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Finix Java Library

At this time, the Finix Java SDK is not receiving regular updates or improvements. We plan on releasing a new version of our Java SDK in the near future. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Finix Support Team.


Our team is hard at work revamping our SDKs to bring you exciting new features and optimizations.

While we fine-tune and make changes, we've paused releasing updates since 09/20/2022. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Finix Support Team.


  • Java 1.8+
  • Suggested: Your own API credentials.
    • The tests use the API credentials from our public documentation, but you will need your own credentials.


Add the following to your project's pom.xml:



Add the following to your project's build.gradle

implementation 'com.finix:finix-java:1.0.0'

Using the Library


Provide your api username and password as well as the environment you are interacting with.

finixClient= new FinixClient("USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW","8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e", Environment.SANDBOX);

Example API

Here is an example creating a Transfer:

CreateTransferRequest createTransferRequest = CreateTransferRequest
        .tags(Map.of("order_number", "21DFASJSAKAS"))
Transfer transfer = finixClient.Transfers.create(createTransferRequest);

Downloading Files

Our Instrument Updates API and Files API allow you to download a file. These downloaded files are saved in Java's default generated temporary folder path.

You can specify your own folder path with the following:


Retrieving List

finixList serves as the return type for all functions that involve retrieving a list. Here is an example of retrieving a list of transfers, and a demonstration of the properties of finixList.

// Retrieving a list of all transfers 
FinixList<Transfer> transfersList = finixClient.Transfers.list(ListTransfersQueryParams.

// Accessing transfers in the list and print out value
for (Transfer t : transfersList){

// Get the size of the current list
int transferListSize = transfersList.size();

// Get the page object that contains properties including offset/nextCursor, limit.
// Note: refer to the specific api to see if the page object associated is of type pageCursor or pageOffset
PageCursor pageObject = (PageCursor) transfersList.getPage();

// Get the links 
Object pageLinks = transfersList.getLinks();

// Check if there is more to list, value equals to false if end of list has been reached 
Boolean hasMore = transfersList.getHasMore();

// Get the next list with limit 
limit = 5L
FinixList<Transfer> nextList = transfersList.listNext(limit);

Exception Handling

Exceptions can be handled with try-catch blocks. Here is an example of catching an exception and accessing its information.

try {
    String userName = "USpumes23XhzHwXqiy9bfX2B";
    String wrongPassword = "123123";
    FinixClient invalidClient= new FinixClient(userName,wrongPassword, Environment.SANDBOX);
    Long limit = 20L;
    FinixList<FeeProfile> feeProfilesList = invalidClient.FeeProfiles.list(ListFeeProfilesQueryParams.builder()
} catch (ApiException e) {
    // Print basic http information of the error
    System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
    System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

    // Print message of each error 
    for (HashMap<String, String> thisError : e.getBody() ){
    // Access raw http incoming message of the error 

Supported APIs

  • Transfers
  • Authorizations
  • Identities
  • Merchants
  • Payment Instruments
  • Instrument Updates
  • Balance Transfers
  • Devices
  • Disputes
  • Files
  • Settlements
  • Webhooks
  • Verifications
  • Merchant Profiles
  • Fee Profiles
  • Onboarding Forms
  • Compliance Forms