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Simple Web Crawler

What it is

It's a Dockerised web service exposing an endpoint which crawls http/https pages and builds a site map containing all visited links, outgoing links within them, as well as MIME type for each link. It stays within the domain, but does provide information about all links going outside of the domain.

There's also a simple UI providing convenience method for using the endpoint.


As a prerequisite you need Docker machine running and docker-compose installed. Check docker --version and docker-compose --version to verify they exist in your setup. This has been tested with Docker 1.10.3 and docker-compose version 1.6.2.

To start Docker container and server on default port 8080 (make sure docker machine is running first first docker-machine status):

git clone
cd simple-web-crawler
make start

This will build the Docker image if necessary and start it.

By default logs Docker volume is mounted at ~/logs/simple-web-crawler (as defined in docker-compose.yml). To view server log use

tail -f ~/logs/simple-web-crawler/server.log

To stop the web service:

make stop



make test

to execute unit/integration tests.



This will crawl URL_TO_START_CRAWLING page and recursively follow all the links from it while staying within the domain. Returns JSON results.


curl "`docker-machine ip`:8080/crawl?depth=1&url="

Note, that it will usually take long time to crawl anything with depth > 1.


On OSX or Windows you can access simple web interface at:

`docker-machine ip`:8080

(Make sure that port 8080 is available, otherwise edit docker-compose.yml to change it.)

Problems, todos and tradeoffs

  • performance: handle GET parameters better, allow their configuration (url params are stripped at the momement)
  • performance: multithreading
  • performance: do not block on /crawl request. Return immediately and start job in the background. Crawling can take hours.
  • scale: microservices architecture with threaded queue consumers
  • ui: use React and websockets to get live feedback while crawling
  • performance: check for sitemap.xml and parse that first (should be simple for url in BeautifulSoup(data).findAll("loc"): print url.text )
  • qa: more exhaustive unit tests
  • qa: generate documentation
  • deploy: allow deploying to Amazon AWS. make deploy doesn't do that and runs non debug version locally instead


Simple Web Crawler







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