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simple find and change grep with fc query

fabiantheblind edited this page Nov 19, 2015 · 2 revisions
 * @author: fabiantheblind
 * @license: wtfpl -->
 * a basic find and change script using fc queries
 * @prerequisites: create a fc grep query named "hello-world"
 * - see -->

  var the_text_to_change = "Hello World!";
  var the_query_name = "hello-world";
  var doc = app.documents.add(); // create a doc

  var tf = doc.pages.item(0).textFrames.add({
      /* Make a textframe in the first page with that text */
      geometricBounds:[12.7,12.7,297 - 12.7, 210 - 12.7],
      contents: the_text_to_change

  app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; // now empty the find what field!!! that's important!!!
  app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; // empties the change to field!!! that's important!!!

  // this is like entering the find what text in the UI
  // app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "Hello World";
  // this is like entering text in the change to
  // app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = "Hello Anschläge";
  // s
  app.loadFindChangeQuery(the_query_name, SearchModes.GREP_SEARCH);
  // and now hit the button
  // HINT:
  // you could also do
  // tf.changeGrep();
  // we are done
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