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IP Addresses of Popular Services

Joshua Clark edited this page Feb 26, 2024 · 21 revisions

Some PaaS services, such as CDNs and host providers, offer proxy services. Here are the IP addresses used by some of them.

Rackspace Load Balancers

Rackspace does not document their load balancer IP addresses (they are constantly changing), and so we must trust all possible addresses:

return [
    'proxies' => '*',

AWS Elastic Load Balancers

AWS does not document their load balancer IP addresses (they are constantly changing), and so we must trust all possible addresses:

return [
    'proxies' => '*',


CloudFlare will let you know the IP addresses they use when proxying requests to your server. CloudFlare has a documented list of IP ranges. As of 02/27/2022, they are as follows:

return [
    'proxies' => [

Tip: To collaborate and update this IPs easily, use the following regex in a text editor:

Find: (^.+$) then Replace All: \t\t'$1'


According to their documentation, you should contact their support to find out which edge servers you are provisioned on in order to set them as a trusted proxy.

Linode Node Balancers

Linode does not give out an IP address range, but you are assigned a specific IP address when you use the Node Balancer service. You can login to get the IP address, or use their Node Balancer API's List method to get the IP addresses of the Node Balancers you are using.

Imperva Cloud WAF (Incapsula)

Imperva Cloud WAF (Incapsula) has a documented list of IP ranges. As of 26 February 2024, they are as follows:

return [
    'proxies' => [

There is also an API endpoint that can be used to get the IP addresses programmatically, it is documented on the same page linked above.