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Linux process live patching using GDB

The project focuses on Linux process live patching using GNU debugger tool targeting x86-64 architecture. It can be used to patch whole functions of the target process as well tracking and logging changes made. This extension is also able to revert these changes, i.e. restoring the original functions.

The extension has its limitations, therefore it is not recommended to use it for critical software.

Repository structure

Directory src/ contains two main components:

  • - the python script defining new GDB commands which perform the patching
  • patch.h - C header file containing macros and metadata structures definitions which every patch library must use

Directory examples/ contains various examples of target processes as well as patch libraries each in a separate subdirectory. Every example contains a Makefile which builds the target process and libraries from the source code.

The repository contains a bash wrapper to simplify the patching process.



You must have at least GDB 7 installed in your system. GDB is often installed by default in many Linux distributions. Even if it is not, you can always install it using a package manager:

(Debian) apt install gdb
(Redhat) dnf install gdb


The extension is a python script which can be imported into GDB. GDB contains embedded python interpreter. The extension is tested using GDB with python3 interpreter. There are GDB versions that use Python 2 which is not supported by the extension. To verify what version of python interpreter you are running, you can visit this page to learn how to do it directly in python interpreter. Any version of Python 3 should be sufficient. In a GDB session, Python interpreter can be invoked using python-interactive.

There are two ways to import the extension script. Firstly, you can launch GDB with the path (either relative or absolute) to the script as a parameter.

gdb -p $pid --command=src/

Alternatively, you can import the script directly from GDB shell using source command:

source src/

To automate this task, you can place the script at a fixed path and insert the above command in your initialization GDB script .gdbinit in your home directory. This will ensure the script will get loaded every time GDB is started.

Glibc debugging symbols

To make the extension usable, you must install debugging symbols for glibc. These symbols are available in all Linux distributions. They can be installed via package managers on most Linux distributions.

(Debian) apt install libc6-dbg
(Redhat) dnf debuginfo-install glibc

Alternatively, debuginfod service can be used on newer distributions to download the debugging information on the fly from a debuginfod server during a GDB session. Debuginfod can be enabled with the following command in GDB:

set debuginfod enabled on

This command can be added into .gdbinit script as well.

Visit this page for more details about debuginfod service.

User manual

Writing a patch library

Patches are represented as shared libraries with declared functions which are to replace the old ones. The libraries must contain special instructions and metadata declared in C header file. In examples directory, you can see various examples which use the defined instructions and metadata definitions and contain Makefile files for building the patches. Using this building process is strongly advised so we recommend to make a copy of such a Makefile when writing a patch. The most important requirements for the building process are:

  • patch libraries must contain debugging symbols
  • patch libraries must be compiled as shared libraries

The extension cannot handle symbol name collisions correctly. In other words, if you declare a function in your patch library and its name is already used in the target process, the patching will likely not work correctly and might crash the process. Symbol names can be shared across the patch objects as the search scope is limited to the patch object. For this reason, it is recommended to name replacement functions after the functions they are going to replace with slight modifications, e.g. adding new_ prefix to the name of the original function.

Attaching to a process

To attach to a running process, you have to start with gdb -p $process_pid. Alternatively, you can start GDB with gdb and run attach $process_pid in GDB shell.

Executing a patch

To carry out a patch, you have to be attached to the target process and run patch /path/to/your/patchlib. We recommend to use the absolute path if the patch library is not in your standard search path. This will invoke the patching procedure with logging and tracking turned off. If you want to turn on logging, you have to specify --log switch as the second parameter, i.e.

patch /path/to/your/patchlib --log

Error handling in the extension is not perfect so you might encounter errors during the patching. The most common are the following:

  • relative path to the patch library
  • the target process missing both the symbol table and debugging symbols
  • missing glibc debugging symbols
  • missing patch instruction definition, e.g. no definition of the function to be replaced and the replacement function
  • C macro file (src/patch.h) not included in your patch library
  • macros for patch instructions not used in your patch library
  • typographical errors in original or replacement function names

Printing patch history

When logging was turned on for a patch instance, an entry for it was created and written to the log. You can print the log with


taking no parameters. It contains patch information, most notably the original and the replacement functions and information whether the patch is active or not. The output of the command should look something like this:

[0] revert
[1] 2023-05-11 20:00:00: old_function -> my/patch/lib:new_function 
[2]* 2023-05-11 20:04:00 old_function -> my/patch/lib2:new_function

If the log cannot be found, an error message is printed stating that the log couldn't be found.

Dumping patch history

It is possible to dump the patch log into a specified file. This might be useful when you are about to revert some patches and you would like to preserve all changes made. The usage is as follows:

patch-dump /path/to/dest/file

Reapplying patches

It is possible to reapply a patch whose entry is marked in the log. The patch-log outputs a sorted list of marked entries. You can reapply any patch from the log with patch-reapply command which takes the index of the patch entry in the log. This patch is then reapplied in case the library containing the replacement function has not already been closed. A special parameter is 0 which represents patch reversion.

Reverting patches

You can revert an active patch with patch-reapply command with parameter 0. If no additional parameter is specified, all active patches are reverted. Otherwise, a list of original functions to be restored is specified. The list can contain either a hex address of the function or its name. A patch could be reverted like this:

patch-reapply 0 old_function

The bash wrapper

A bash script is provided which simplifies the patching procedure. GDB does not need to be invoked manually. The script takes PID of the target process as the first argument followed by the command to be executed in GDB. For example, to apply a patch with logging turned on, one could use the following command:

./ $pid patch examples/more/ --log


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