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Reuse a Ti92 as keyboard with ESP32 + Display + SDCard

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Xtase - fgalliat @Aug 2020

  • try tu reuse a Ti92(model 1-no asm) as Keyboard for an ESP32 + ILI9341 + SDCard

  • it uses my other project : (for the calc & link part)

  • libraries :

    • SdFat
    • TFT_eSPI
  • hardware :

    • ESP32 mini
    • Adafruit ProtoShield (for UNO)
    • ILI9341
    • SDCard reader
    • Buzzer / LED
    • -- Ti92 / Arduino ProMini 5v (328P) --
  • devboard :

    • TODO:

      • Board wiring diagram
      • Soldering
        • SCL & SDA
        • maybe Aref to Vcc (SCL,SDA,Vcc,GND ~kinda GROVE)
        • 8pins headers for Screen on lower-board
        • SDCard Reader on upper board / cut pins @ bottom
        • SDCard to SPI SD (code wrote / works!)
        • Screen SPI missing solders (MISO,MOSI, SCK)
        • some solders between lower & upper boards
        • SPI Screen just next SPI 8pins headers (test it)
        • Additional Button (PULL_UP)
      • test SDCard custom SPI config
      • test ILI custom SPI config
      • test all UARTs (0, 1, x) - fixed UART1
      • protect SerialX from 5v logic (switchable)
      • BUZZER / LED
    • Diagram :

      • DevBoard !! NOT UNO Compatible !! (even if same form factor)

      DevBoard !! NOT UNO Compatible !!

      • ESP32 mini (HW665) (Arduino IDE : WEMOS D1 MINI ESP32)

        ESP32 mini wiring

        !! BEWARE RX1 is on GPIO16 now

  • ideas :

    • webServer w/ DnD + UPLOAD
      • secure POST request w/ a token (~AUTH form) (done)
      • emit onERROR u_send() message & lock process (done)
      • add SoftAP / STA mode switcher (w/ SoftAP fallback)
      • add SoftAP / STA - SSID:psk file support + API (? /etc/wifi.psk ?)
    • BT Server / HID Server
    • connected to XtsTiLink/Ti92 system (of my own)


Reuse a Ti92 as keyboard with ESP32 + Display + SDCard






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