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This is a simple little library for exporting simple JSON structures to a CSV file. The download will trigger the user to save the file to their system. The library itself does not handle any File I/O.

Currently, json2csvexporter does not support nested JSON data. As such, you will probably need to reduce complex structures into a simple key: value schema.

To install:

npm i json2csvexporter --save

Provided are:

  • umd-formatted file: dist/CSVExportService.js (browser-ready)
  • commonjs-formatted file: lib/CSVExportService.js
  • es-module: module/CSVExportService.js

Table of contents:

  1. Simple Example
  2. Example with Custom Options
  3. Example with TSV and Formatters
  4. JSON to CSV/TSV encoded String/Blob (without downloading on the client)
  5. API and Options Docs
  6. Browsers Support
  7. Contributing

Simple Example

In this simple example we take a JSON object and print all of the properties in it to the CSV. There is also an online demo available via CodeSandbox.

import CSVExportService from 'json2csvexporter';
const vehiclesJSON = [
  {id: 1, make: 'Toyota', model: 'Corolla', year: 2014},
  {id: 2, make: 'Ford', model: 'Mustang', year: 2012},
  {id: 3, make: 'Toyota', model: '', year: ''}
const exporter = CSVExportService.create();

This will generate the following CSV:


Example with Custom Options

In this example, we will take the same JSON object from the previous example, but only print a list of properties that we want. We will also decorate the headers with different names.

import CSVExportService from 'json2csvexporter';
const csvColumnsList = ['id', 'make', 'model', 'year'];
const csvColumnsMap = {
  id: 'ID',
  make: 'Make',
  model: 'Model Name',
  year: 'Year'
const vehiclesJSON = [
  {id: 1, make: 'Toyota', model: 'Corolla', year: 2014},
  {id: 2, make: 'Ford', model: 'Mustang', year: 2012},
  {id: 3, make: 'Toyota', model: '', year: ''}
const exporter = CSVExportService.create({
  columns: csvColumnsList,
  headers: csvColumnsMap,
  includeHeaders: true,

This will generate the following CSV:

ID,Make,Model Name,Year

Example with TSV and Formatters

In this example, we will make a TSV file and create formatting functions to style the content of certain properties.

import CSVExportService from 'json2csvexporter';
// using the same vehiclesJSON as before...

const exporter = CSVExportService.create({
  contentType: 'text/tsv',
  filename: 'newformat.tsv',
  delimiter: '\t',
  formatters: {
    id: (id) => {
      return `#${id}`;
    model: (model) => {
      return model || 'Unknown model';
    year: (year) => {
      return year || 'Unknown year';

This will generate the following TSV:

id  make  model year
#1  Toyota  Corolla 2014
#2  Ford  Mustang 2012
#3  Toyota  Unknown model  Unknown year

JSON to CSV/TSV encoded String/Blob (without downloading on the client)

import CSVExportService from 'json2csvexporter';
const vehiclesJSON = [
  {id: 1, make: 'Toyota', model: 'Corolla', year: 2014},
  {id: 2, make: 'Ford', model: 'Mustang', year: 2012},
  {id: 3, make: 'Toyota', model: '', year: ''}
const exporter = CSVExportService.create();

This will return the CSV as a JavaScript String. This allows you to further manipulate the data, save to a file, a database or anything else.

Similarly, calling:


Will return a Blob {size: 76, type: "text/csv"}, or in other words, a regular JavaScript blob object that is encoded as the type you specified (in this case a plain text/csv). You then manipulate this Blob object however you like.

API and Options Docs


When creating a new CSVExportService you can pass in an options objects. These are the options that you can use:

  • columns: an Array of Strings. Each element represents a property of the JSON object that should be extracted. If it is not provided, then the exporter will iterate through all of the properties.

  • contentType: the content type of the file. Default is text/csv

  • delimiter: the delimiter to separate values. The default is a comma.

  • formatters: an Object. Each property defines how to format a value corresponding to the same key.

  • headers: an Object. Works as a map to stylize keys in the header. E.g. {firstName: 'First Name'}

  • includeHeaders: a Boolean. Defaults to true.

  • devMode: a Boolean. Useful for debugging. Defaults to false.


The CSVExportService implements two static methods: create(options) which returns a new instance of CSVExportService and download(data, options) which initializes a new service and downloads the data right away.

For more info, dive into the code. It is a very simple class.

Browsers Support

IE / Edge
IE / Edge
iOS Safari
iOS Safari
IE10, IE11, Edge 4+ 13+ 5+ 12+ 7+


  1. Submit issues or suggest features.
  2. Send PRs with bug fixes, tests, new methods, better docs etc.
  3. Share the love!

Contributor list

  1. @filipdanic
  2. @androidfanboi
  3. @erickzhao
  4. @bira91


A simple little library for exporting simple JSON structures to a CSV file.








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