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This React Currency Converter represents my first project with React, the application enables users to convert currencies in real-time, offering an intuitive interface / basic functionality. 💰

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CurrencyConverter - First React App 📈

Welcome to CurrencyConverter, my very first React application! 🎉 As a newcomer to the world of React development, I am thrilled to share this project with you. The Currency Converter is a beginner-friendly React project that allows users to convert 1 Euro to various currencies. Users can select a currency from the provided list, and the converted amount will be displayed in the footer. Additionally, the converter features a toggle button for the currency list's visibility and a search field to find specific currencies easily.

Converter Overview


🔄 Currency Conversion: Convert 1 Euro to different currencies.

🔳 Display/Hide Currency List: Toggle visibility of the currency list with the "=" button.

🔍 Search Field Currency Filter: Search for specific currencies using the currency search field.

Project Challenges :


I successfully organized the app into different components to ensure a modular and maintainable codebase. By breaking down the user interface into smaller components like Header, Currencies, Amount, and Button, I improved code readability and reusability.


Understanding and utilizing the concept of state in React was crucial for this project. I efficiently updated state properties, such as currenciesOpen, baseAmount, currencyName, and inputSearch, to achieve dynamic behavior and real-time updates.


Implementing props allowed me to pass data between parent and child components seamlessly. This feature proved essential in displaying the converted amount and handling click events on currency items.


In this project using classes and understanding their role in state management allowed me to make a smooth transition to learning React hooks. Hooks offer a more concise and intuitive way to work with state and lifecycle functionalities. By building a solid foundation with classes, I was able to appreciate the benefits of hooks and understand how they simplify component logic and improve code readability.


Sass proved to be a powerful tool for managing styles efficiently. I utilized variables from the _variables.scss file to maintain consistent colors throughout the app. Nesting styles allowed me to write cleaner and more organized CSS rules.


1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Navigate the project directory:

cd CurrencyConverter

3. Install the required dependencies using Yarn:

yarn install

4. Run the development server:

yarn dev


This React Currency Converter represents my first project with React, the application enables users to convert currencies in real-time, offering an intuitive interface / basic functionality. 💰






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