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Releases: fhuhne/CR-Unblocker

3.0.2 - Failover improvements

15 Apr 11:07
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This release adds a fallback on the proxy configuration. This should prevent endless loading screens when the proxy server is unavailable.

3.0.1 - A housekeeping update

06 Dec 12:20
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This release fixes some bugs and removes the code used for "old crunchyroll".

  • Removed legacy code
  • Do not display password for custom proxy configuration
  • Fix checkbox not displaying correct setting for custom proxy configuration
  • Use DNS of proxy service

3.0.0 - CR-Unblocker turns 3!

27 May 12:14
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CR-Unblocker now supports the new Crunchyroll Beta. This means no longer being limited to non logged in usage.

Thanks a lot to Ashesh3 and tomo0611 for providing the new method. And of course everyone else who gave it their try!

  • Proxy requests from new token endpoint using a SOCKS proxy
  • Add options to set a custom proxy configuration in extension settings
  • Remove logic handling user logins as we don't need to do that anymore
  • Modernize some code paths for Crunchyroll Classic