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1183 lines (859 loc) · 31.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1183 lines (859 loc) · 31.8 KB


There are a number of methods that a DB storage backend should implement:

  • Accounts (using uid)
    • .createAccount(uid, data)
    • .account(uid)
    • .checkPassword(uid, hash)
    • .verifyEmail(uid, emailCode)
    • .accountDevices(uid)
    • .resetAccount(uid, data)
    • .deleteAccount(uid)
    • .sessions(uid)
    • .devices(uid)
    • .accountEmails(uid)
    • .createEmail(uid, data)
    • .deleteEmail(uid, email)
    • .resetTokens(uid)
    • .updateEcosystemAnonId(uid, ecosystemAnonId)
  • Accounts (using email)
    • .emailRecord(emailBuffer)
    • .accountRecord(emailBuffer)
    • .accountExists(emailBuffer)
    • .getSecondaryEmail(emailBuffer)
    • .setPrimaryEmail(uid, emailBuffer)
  • Session Tokens
    • .sessionToken(tokenId)
    • .createSessionToken(tokenId, sessionToken)
    • .updateSessionToken(tokenId, sessionToken)
    • .deleteSessionToken(tokenId)
  • Devices
    • .createDevice(uid, deviceId, device)
    • .updateDevice(uid, deviceId, device)
    • .deleteDevice(uid, deviceId)
  • Key Fetch Tokens
    • .createKeyFetchToken(tokenId, keyFetchToken)
    • .keyFetchToken(id)
    • .keyFetchTokenWithVerificationStatus(tokenId)
    • .deleteKeyFetchToken(tokenId)
  • Unverified session tokens and key fetch tokens
    • .verifyTokens(tokenVerificationId, accountData)
    • .verifyTokensWithMethod(tokenId, tokenData)
    • .verifyTokenCode(code, accountData)
  • Password Forgot Tokens
    • .createPasswordForgotToken(tokenId, passwordForgotToken)
    • .deletePasswordForgotToken(tokenId)
    • .passwordForgotToken(id)
    • .updatePasswordForgotToken(tokenId, token)
    • .forgotPasswordVerified(tokenId, accountResetToken)
  • Password Change Tokens
    • .createPasswordChangeToken(tokenId, passwordChangeToken)
    • .passwordChangeToken(id)
    • .deletePasswordChangeToken(tokenId)
  • Account Reset Tokens
    • .accountResetToken(id)
    • .deleteAccountResetToken(tokenId)
  • Verification Reminders
    • .createVerificationReminder(body)
    • .fetchReminders(body, query)
    • .deleteReminder(body)
  • Email Bounces
    • .createEmailBounce(body)
  • Signin codes
    • .createSigninCode(code, uid, createdAt, flowId)
    • .consumeSigninCode(code)
  • TOTP
    • .createTotpToken(uid, sharedSecret, epoch)
    • .totpToken(uid)
    • .deleteTotpToken(uid)
    • .updateTotpToken(uid, tokenData)
  • Recovery codes
    • .replaceRecoveryCodes(uid, count)
    • .consumeRecoveryCode(uid, code)
  • Recovery keys
    • .createRecoveryKey(uid, data)
    • .getRecoveryKey(data)
    • .deleteRecoveryKey(uid)
    • .recoveryKeyExists(uid)
  • Subscriptions
    • .createAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId, productId, createdAt)
    • .fetchAccountSubscriptions(uid)
    • .getAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId)
    • .deleteAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId)
    • .cancelAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId, cancelledAt)
    • .reactivateAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId)
  • General
    • .ping()
    • .close()



The types of each parameter is shown in brackets below. In some cases an extra clarification is shown afterwards.

  • number - a number (integer only)
  • string - a string of undetermined length
  • Buffer - a Buffer of undetermined length
  • Buffer16 - a Buffer of length 16 bytes
  • Buffer32 - a Buffer of length 32 bytes
  • Buffer64 - a Buffer of length 64 bytes

The storage backends are not meant to be clever. They never infer anything and they shouldn't default anything. The fxa-auth-server defaults everything it needs to. Backends shouldn't default anything in code or in the datastore (either by default values or triggers).

Please note that when a parameter type is specified as Buffer you can choose whether to store as a binary type or as a hex encoded string. This decision will depend on what your storage backend can do or if it is faster with one or the other. e.g. the mysql backend stores these fields as binary(??).


All functions return a promise. Even if we are just returning a value it is wrapped in a promise so that you can chain calls if you need to.

.createAccount(uid, data)


  • uid - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to be created - unique
  • data:
    • email - (string)
    • normalizedEmail - (string) the same as above but .toLowerCase()
    • emailCode - (Buffer16)
    • emailVerified - (number) 0|1, to show whether an account has been verified
    • createdAt - (number) an epoch, such as that created with
    • verifyHash - (Buffer32)
    • authSalt - (Buffer32)
    • wrapWrapKb - (Buffer32)
    • verifierSetAt - (number) an epoch, such as that created with
    • verifierVersion - (number) currently always set to 1, may be 2 or more in the future


  • success - always returns an empty object when successful
  • error (can be either):
    • a error.duplicate() if this uid already exists
    • an error from the underlying storage system



  • uid - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to be created - unique


  • data:

    • email - (string)
    • normalizedEmail - (string) the same as above but .toLowerCase()
    • emailCode - (Buffer16)
    • emailVerified - (number) 0|1, to show whether an account has been verified
    • createdAt - (number) an epoch, such as that created with
    • verifyHash - (Buffer32)
    • authSalt - (Buffer32)
    • wrapWrapKb - (Buffer32)
    • verifierSetAt - (number) an epoch, such as that created with
    • verifierVersion - (number) currently always set to 1, may be 2 or more in the future
    • profileChangedAt - (number) an epoch, such as that created with
    • ecosystemAnonId - (string) user's anonymized Account Ecosystem Telemetry identifier, a JWE in urlsafe-base64 format.
  • error (can be either):

    • a error.notFound() if this account does not exist
    • an error from the underlying storage system

.checkPassword(uid, hash)


  • uid - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to be queried
  • hash:
    • verifyHash - (Buffer32)


  • resolves with:
    • an empty object {}
  • rejects: with one of:
    • error.notFound() if the credentials are invalid
    • any error from the underlying storage engine

.verifyEmail(uid, emailCode)


  • uid - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to be queried
  • emailCode - (Buffer16) the emailCode of the email to be verified


  • success - returns an empty object
  • error:
    • an error from the underlying storage engine

We do not separate the fact that the account uid may not exist and always resolve to an empty object. Verify Email will check both the account and email table for specified emailCode and verify it.



  • uid - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to be queried


  • success - an array of account devices (aka Session Tokens)
  • error:
    • an error from the underlying storage engine (wrapped in error.wrap())

.resetAccount(uid, data)

Resets the account specified by uid using the fields provided in data. Deletes all tokens and devices related to this account.


  • uid - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to be reset
  • data:
    • verifyHash - (Buffer32)
    • authSalt - (Buffer32)
    • wrapWrapKb - (Buffer32)
    • verifierVersion - (number)


  • resolves with:
    • an empty object {}
  • rejects with:
    • any errors from the underlying storage engine

EXCEPTION TO NOTES: currently the backend sets verifierSetAt to be This should be moved to the fxa-auth-server.


Deletes the account specified by uid and all tokens and devices related to this account.


  • uid - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to be reset


  • resolves with:
    • an empty object {}
  • rejects with:
    • any errors from the underlying storage engine


Fetches all session tokens for a user, without any of the secret data.


  • uid - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to get sessions for


  • resolves with:
    • an array of incompletely-populated session tokens
  • rejects with:
    • any errors from the underlying storage engine


Fetch all devices for a user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the account to get devices for


  • Resolves with:
    • An array of device records
  • Rejects with:
    • Any errors from the underlying storage engine


Fetches all the emails associated with the uid.


* `uid` - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to get emails for


* resolves with:
    * an array of populated email records
* rejects with:
    * any errors from the underlying storage engine

.createEmail(uid, data)

Creates a new email and associates it with the uid.


* `uid` - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to get emails for
* `data`:
  * email - (string) email to create
  * normalizedEmail - (string) same as above but `.toLowerCase()`
  * emailCode - (Buffer16) email code
  * uid - (Buffer16) uid of the user
  * isVerified - (number) 0|1 flag for whether or not email is verified
  * isPrimary - (number) 0|1 flag for whether or not email is primary email


* resolves with:
    * an empty object `{}`
* rejects with:
    * any errors from the underlying storage engine

.deleteEmail(uid, email)

Deletes the associated email from the users account.


* `uid` - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to delete emails for
* `email` - (string) the email to delete from user account


* resolves with:
    * an empty object `{}`
* rejects with:
    * any errors from the underlying storage engine


Deletes all `accountResetTokens`, `passwordChangeTokens` and `passwordForgotTokens` from the asscociated `uid`.


* `uid` - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to delete tokens


* resolves with:
    * an empty object `{}`
* rejects with:
    * any errors from the underlying storage engine

.updateEcosystemAnonId(uid, ecosystemAnonId)

Inserts or updates the `ecosystemAnonId` for the user's account.


* `uid` - (Buffer16) the uid of the account to update
* `ecosystemAnonId` - (string) user's anonymized Account Ecosystem Telemetry identifier, a JWE in urlsafe-base64 format.


* resolves with:
    * an empty object `{}`
* rejects with:
    * error `{ code: 404, errno: 116 }` if the `uid` was not found in the database


Gets the account record related to this (normalized) email address. The email is provided in a Buffer.


  • emailBuffer: the email address will be a hex encoded string, which is converted back to a string, then .toLowerCase(). In the MySql backend we use LOWER(?) which uses the current locale for case-folding.


  • resolves with:
    • account - consisting of:
      • uid - (Buffer16)
      • email - (string)
      • normalizedEmail - (string)
      • emailVerified - 0|1
      • emailCode - (Buffer16)
      • kA - (Buffer32)
      • wrapWrapKb - (Buffer32)
      • verifierVersion - (number)
      • verifyHash - (Buffer32)
      • authSalt - (Buffer32)
      • verifierSetAt - (number) an epoch
      • ecosystemAnonId - (string) user's anonymized Account Ecosystem Telemetry identifier, a JWE in urlsafe-base64 format.
  • rejects: with one of:
    • error.notFound() if no account exists for this email address
    • any error from the underlying storage engine


Gets the account record related to this (normalized) email address by checking for email on emails table. The email is provided in a Buffer.


  • emailBuffer: the email address will be a hex encoded string, which is converted back to a string, then .toLowerCase(). In the MySql backend we use LOWER(?) which uses the current locale for case-folding.


  • resolves with:
    • account - consisting of:
      • uid - (Buffer16)
      • email - (string)
      • normalizedEmail - (string)
      • emailVerified - 0|1
      • emailCode - (Buffer16)
      • kA - (Buffer32)
      • wrapWrapKb - (Buffer32)
      • verifierVersion - (number)
      • verifyHash - (Buffer32)
      • authSalt - (Buffer32)
      • verifierSetAt - (number) an epoch
      • primaryEmail - (string)
      • profileChangedAt = (number) an epoch
      • ecosystemAnonId - (string) user's anonymized Account Ecosystem Telemetry identifier, a JWE in urlsafe-base64 format.
  • rejects: with one of:
    • error.notFound() if no account exists for this email address
    • any error from the underlying storage engine


Checks if an account exists for this (normalized) email address.


  • email: the email address will be a hex encoded string, which is converted back to a string, then .toLowerCase(). In the MySql backend we use LOWER(?) which uses the current locale for case-folding.


  • resolves with:
    • an empty object {}
  • rejects: with one of:
    • error.notFound() if no account exists for this email address
    • any error from the underlying storage engine


Get the email entry associated with this emailBuffer. This email is located on the secondary email table.


  • email: the email address will be a hex encoded string, which is converted back to a string, then .toLowerCase(). In the MySql backend we use LOWER(?) which uses the current locale for case-folding.


  • resolves with:
    • email - consisting of:
      • uid - (Buffer16)
      • email - (string)
      • emailCode - (Buffer16)
      • isPrimary - (boolean)
      • isVerified - (boolean)
      • normalizedEmail - (string)
      • createdAt - (number)
  • rejects: with one of:
    • error.notFound() if no email address exists on emails table
    • any error from the underlying storage engine

.setPrimaryEmail(uid, emailBuffer)

Sets the primary email address as emailBuffer for account with uid.


  • uid: the uid of the account
  • email: the normalized email address that will be the new primary email


  • resolves with:
    • an empty object {}
  • rejects: with one of:
    • error.notFound() if no email address exists on emails table
    • any error from the underlying storage engine


All tokens (sessionTokens, keyFetchTokens, passwordForgotTokens, passwordChangeTokens, accountResetTokens) have three functions which all work similarly. For example, the sessionTokens have:

.createSessionToken(tokenId, token)

.createKeyFetchToken(tokenId, token)

.createPasswordChangeToken(tokenId, token)

.createPasswordForgotToken(tokenId, token)


  • tokenId : (Buffer32) the unique id for this token
  • token : (Object) the fields to be stored in the token (see below for each token type)

Each token takes the following fields for it's create method respectively:

  • sessionToken : data, uid, createdAt, uaBrowser, uaBrowserVersion, uaOS, uaOSVersion, uaDeviceType, uaFormFactor, mustVerify, tokenVerificationId, tokenVerificationCodeHash, tokenVerificationCodeExpiresAt
  • keyFetchToken : authKey, uid, keyBundle, createdAt, tokenVerificationId
  • passwordChangeToken : data, uid, createdAt
  • passwordForgotToken : data, uid, passCode, createdAt, triesxb


  • resolves with:
    • an object {}
  • rejects with:
    • error.duplicate() if a token already exists with the same tokenId
    • any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap()

Note: for some tokens there should only ever be one row per uid. This applies to accountResetTokens, passwordForgotTokens and passwordChangeTokens. In the MySql driver we currently use REPLACE INTO ... so you should do something equivalent with your storage backend.








  • tokenId - (Buffer32) the id of the token to retrieve


  • resolves with:
    • an object { ... } with the relevant field (see below)
  • rejects with:
    • error.notFound() if this token does not exist
    • any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap()

Each token returns different fields. These fields are represented as t.* for a field from the token, a.* for a field from the corresponding account and d.* for a field from devices and ut.* for a field from unverifiedTokens.

The deviceCallbackPublicKey and deviceCallbackAuthKey fields are urlsafe-base64 strings, you can learn more about their format here.

  • sessionToken : t.tokenData, t.uid, t.createdAt, t.uaBrowser, t.uaBrowserVersion, t.uaOS, t.uaOSVersion, t.uaDeviceType, t.uaFormFactor, t.lastAccessTime, a.emailVerified,, a.emailCode, a.verifierSetAt, a.createdAt AS accountCreatedAt, AS deviceId, AS deviceName, d.type AS deviceType, d.createdAt AS deviceCreatedAt, d.callbackURL AS deviceCallbackURL, d.callbackPublicKey AS deviceCallbackPublicKey, d.callbackAuthKey AS deviceCallbackAuthKey, d.callbackIsExpired AS deviceCallbackIsExpired, d.capabilities AS deviceCapabilities, ut.mustVerify, ut.tokenVerificationId
  • keyFetchToken : t.authKey, t.uid, t.keyBundle, t.createdAt, a.emailVerified, a.verifierSetAt
  • keyFetchTokenWithVerificationStatus : t.authKey, t.uid, t.keyBundle, t.createdAt, a.emailVerified, a.verifierSetAt, ut.mustVerify, ut.tokenVerificationId
  • passwordChangeToken : t.tokenData, t.uid, t.createdAt, a.verifierSetAt
  • passwordForgotToken : t.tokenData, t.uid, t.createdAt, t.passCode, t.tries,, a.verifierSetAt
  • accountResetToken : t.uid, t.tokenData, t.createdAt, a.verifierSetAt






Will delete the token of the correct type designated by the given tokenId. For sessionTokens, associated records in devices and unverifiedTokens will also be deleted. For keyFetchTokens, associated records in unverifiedTokens will also be deleted.

.updateSessionToken(tokenId, token)

An extra function for sessionTokens. Just updates the uaBrowser, uaBrowserVersion, uaOS, uaOSVersion, uaDeviceType and lastAccessTime fields of the token.


  • tokenId : (Buffer32) the unique id for this token
  • token : (Object) -
    • uaBrowser : (string)
    • uaBrowserVersion : (string)
    • uaOS : (string)
    • uaOSVersion : (string)
    • uaDeviceType : (string)
    • lastAccessTime : (number)


  • resolves with:
    • an object {} (regardless of whether a row was updated or not, ie. even if tokenId does not exist.)
  • rejects with:
    • any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

.updatePasswordForgotToken(tokenId, token)

An extra function for passwordForgotTokens. Just updates the tries field of the token.


  • tokenId : (Buffer32) the unique id for this token
  • token : (Object) -
    • tries : (number)


  • resolves with:
    • an object {} (regardless of whether a row was updated or not, ie. even if tokenId does not exist.)
  • rejects with:
    • any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

.verifyTokens(tokenVerificationId, accountData)

Verifies sessionTokens and keyFetchTokens. Note that it takes the tokenVerificationId specified when creating the token, NOT the tokenId. accountData is an object with a uid property.

Returns a promise that:

  • Resolves with an object {} if a token was verified.
  • Rejects with error { code: 404, errno: 116 } if there was no matching token.
  • Rejects with any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap()).

.verifyTokensWithMethod(tokenId, tokenData)

Verifies sessionTokens, keyFetchTokens and sets the verification method on the sessions table.

tokenData is an object with a verificationMethod property.

Verification methods currently supported are email, email-2fa, totp-2fa.

Returns a promise that:

  • Resolves with an object {} if a token was verified.
  • Rejects with error { code: 404, errno: 116 } if there was no matching token.
  • Rejects with any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap()).

.verifyTokenCode(code, accountData)

Verifies sessionTokens and keyFetchTokens. Note that it takes the code (separate from tokenVerificationId) specified when creating the token, NOT the tokenId. accountData is an object with a uid property.

Returns a promise that:

  • Resolves with an object {} if a token was verified.
  • Rejects with error { code: 404, errno: 116 } if there was no matching token.
  • Rejects with error { code: 400, errno: 137 } if token expired.
  • Rejects with any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap()).

.forgotPasswordVerified(tokenId, accountResetToken)

An extra function for passwordForgotTokens. This performs three operations:

  1. deletes the passwordForgotToken corresponding to the tokenId
  2. creates an accountResetToken corresponding to the fields specified in accountResetToken
  3. sets the emailVerified fields of accounts to true specified by the uid in the accountResetToken


  • tokenId : (Buffer32) the unique id for this token
  • accountResetToken: (object)
    • tokenId
    • data
    • uid
    • createdAt


Creates a new verification reminder for some uid and some reminder type.


  • body: (object)
    • uid : user id
    • type : type of reminder

.fetchReminders(body, query)

Fetch verification reminders based on reminderTime and type.


  • body: (object)
  • query: (object)
    • reminderTime : Milliseconds since account creation after which the first reminder is sent
    • reminderTimeOutdated : Milliseconds since account creation after which the reminder should not be sent
    • type : Type of the reminder
    • limit : Number of reminders to fetch


Delete the verification reminder based on uid and type.


  • body: (object)
    • uid : user id
    • type : type of reminder


Record when an email bounce has occurred.


  • body: (object)
    • email: A string of the email address that bounced
    • bounceType: The bounce type (['Permanent', 'Transient', 'Complaint'])
    • bounceSubType: The bounce sub type string

.createSigninCode(code, uid, createdAt, flowId)

Create a user-specific, time-limited, single-use code that can be used for expedited sign-in.


  • code (Buffer): The value of the code
  • uid (Buffer16): The uid for the relevant user
  • createdAt (number): Creation timestamp for the code, milliseconds since the epoch
  • flowId (Buffer32): The flow id of the originating flow.


Use (and delete) a sign-in code.


  • code (Buffer): The value of the code

createDevice(uid, deviceId, device)

Create a device record.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • deviceId (Buffer16): The id of the device record
  • device (object):
    • sessionTokenId (Buffer32): The id of the associated session token
    • name (string): The name of the device
    • type (string): The device type, e.g. 'mobile', 'tablet'
    • createdAt (number): Creation timestamp for the device, milliseconds since the epoch
    • callbackURL (string): URL for push service
    • callbackPublicKey (string): Public key for push service
    • callbackAuthKey (string): Auth key for push service
    • capabilities (array): Array of strings describing the current device capabilities


  • Resolves with:
    • An empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • error.duplicate() if a device already exists with the same uid and deviceId
    • error.unknownDeviceCapability() if the input device contained an unknown capability name
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

updateDevice(uid, deviceId, device)

Updates a device record.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • deviceId (Buffer16): The id of the device record
  • device (object):
    • sessionTokenId (Buffer32): The id of the associated session token
    • name (string): The name of the device
    • type (string): The device type, e.g. 'mobile', 'tablet'
    • createdAt (number): Creation timestamp for the device, milliseconds since the epoch
    • callbackURL (string): URL for push service
    • callbackPublicKey (string): Public key for push service
    • callbackAuthKey (string): Auth key for push service
    • capabilities (array): Array of strings describing the current device capabilities


  • Resolves with:
    • An empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • error.unknownDeviceCapability() if the input device contained an unknown capability name
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

deleteDevice(uid, deviceId)

Delete a device record.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • deviceId (Buffer16): The id of the device record


  • Resolves with:
    • An object containing a sessionTokenId property identifying the associated session token, which was also deleted
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

createTotpToken(uid, sharedSecret, epoch)

Creates a new TOTP token for the user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • sharedSecret (string): The shared secret used to generate TOTP code
  • epoch (number): The epoch used to generate TOTP code (default 0)


  • Resolves with:
    • An empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())
    • error.duplicate() if this user had a token already


Get's the TOTP token for the user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account


  • Resolves with:
    • An object {}
      • sharedSecret
      • epoch
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())
    • error.notFound() if this user does not have a token


Delete the TOTP token for the user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account


  • Resolves with:
    • An empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

updateTotpToken(uid, tokenData)

Update the TOTP token for the user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • tokenData
    • verified: Boolean whether TOTP token has been verified
    • enabled: Boolean whether TOTP token is enabled


  • Resolves with:
    • An empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())
    • error.notFound() if this user does not have a token

replaceRecoveryCodes(uid, count)

Replaces user's recovery codes with new ones.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • count (Integer): The number of recovery codes to create


  • Resolves with:
    • An array of recovery codes []
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())
    • error.notFound() if this user not found

consumeRecoveryCode(uid, code)

Consume a recovery code.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • code (String): The code to consume


  • Resolves with:
    • An array object containing
      • remaining - number of recovery codes remaining
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())
    • error.notFound() if this user or code not found

createRecoveryKey(uid, data)

Creates a recovery key for the user


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • data (Object):
    • recoveryKeyId (String)
    • recoveryData (String)


  • Resolves with:
    • An empty object
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())
    • error.notFound() if this user found


Get the recovery key for this user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • recoveryKeyId (Buffer32): The recoveryKeyId for account


  • Resolves with:
    • recoveryKeyId (String)
    • recoveryData (String)
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())
    • error.notFound() if this user or recovery key not found


Delete the recovery key for this user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account


  • Resolves with:
    • Empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())
    • error.notFound() if this user or recovery key not found


Check to see if a recovery key exists for this user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account


  • Resolves with:
    • object {"exists": true}
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

.createAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId, productId, createdAt)

Create a product subscription for this user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • subscriptionId (String): The subscription ID from the upstream payment system
  • productId (String): The name of the product granted by the subscription
  • createdAt (number): Creation timestamp for the subscription, milliseconds since the epoch


  • Resolves with:
    • Empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())


Fetch all product subscriptions for this user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account


  • Resolves with:
    • An array of objects:
      • uid
      • subscriptionId
      • productId
      • createdAt
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

.getAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId)

Get a product subscription for this user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • subscriptionId (String): The subscription ID from the upstream payment system


  • Resolves with:
    • An object {}
      • uid
      • subscriptionId
      • productId
      • createdAt
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

.deleteAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId)

Delete a product subscription for this user.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • subscriptionId (String): The subscription ID from the upstream payment system


  • Resolves with:
    • Empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

.cancelAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId, cancelledAt)

Cancel a product subscription for this user. A cancelled subscription is still active, but will be deleted later when it expires.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • subscriptionId (String): The subscription ID from the upstream payment system
  • cancelledAt (number): Cancellation timestamp, epoch-milliseconds


  • Resolves with:
    • Empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • error.notFound() if the subscription does not exist
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())

.reactivateAccountSubscription(uid, subscriptionId)

Reactivate a cancelled product subscription.


  • uid (Buffer16): The uid of the owning account
  • subscriptionId (String): The subscription ID from the upstream payment system


  • Resolves with:
    • Empty object {}
  • Rejects with:
    • error.notFound() if the subscription does not exist or is not cancelled
    • Any error from the underlying storage system (wrapped in error.wrap())