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REST Sample Implmentation for FIMS v1.1.


Apache-2.0, Apache-2.0 licenses found

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FIMS v1.1 RESTful Reference Implementation

This folder contains the REST sample implementation for the FIMS v1.1 version of the specification. This is the first version of FIMS with support for REST and adds a JSON data binding alongside an XML data binding.

The implementation is written in Scala and has been tested on the Java v1.7 platform. The code is licensed under an open source Apache 2.0 license.

The implementation is for a server that can run mock jobs and pretend to be a repository, suitable for study and use in testing by developers but not intended for day-to-day professional deployment. It is not a full implementation of a media service and cannot capture, transfer, transform or store content.


To run this server, you need to:

  1. Build the package including the server and all its dependencies using maven. An install of maven and a recent Java SDK is required.
  2. Unpack the server in its own folder.
  3. Run the server.

Each step is described in the following subsections.

Building the server

To build the server, first install Apache maven. Then in the root folder of this project, run:

mvn package

This will download a set of dependent libraries, build the FIMS rest implementation from source in the target folder, build some tests, run the tests and create a self-contained deployment package.

Unpack the server distribution

Create a separate folder from this one, for example /tmp/fims-rest and unzip the file target/ that has been created by the build process. For example:

mkdir /tmp/fims-rest
cp target/ /tmp/fims-rest/.
cd /tmp/fims-rest

Running the server

To run the server, you need to have a Java runtime installed. This implementation has been tested on a v1.7 platform. All other required libraries are included with the distribution. This implementation should run on Windows, Mac and Linux systems.

Download and install a Java runtime from

To run the server, open a terminal and unzip the distribution into new folder/directory. Open a terminal or command shell and cd to that directory. You can choose to run the implementation in two different containers: an Apache CXF container (; the Oracle Jersey ( RESTful reference implementation. On Linux or Mac, type one of ...

  1. ./
  2. ./

On Windows, type one of ...

  1. fims-rest-cxf.bat
  2. fims-rest-jersey.bat

You need to interact with the server using a web client, such as a web browser, your favourite HTTP programming library or a command line tool like curl ( The server runs on port 9000. To check whether the server is working OK, browser to "http://localhost:9000/api/job". You should see an XML response like ...

<bms:jobs detail="full" totalSize="0"/>

To stop the server, type Ctrl-C.


XML fragments to try

For more detailed exploration of what the server can do, consider installing a REST testing utility in your browser, such as Chrome Poster ( Such a tool can be used to try the following steps:

  1. Create a content placeholder by posting the following to "http://localhost:9000/api/content":
<bms:bmContent xmlns:bms=""
        <isa:Attributes xmlns:isa="">
          <isa:Title>Games of the century</isa:Title>
          <isa:Owner>AMWA EBU History</isa:Owner>
          <isa:Description>Best games of the past 100 years.</isa:Description>
  1. Check that the placeholder has been received and stored in memory with URL:
  1. Edit the following XML fragment to set a job start time (bms:startJob) in the near future. Note that "Z" time is UTC Zulu time, also known as GMT, so you may need to adjust for your timezone and daylight savings time. Create a mock capture job by posting the following XML fragment to "http://localhost:9000/api/job".
<bms:job xsi:type="cms:CaptureJobType" xmlns:cms=""
    xmlns:bms="" xmlns:desc=""
  <bms:startJob xsi:type="bms:StartJobByTimeType">
    <captureProfile> <!-- Reference to HBR profile -->
  <startProcess xsi:type="bms:StartProcessByNoWaitType"></startProcess>
  <stopProcess xsi:type="bms:StopProcessByDurationType">
  1. A mock job actor will run a fake capture job for two minutes from the start time given. Watch the console output, check the log file in the logs folder and youu can check the status of the job with ...

Examine the tests

The test files provided with this distribution are intended to be both runnable and informative. These can be below the src/test/scala/tv/amwa/ebu/fims/rest/ folder. In particular, see the XMLExampleSpec provided in the following file:


As a side effect, this test prints fragments of XML that represent messages as sent to or from the server along with a short explanation.

In a system with the a full Java Development Kit and maven ( installed, type mvn test to run the tests.


The following operations have not yet been implemented. It is planned to add these items to this implementation at some point in the future:

  • The implementation has limited support for fault mapping codes and does not have coverage of all possible system and application-level error conditions.
  • The following repository operations are not supported: GenerateUniqueID, AddEssencePlaceholder, AddEssence, CancelAddEssence, ReplaceContent, UpdateContentProperties, Lock, UnLock, ClearLock, GetLocks, RemoveEssence, UnRemoveEssence, RemoveContent, UnRemoveContent, PurgeEssence, CancelPurgeEssence, PurgeContent, CancelPurgeContent, RetrieveEssence, CancelRetrieveEssence, ContentQuery.
  • The RCR (Repository Capabilities Registry) is not supported in this implementation.
  • No queue operations are supported, but the serialization of queue-related resources to and from XML and JSON is.
  • Similarly, no transfer or tranform operations are supported, but code for the serialization of transfer and transform resources to and from XML and JSON is.
  • The following capture operations are not fully supported: QueryJob


REST Sample Implmentation for FIMS v1.1.



Apache-2.0, Apache-2.0 licenses found

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