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Alexander Rind edited this page May 17, 2017 · 2 revisions

PubViz can dynamically load a publication lists from Zotero (both personal library or group library are possible).

Sync library to Zotero server

We will access the publication lists via the central Zotero server, so you need to sync your data from the webbrowser/standalone version.

Create an API key

Login to Zotero's web interface and create a new API key. Use minimal permissions, e.g., read-only for a single group library.

Build a download URL

Specify the requested publication list using Zotero Web API.

Example to request all items of a group library.<GGG>/items?v=3&key=<KKK>&format=bibtex

  • You need to replace <KKK> with your API key (see above) and
  • <GGG> with the groupid, which you can find out in the Zotero web interface.

Load from PubViz

Change the filename setting to the complete URL.