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Merge pull request #61 from penland365/0.0.2-release
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Prepared roc for 0.0.2 release.
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penland365 committed May 10, 2016
2 parents 55e0442 + 986ade9 commit d018c67
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Showing 2 changed files with 68 additions and 7 deletions.
73 changes: 67 additions & 6 deletions
Expand Up @@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ roc is a modern [Finagle][finagle] [Postgresql][postgresql] [Client][finagle-cli
Roc is published to [Maven Central], so for the latest stable version add the following to your build:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.finagle" %% "roc-core" % "0.0.1"
"com.github.finagle" %% "roc-core" % "0.0.3",
"com.github.finagle" %% "roc-types" % "0.0.3"
Roc is under heavy development, so to stay up to with the latest `SNAPSHOT` version add the following to your build instead:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.finagle" %% "roc-core" % "0.0.2-SNAPSHOT" changing()
"com.github.finagle" %% "roc-core" % "0.0.4-SNAPSHOT" changing()

Expand All @@ -39,6 +40,23 @@ val client = Postgresql.client
val req = new Request("SELECT * FROM STATES;")
val result = Await.result(client.query(req))
result: roc.postgresql.Result = Result(Text('id,23,1)Text('name,25,Alabama)Text('abbrv,1043,AL), Text('id,23,2)...)
Let's turn a `Result` into all 50 `State(s)`.
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import roc.types.decoders._

case class State(id: Int, name: String, abbrv: String, insertedAt: ZonedDateTime)
val row2State: (Row) => (State) = (row: Row) => {
val id = row.get('id).as[Int]
val name = row.get('name).as[String]
val abbrv = row.get('abbrv).as[String]
val insertedAt = row.get('inserted_at).as[TimestampWithTZ]
State(id, name, abbrv, insertedAt)
val states =
states: List[State] = List(State(1,Alabama,AL,2016-05-10T11:59:13.879709-05:00), State(2,Alaska,AK,2016-05-10T11:59:20.974995-05:00))
If you're into Scaladocs ( I am ), they can be found [here][Scaladocs].

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,16 +122,16 @@ An `Element` has 3 sub-types
2. Binary

Yes, we've introduced a specific `NULL` type into the system. No, I wasn't drunk. If a requested value
has the ability to be `NULL` in the Database, and is in fact NULL, Postgresql doesn't tell you about it.
It simply gives you no bytes to decode and lets your figure it out.
Yes, we've deliberately introduced a specific `NULL` type into the system. This allows clients to handle
`NULL` cases in whatever way they see fit.

To get a value out of an `Element`, you have several options:
scala> val count = head.get('count)
count: roc.postgresql.Element = Text('count,20,50)

scala> count.asString
res4: String = 7
res4: String = 50

scala> count.asBytes
roc.postgresql.failures$UnsupportedDecodingFailure: Attempted Binary decoding of String column.
Expand All @@ -138,6 +156,49 @@ def fold[A](fa: String => A, fb: Array[Byte] => A, fc: () => A): A = this match
An `ElementDecoder` is a TypeClass to allow custom decoding in a more syntax friendly way. See the [Scaladocs]
or gitter for more information.

## decoders
The `roc-types` project defines type aliases from `Postgresql => Scala`, and includes `ElementDecoder` instances for those types. The current types include

* `smallint => Short`
* `int => Int`
* `bigint => Long`
* `real => Float`
* `double precision => Double`
* `char => Char (Note this is a C-Style understanding of a Char, not a UTF Rune)`
* `text/CHARACTER VARYING => String`
* `bool => Boolean`
* `JSON/JSONB => Json` (via Jawn)
* `Date => Date = java.time.LocalDate`
* `Time => Time = java.time.LocalTime`
* `TIME WITH TIME ZONE => TimestampWithTZ = java.time.ZonedDateTime`
* `NULL => Option`

### Optional Decoders
To decode a column that may be NULL, clients should simply use an `Option[A]` decoder, where `A = COLUMN TYPE`.
Let's add a `population` column to our `states` table, of type `int`.
case class State(id: Int, name: String, abbrv: String, population: Option[Int],
insertedAt: ZonedDateTime)
val row2State: (Row) => (State) = (row: Row) => {
val id = row.get('id).as[Int]
val name = row.get('name).as[String]
val abbrv = row.get('abbrv).as[String]
val population = row.get('population).as[Int]
val insertedAt = row.get('inserted_at).as[TimestampWithTZ]
State(id, name, abbrv, population, insertedAt)
val state =
states: State = State(1,Alabama,AL,None,2016-05-10T12:46:59.998788-05:00)
As the type of column should be known at compile time, `roc-types` throws an `NullDecodedFailure(TYPE)`
with a helpful error message if you attempt to decode a `NULL` type:
scala> val row = result.head
row: roc.postgresql.Row = Text('inserted_at,1184,2016-05-1012:46:59.998788-05)Null('population,23)Text('abbrv,1043,AL)Text('name,25,Alabama)Text('id,23,1)
scala> val population = row.get('population).as[Int]
roc.types.failures$NullDecodedFailure: A NULL value was decoded for type INT. Hint: use the Option[INT] decoder, or ensure that Postgres cannot return NULL for the requested value.

## Design Philosophy
The desire of `core` is to be as minimal as possible. In practice, that means mapping a Finagle Service over Postgresql with as little bedazzling as possible.
The Postgresql Client will be very minimalistic ( currently just one method, `def query(Request): Future[Result]`), and the aim is for `Result` to do as little as possible.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build.sbt
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ lazy val baseSettings = Seq(

lazy val allSettings = buildSettings ++ baseSettings

lazy val coreVersion = "0.0.2-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val coreVersion = "0.0.2"

lazy val catsVersion = "0.4.1"

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