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Contact: Dongli Zhang (

This is the graduate operating system (CSE506) course project in Stony Brook University.

This project includes all of 7 labs of MIT JOS.

Lab 1: x86 assembly, boot loader
Lab 2: Virtual memory
Lab 3: Process/environments
Lab 4: Multiprogramming and fork
Lab 5: Filesystems
Lab 6: Network driver
Lab 7: Finish the Shell

The final optional project is the process migration over TCP. I implement two
(1) Naive Migration - Migrate everything together.
(2) Smart Migration - Memory contents are migrated dynamically based on page

I also finished 5 labs made by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The 5 labs enhanced the hardware virtualization (Intel-VT) of JOS to boot a VM in JOS (on Bochs)