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50 lines (40 loc) · 2.56 KB

Upgrading from angular-cli@1.0.0-beta.10 to the angular-cli@webpack

To update angular-cli to the webpack preview, you must update both the global package, project's local package and your project files.

Global package:

npm uninstall -g angular-cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g angular-cli@webpack

Local project package:

rm -rf node_modules dist tmp typings
npm install --save-dev angular-cli@webpack

Project files

You will need to run ng init to check for changes in all the auto-generated files created by ng new and allow you to update yours. You are offered four choices for each changed file: y (overwrite), n (don't overwrite), d (show diff between your file and the updated file) and h (help).

Carefully read the diffs for each code file, and either accept the changes or incorporate them manually after ng init finishes.

You can find a sample github diff of the changes introduced between a beta.10 and webpack preview project at

Here is a summary of the file changes:

  1. Updated files:
  • ./config/karma.conf.js - frameworks/plugins/files/exclude/preprocessors entries changed, added angularCliConfig entry.
  • ./e2e/tsconfig.json - property cleanup, changed outdir, added typeRoots
  • ./package.json - removed typings postinstall script, removed ember-cli-inject-live-reload/es6-shim/systemjs dependencies, added core-js/ts-helpers dependencies, updated angular-cli/codelyzer/ts-node/ts-lint/typescript devDependencies, added @types/jasmine/@types/protractor/karma-coverage devDependencies.
  • ./src/app/app.component.ts (and all other components) - removed
  • ./src/app/index.ts - import adjusted due to environment files moving (see below).
  • ./src/index.html - removed templating tags and SystemJS import script.
  • ./src/app/tsconfig.json - property cleanup, changed outdir/module, added libs/typeRoots/types
  • ./src/typings.d.ts - added System/require typings, removed typings ref
  1. New files:
  • ./src/polyfills.ts - loads needed polyfills before main app
  • ./src/test.ts - unit test spec loader
  1. These files have moved to ./src/app/environments/:
  • ./config/
  • ./config/
  • ./src/app/environment.ts

Lastly, you can delete these files as they are not needed anymore.

  • ./config/karma-test-shim.js
  • ./src/system-config.ts
  • ./angular-cli-build.js
  • ./typings.json
  • ./.clang-format (if present)