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Stacheless is a Statamic addon to run CMS data through Eloquent.

Compatibility with Statamic

Stacheless Repositories do not subclass the Statamic as implementation details are different. Instead it implements the interfaces setout by Statamic. A consiquence of this is when Statamic adds new functionality (specifically methods) to their controllers there regularly is no automatic compatibility with the release.

Unfortunately, this is difficult to avoid but this package is frequently updated to support the latest Statamic releases – usually within a few days.

Stacheless Statamic
1.2.0-1.2.8 4.42.1
1.0.0-1.1.0 4.39.0
0.1.19 4.23.2
0.1.13-0.1.18 4.0.0-4.15.0
0.1.11-0.1.12 ???-3.4.11
0.1.10 3.3.48-3.3.49
0.1.9 3.3.38-3.3.47


This addon provides multi-site supported Repository replacements for the file-based Statamic Repositories:

  • Entries
  • Revisions
  • Collections
  • Collection Trees
  • Navigations
  • Navigation Trees
  • Global Sets
  • Global Variables
  • Taxonomies
  • Terms
  • Assets
  • Asset Containers

For our currently usecases we don’t need support for DB driven:

  • Forms
  • Submissions

And for CMS configuration we actually check these into source control and have different images deployed which are config specific so there is no DB support for:

  • Blueprints
  • Fieldsets

For Users, Group and Permissions it’s recommended you use the built in Statamic solution:


A fast and scaleable method to store and access Statamic data via a database.

How to Install

composer require few-far/stacheless

How to Use

Optionally chose some types to keep using the Statamic Repositories:

# .env

Then publish and run the migrations:

$ php artisan stacheless:make:migrations
$ php artisan migrate

You’re good to go.

For finer control you can publish the package’s config:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag stacheless-config


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