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DECOMISSIONED See Basic TME Transformer instead


Circle CI

Retrieves Topics taxonomy from TME and transforms the topics to the internal UP json model. The service exposes endpoints for getting all the topics and for getting topic by uuid.

How to run

go get

$GOPATH/bin/ ./topics-transformer.exe --base-url=http://localhost:8080/transformers/topics/ --tme-base-url=<TME URL> --tme-username=<USER> --tme-password=<PWD> --token=<TOKEN> --port=8080 --maxRecords=1000 --slices=10

export|set PORT=8080
export|set BASE_URL="http://localhost:8080/transformers/topics/"
export|set TME_BASE_URL=""
export|set TME_USERNAME="user"
export|set TME_PASSWORD="pass"
export|set TOKEN="token"
export|set MAX_RECORDS="10"

With Docker:

docker build -t coco/topics-transformer .

docker run -ti --env BASE_URL=<base url> --env TME_BASE_URL=<TME URL> --env TME_USERNAME=<user> --env TME_PASSWORD=<pass> --env TOKEN=<token> -env MAX_RECORDS=<recors> coco/topics-transformer


Get all topics: curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 4f5f5bec-91ae-d714-3fb5-49b6e09a5a1b" ""

Get by topic: curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 4f5f5bec-91ae-d714-3fb5-49b6e09a5a1b" ""