code through webpack wich will
      • turn ES6 to ES5
      • bundle all js files
      • create app/bundle.js
  • secrets
    • this is for CI and deployment
    • because you can't conditionally use import like require
    • During dev, you should have the server/config/sercrets.js file with all secrets, but when we deploy that file is not checked in, and because the server will always import it, it breaks. This tasks makes a blank file.
  • watch
    • this tasks watches client side code and calles webpack again and reloads the browser
  • default
    • runs nodemon, webpack, serve, watch

Commit format

[changeType](module/component): small description
<!-- blank line -->
longer description (closes:fixes: breaking changes)

List of changeTypes

  • feature - new feature
  • fix - bug fix (typo, test, etc)
  • chore - refactoring, changing files around, etc
  • spec - adding test
  • docs - updaing or creating docs

Here is an example of a commit message for a new feature

feature(admin): add ability for admins to invite authors

closes #23
Breaking changes: Changed to author.first_name and author.last_name

Here is an example for a commit message for a bug fix

fix(blog): fix typo


Testing is done with mocha on both back and front. All test are written in ES6. The front end uses Karma and webpack, the back uses JSPM.

To run all test - npm test. To run frontend test karma start To run backend run node server/test.js - we use mocha pragmatically because of JSPM. This is chagning to webpack.


This is not solid yet. Right now, we're deployed on Heroku. Using the integration with github, heroku will deploy when it sees a push to the master branch. We might automate this with our CI Codeship instead. Stay tuned.


the source for, this is built and sent to github:angular-class/







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  • JavaScript 84.2%
  • HTML 12.6%
  • CSS 3.2%