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Giphy Rest API Search App

React TypeScript Redux Bootstrap SASS Heroku

Table of contents


The challenge

  • Build an Angular / React, or Vue web app
  • Consume Giphy REST Api for search
  • The app should deal with data using Redux design pattern on Angular/React
  • User should be able to search gifs by names
  • Gifs should be presented in a grid
  • Data pagination needs to be on. the app should fetch 10 results per call. Once the user scrolls to the end of a page, another batch of data gets loaded and presented to the user
  • The app should be deployed to AWS, GCP, Azure, or Heroku
  • Whatever framework is used, the app should be built on Typescript (not Javascript)


Solution PC Dark Solution PC Light Solution Mobile Dark Solution Mobile Light



Setup Development

To setup the project for development, please follow these steps:

  1. Download my project as a zip or clone my repository using this command
git clone
  1. Once you are on the directory of the project using terminal, install all dependencies:
    1. npm: npm install
    2. yarn: yarn install
  2. After that you can start running the project in development server using this command:
    1. npm: npm start
    2. yarn: yarn start

Run Project

Static Server

To run the project in a production build, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have a build folder for the project.
    1. npm: npm build
    2. yarn: yarn build
  2. Add serve dependency
    1. npm: npm install -g serve
    2. yarn: yarn global add serve
  3. Finally, you can run with this command:
    1. npm/yarn: npx serve -s build

Deploy Project

If you would like to deploy the project in Heroku, please follow these steps:

  1. Create an account. If you already have, just login.
  2. Create a new app using the “New” button in the top right corner of home page.
  3. Then, you can enter the name for your app. Choose the region along with it.
  4. To deploy your app in Heroku, there are three ways: Heroku Git, GitHub, Container Registry. For this project, I opted for Connect to GitHub.
  5. A buildpack is also needed in deploying the react app. By default, Heroku uses their own but this will cause an error if not replaced. In order to do that, go to the Settings tab. Scroll down to the Buildpack section (see screenshot below) and click on the Add Buildpack button. Copy and paste the link send below:
  1. Now, you can go back to deploy tab and connect with your GitHub account.
  2. Search for the repository you would like to deploy (make sure to choose the right branch). You could also enable Automatic Deploys. So that every time you push your changes to GitHub, Heroku will automatically redeploy your app.
  3. Finally, click the Deploy Branch button. After a few minutes, you will be able to view your app!

Useful resources
