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Finnish HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guide for Scheduling

This repo contains the source code for the Finnish FHIR Scheduling implementation guide.


HL7 Finland is working on a consolidated implementation guide for scheduling. It will be based on two earlier implementation guides:

This guide will consolidate these two specifications, and also incorporate aspects from the Kanta implementation guide for the apppointment booking document (not yet publicly available).

The aim is to get first public STU1 version of the guide published on Q4/2024.

Feel free to join the effort here in GitHub, or through our weekly meetings.

Office Hours

We'll be hosting weekly office hours meetings. Each Thursday at 16.00 - 16.55.

Add the recurring meeting to your own calendar from the calendar invitation!

Please feel free to join and discuss topics that are important to you.

You can also propose to dedicate one of the sessions to discuss topics that are important to you.

Myös suomeksi (also in Finnish)

Valtaosa tiedosta tällä sivulla on englanniksi ja itse soveltamisopas tulee olemaan englanninkielinen. Viikottaiset tapaamiset voidaan kyllä hyvin käydä myös suomen kielellä, jos kaikki osallistujat ymmärtävät suomea.


Janne Heikkinen,

Mikael Rinnetmäki,