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Gabriel Zerbib edited this page Apr 10, 2014 · 1 revision

fig:mount Tag

Makes an alias to a location in the [Universe], or assigns an arbitrary computed value to a variable. The alias is added to the root of the Universe.


target : required, static The name of the alias. If it already exists, it is replaced.

value : optional, evaluated The expression to calculate and to place in the alias.
If this attribute is omitted, the contents of the tag is calculated, then the result is assigned as text value to the variable.


<fig:mount target="shortcut" 
	value="/long/path/2/symbol" />

<fig:mount target="i" value="/i + 1" />

<fig:mount target="myString">
	any piece of template here, 
	including HTML and FigDice tags <span fig:text=" /shortcut " />
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