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A restaurant reservation scheduling system built with React, Node, Express, and PostgreSQL

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Capstone: Restaurant Reservation System

Periodic Tables is a reservation system for fine dining restaurants. The software is designed to be used by restaurant personnel when a customer calls to request a reservation. At this point, customers will not access the system online.

A deployed version of this app can be found at:

Product Features

01 - Create and list reservations

Create a new reservation when a customer calls.
View an accurate, up-to-date list of how many customers will arrive at the restaurant on a given day.

02 - Create reservation on a future, working date

Validations ensure that reservations are only created on days the restaurant is open.
Users are prevented from accidentally taking reservations on days when the business is closed.

03 - Create reservation within eligible timeframe

The system checks that reservations are created during business hours, up to 60 minutes before closing.
Users are prevented from accidentally creating a reservation for a time that cannot be accommodated.

04 - Seat reservation

When a customer with a reservation arrives at the restaurant, assign their reservation to a specific table.
The system then loads an up-to-date list of tables showing which are occupied and free.

05 - Finish an occupied table

Free up an occupied table when the guests leave so that new guests may be seated at that table.

06 - Reservation Status

Assign reservations a status of either booked, seated, finished, or cancelled.
Users can quickly view which reservation parties are seated or due to arrive.
Finished and cancelled reservations are hidden from the dashboard.

07 - Search for a reservation by phone number

Search for a reservation by phone number (partial or complete) to quickly access a customer's details when they call.

08 - Change an existing reservation

Modify a reservation if a customer calls to change or cancel their reservation.
Reservations are always accurate and current.


API Documentation

Reservation Routes:

Method Path Description
GET /reservations List all reservations by given date or current date
POST /reservations Create a new reservation
GET /reservations/:reservation_id Fetch a single reservation
PUT /reservations/:reservation_id Update the details of a reservation
PUT /reservations/:reservation_id/status Update the status of a reservation

Table Routes:

Method Path Description
GET /tables List all tables
POST /tables Create a new table
GET /tables/:table_id Fetch a single table
PUT /tables/:table_id/seat Seat a reservation at selected


  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. Run cp ./back-end/.env.sample ./back-end/.env.
  3. Update the ./back-end/.env file with the connection URL's to your ElephantSQL database instance.
  4. Run cp ./front-end/.env.sample ./front-end/.env.
  5. Run npm install to install project dependencies.
  6. Run npx knex migrate:latest.
  7. Run npx knex seed:run.
  8. Run npm run start:dev to start your server in development mode.

Tech Stack

  1. Front End: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, BootStrap
  2. Back End: Node.js, Express, Knex, PostgreSQL

File Structure

This repository is set up as a monorepo. The table below describes the folders in this repository:

Folder/file path Description
./back-end The backend project, which runs on localhost:5000 by default.
./front-end The frontend project, which runs on localhost:3000 by default.

Backend Files

The ./back-end folder contains all the code for the backend project.

The table below describes the files in the ./back-end folder:

Folder/file path Description
./back-end/knexfile.js The Knex configuration file.
./back-end/src/app.js Defines the Express application and connects routers.
./back-end/src/db/connection.js The Knex connection file.
./back-end/src/db/migrations The Knex migrations folder.
./back-end/src/db/seeds/ The Knex seeds folder.
./back-end/src/errors/errorHandler.js Defines an Express API error handler.
./back-end/src/errors/notFound.js Defines an Express API "not found" handler.
./back-end/src/reservations/reservations.controller.js A controller for the reservations resource.
./back-end/src/reservations/reservations.router.js A router for the reservations resource.
./back-end/src/server.js Defines the node server.
./back-end/test A folder that contains all of the integration tests.
./back-end/vercel.json A vercel deployment configuration file.

Frontend Files

The ./front-end folder contains all the code for the frontend project.

The table below describes the files in the ./front-end folder:

Folder/file path Description
./front-end/e2e Contains all of the end-to-end tests.
./front-end/jest-puppeteer.config.js A configuration file used by the end-to-end tests.
./front-end/src/App.js Defines the root application component.
./front-end/src/App.test.js Contains the tests for the root application component.
./front-end/src/dashboard/Dashboard.js Defines the Dashboard page.
./front-end/src/index.js The main entry point for the React application.
./front-end/src/layout/ErrorAlert.js Defines an error alert component when an error is specified.
./front-end/src/layout/Layout.css The css for the Layout component.
./front-end/src/layout/Layout.js Defines the main layout of the application.
./front-end/src/layout/Menu.js Defines the menu for the application.
./front-end/src/layout/NotFound.js Defines the "Not found" component when no route matches.
./front-end/src/layout/Routes.js Defines all the routes for the application.
./front-end/src/utils/api.js Defines the functions used to access the backend API
./front-end/src/utils/date-time.js Defines functions to format date and time strings.
./front-end/src/utils/format-reservation-date.js Defines a function to format the date on a single reservation or an array of reservations.
./front-end/src/utils/format-reservation-time.js Defines a function to format the time on a single reservation or an array of reservations.
./front-end/src/utils/useQuery.js Defines a custom hook to parse the query parameters from the URL.


A restaurant reservation scheduling system built with React, Node, Express, and PostgreSQL






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