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Redis Sorted Sets Benchmark


This repo contains code to trigger load ( ZADD ) or query (ZRANGEBYLEX key min max) benchmarks, with/without transaction, with/without pipelining, and with diversified ways of controlling the per-key size and total keyspace length.


Download Standalone binaries ( no Golang needed )

If you don't have go on your machine and just want to use the produced binaries you can download the following prebuilt bins:

OS Arch Link
Linux amd64 (64-bit X86) redis-zbench-go-linux-amd64
Linux arm64 (64-bit ARM) redis-zbench-go-linux-arm64
Darwin amd64 (64-bit X86) redis-zbench-go-darwin-amd64
Darwin arm64 (64-bit ARM) redis-zbench-go-darwin-arm64

Here's how bash script to download and try it:

wget -c$(uname -mrs | awk '{ print tolower($1) }')-$(dpkg --print-architecture).tar.gz -O - | tar -xz

# give it a try
./redis-zbench-go --help

Installation in a Golang env

The easiest way to get and install the benchmark utility with a Go Env is to use go get and then go install:

# Fetch this repo
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/

Usage of redis-zbench-go

To get a full grasp of the tool capabilities please check the --help output

$ ./redis-zbench-go --help
Usage of ./redis-zbench-go:
  -a string
        Password for Redis Auth.
  -c uint
        number of clients. (default 50)
  -d uint
        Data size of each sorted set element. (default 10)
  -debug int
        Client debug level.
  -h string
        Server hostname. (default "")
  -key-elements-max uint
        Use zipfian random-sized items in the specified range (min-max). (default 10)
  -key-elements-min uint
        Use zipfian random-sized items in the specified range (min-max). (default 1)
  -mode load
        Bechmark mode. One of [load,query]. load will populate the db with sorted sets. `query` will run the zrangebylexscore command .
        Run each command in multi-exec.
  -n uint
        Total number of requests. Only used in case of -mode=query (default 10000000)
  -p int
        Server port. (default 12000)
  -pipeline uint
        Redis pipeline value. (default 1)
  -r uint
        keyspace length. (default 1000000)
  -random-seed int
        random seed to be used. (default 12345)
  -rps int
        Max rps. If 0 no limit is applied and the DB is stressed up to maximum.

Sample output - 1M Keys keyspace, 100K issued commands, pipeline of 100 with transaction enabled, while querying at a limit of @10K RPS


$ ./redis-zbench-go -mode load -r 1000000 -p 6379 
Total clients: 50. Commands per client: 20000 Total commands: 1000000
Using random seed: 12345
                 Test time                    Total Commands              Total Errors                      Command Rate           p50 lat. (msec)
                       18s [100.0%]                   1000000                         0 [0.0%]                   1370.82                      0.81      
Total Duration 18.000 Seconds
Total Issued commands 1000000
Total Errors 0
Throughput summary: 55555 requests per second
Latency summary (msec):
          p50       p95       p99
        0.808     1.200     1.582

Querying with piepline of 100, and transction, @10K rps

$ ./redis-zbench-go  -mode query -p 6379 -pipeline 100 -c 10 -multi -rps 10000 -n 100000 -r 1000000
Total clients: 10. Commands per client: 10000 Total commands: 100000
Using random seed: 12345
                 Test time                    Total Commands              Total Errors                      Command Rate           p50 lat. (msec)
                        9s [100.0%]                    100000                         0 [0.0%]                   9095.29                      2.53      
Total Duration 9.001 Seconds
Total Issued commands 100000
Total Errors 0
Throughput summary: 11110 requests per second
Latency summary (msec):
          p50       p95       p99
        2.529     3.509     6.083
Printing reply histogram
Size: 0 Count: 51962. (% 51.96)
Size: 1 Count: 9774. (% 9.77)
Size: 2 Count: 5124. (% 5.12)
Size: 3 Count: 5276. (% 5.28)
Size: 4 Count: 5088. (% 5.09)
Size: 5 Count: 5152. (% 5.15)
Size: 6 Count: 4943. (% 4.94)
Size: 7 Count: 4694. (% 4.69)
Size: 8 Count: 4547. (% 4.55)
Size: 9 Count: 3440. (% 3.44)
Total processed replies 100000