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timo committed May 23, 2014
1 parent af88ff8 commit f61d580
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 4 deletions.
56 changes: 52 additions & 4 deletions examples/01_hello_world.pm6
@@ -1,20 +1,68 @@
use GTK::Simple;

Using C<GTK::Simple> allows you to get a U<single window> for your app
by creating a B<GTK::Simple::App>.

my GTK::Simple::App $app .= new(title => "Hello GTK!");

=begin comment
Anything that does the C<GTK::Simple::Container> role, like
C<GTK::Simple::App> for example, lets you use B<set_content>
to put widgets into its body.
In other GTK tutorials, you'll find that you have to C<gtk_widget_show>
all widgets as well as the window. set_content does all of that for us.
=end comment

(my $button = => "Hello World!")),
(my $second = => "Goodbye!"))
my $button = => "Hello World!"),
my $second = => "Goodbye!")

Note the use of U<in-line declarations> of local variables for the Buttons.
This lets us refer to the buttons again later on, but not have to refer to
them twice in a row.

Setting the C<border_width> of any C<GTK::Simple::Container> adds
a B<border around the container>.
C<border_width> on a window, however, is special-cased to put
a border U<inside> the window instead.

$app.border_width = 20;

$second.sensitive = 0;

$button.clicked.tap({ .sensitive = 0; $second.sensitive = 1 });
Using the sensitive property we can make a button unclickable.

$second.sensitive = False;

=begin comment
The B<clicked> member exposes activation events as a C<Supply> that we
can tap. That C<Supply> will C<more> the Button object every time the
button is activated.
Therefore we can set the button that was just clicked inactive with
just C<.sensitive = 0>. The C<$second> button can then be activated.
=end comment

$button.clicked.tap({ .sensitive = False; $second.sensitive = True });

Clicking the second button shall C<exit> the application's main loop.

$second.clicked.tap({ $app.exit; });

Finally, we enter the main loop of the application.


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