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Transform to numpy arrays #3

merged 14 commits into from Jun 30, 2021
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitattributes
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36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions
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# Recommender Systems Slate Dataset
This repository accompany the paper ["Dynamic Slate Recommendation with Gated Recurrent Units and Thompson Sampling"]( by Simen Eide, David S. Leslie and Arnoldo Frigessi.
The article is under review, and the pre-print can be obtained [here](

The repository is split into the dataset (`data/`) and the accompanying code for the paper (`code/`).

We release the * recommender systems slate dataset* to improve recommender systems research.
The dataset includes both search and recommendation interactions between users and the platform over a 30 day period.
The dataset has logged both exposures and clicks, *including interactions where the user did not click on any of the items in the slate*.
To our knowledge there exist no such large-scale dataset, and we hope this contribution can help researchers constructing improved models and improve offline evaluation metrics.

![A visualization of a presented slate to the user on the frontpage of](finn-frontpage.png)

Expand All @@ -16,25 +12,27 @@ The dataset consists of 37.4 million interactions, |U| ≈ 2.3) million users a
![A visualization of a presented slate to the user on the frontpage of](interaction_illustration.png) is the leading marketplace in the Norwegian classifieds market and provides users with a platform to buy and sell general merchandise, cars, real estate, as well as house rentals and job offerings.

This repository is currently *work in progress*, and we will provide descriptions and tutorials. Suggestions and contributions to make the material more available is welcome.

For questions, email or file an issue.

## Download and prepare dataset

The data file is compressed, unzip by the following command: `gunzip -c >`
## Organization
The repository is organized as follows:
- The dataset is placed in (`data/`).
- The code open sourced from the article ["Dynamic Slate Recommendation with Gated Recurrent Units and Thompson Sampling"]( is found in (`code/`). However, we are in the process of making the data more generally available which makes the code incompatible with the current (newer) version of the data. Please use [the v1.0 release of the repository]( for a compatible version of the code and dataset.

1. Install git-lfs: This repository uses `git-lfs` to store the dataset. Therefore you need the git-lfs package in addition to github. See [] for installation instructions.
(e.g. for apt-get `sudo apt-get install git-lfs`)
2. Clone the repository
3. The data file is compressed, unzip by the following command: `gunzip -c >`
## Download and prepare dataset
The data files can either be obtained by cloning this repository with git lfs, or (preferably) use the [datahelper.download_data_files()]( function which downloads the same dataset from google drive.
For pytorch users, they can directly use the `dataset_torch.load_dataloaders()` to get ready-to-use dataloaders for training, validation and test datasets.

## Quickstart dataset [![Open In Colab](](
We provide a quickstart jupyter notebook that runs on Google Colab (quickstart-finn-recsys-slate-data.ipynb) which includes all necessary steps above.

NB: This quickstart notebook is currently incompatible with the main branch.
We will update the notebook as soon as we have published a pip-package. In the meantime, please use [the v1.0 release of the repository](

## Citations
This repository accompany the paper ["Dynamic Slate Recommendation with Gated Recurrent Units and Thompson Sampling"]( by Simen Eide, David S. Leslie and Arnoldo Frigessi.
The article is under review, and the pre-print can be obtained [here](

If you use either the code, data or paper, please consider citing the paper.

Expand All @@ -49,11 +47,13 @@ If you use either the code, data or paper, please consider citing the paper.

# Todo
There are some limitations on the repository today that we would like to improve:
This repository is currently *work in progress*, and we will provide descriptions and tutorials. Suggestions and contributions to make the material more available is welcome.
There are some features of the repository that we are working on:

- [ ] Release the dataset as numpy objects instead of pytorch arrays. This will help non-pytorch users to more easily utilize the data
- [ ] Maintain a pytorch dataset for easy usage
- [x] Release the dataset as numpy objects instead of pytorch arrays. This will help non-pytorch users to more easily utilize the data
- [x] Maintain a pytorch dataset for easy usage
- [ ] Create a pip package for easier installation and usage. the package should download the dataset using a function.
- [ ] Make the quickstart guide compatible with the pip package and numpy format.
- [ ] Add easily useable functions that compute relevant metrics such as hitrate, log-likelihood etc.
- [ ] Distribute the data on other platforms such as kaggle.
- [ ] Add a short description of the data in the directly.
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42 changes: 22 additions & 20 deletions code/
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import pickle
from import Dataset, DataLoader
import torch

import json
def mkdir(path):
if os.path.isdir(path) == False:

import numpy as np
class SequentialDataset(Dataset):
Note: displayType has been uncommented for future easy implementation.
def __init__(self, data, sample_uniform_action=False):
def __init__(self, data, sample_uniform_slate=False): = data
self.num_items =['action'].max()+1
self.sample_uniform_action = sample_uniform_action"Loading dataset with action size={['action'].size()} and uniform candidate sampling={self.sample_uniform_action}")
self.num_items =['slate'].max()+1
self.sample_uniform_slate = sample_uniform_slate"Loading dataset with slate size={['slate'].size()} and uniform candidate sampling={self.sample_uniform_slate}")

def __getitem__(self, idx):
batch = {key: val[idx] for key, val in}

if self.sample_uniform_action:
if self.sample_uniform_slate:
# Sample actions uniformly:
action = torch.randint_like(batch['action'], low=3, high=self.num_items)
action = torch.randint_like(batch['slate'], low=3, high=self.num_items)

# Add noclick action at pos0
# and the actual click action at pos 1 (unless noclick):
action[:,0] = 1
clicked = batch['click']!=1
action[:,1][clicked] = batch['click'][clicked]
batch['action'] = action
batch['slate'] = action
# Set click idx to 0 if noclick, and 1 otherwise:
batch['click_idx'] = clicked.long()

return batch

def __len__(self):
Expand All @@ -50,14 +48,19 @@ def load_dataloaders(data_dir,
t_testsplit = 5,
sample_uniform_slate=False):'Load data..')
data = torch.load(f'{data_dir}/')
dataset = SequentialDataset(data, sample_uniform_action)
with np.load(f'{data_dir}/data.npz') as data_np:
simeneide marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
data = {key: torch.tensor(val) for key, val in data_np.items()}
dataset = SequentialDataset(data, sample_uniform_slate)

with open(f'{data_dir}/ind2val.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
ind2val = pickle.load(handle)
with open(f'{data_dir}/ind2val.json', 'rb') as handle:
# Use string2int object_hook found here:
ind2val = json.load(
object_hook=lambda d: {int(k) if k.lstrip('-').isdigit() else k: v for k, v in d.items()}

num_validusers = int(len(dataset) * (1-split_trainvalid)/2)
simeneide marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
num_testusers = int(len(dataset) * (1-split_trainvalid)/2)
Expand All @@ -79,16 +82,15 @@ def load_dataloaders(data_dir,

dataloaders = {
phase: DataLoader(ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
phase: DataLoader(ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=(phase=="train"), num_workers=12)
simeneide marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
for phase, ds in subsets.items()
for key, dl in dataloaders.items():
f"In {key}: num_users: {len(dl.dataset)}, num_batches: {len(dl)}"

with open(f'{data_dir}/itemattr.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
itemattr = pickle.load(handle)
with np.load(f'{data_dir}/itemattr.npz', mmap_mode=None) as itemattr_file:
itemattr = {key : val for key, val in itemattr_file.items()}

return ind2val, itemattr, dataloaders
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions data/data.npz
Git LFS file not shown
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions data/

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions data/ind2val.json
Git LFS file not shown
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions data/ind2val.pickle

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions data/itemattr.npz
Git LFS file not shown
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions data/itemattr.pickle

This file was deleted.

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import logging
from google_drive_downloader import GoogleDriveDownloader as gdd
simeneide marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
def download_data_files(data_dir : str = "data", overwrite=False):
Downloads the data from google drive.
If files exist they will not be downloaded again unless overwrite=True
gdrive_file_ids = {
'data.npz' : '1VXKXIvPCJ7z4BCa4G_5-Q2XMAD7nXOc7',
'ind2val.json' : '1WOCKfuttMacCb84yQYcRjxjEtgPp6F4N',
'itemattr.npz' : '1rKKyMQZqWp8vQ-Pl1SeHrQxzc5dXldnR'
for filename, gdrive_id in gdrive_file_ids.items():"Downloading {}".format(filename))
dest_path="{}/{}".format(data_dir, filename),
overwrite=overwrite)"Done downloading all files.")
return True
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion

This file was deleted.

110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#%% Imports
import torch
NegatioN marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
import datahelper
from import Dataset, DataLoader
import torch
import json
import numpy as np
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level='INFO')

class SequentialDataset(Dataset):
Note: displayType has been uncommented for future easy implementation.
def __init__(self, data, sample_uniform_slate=False): = data
self.num_items =['slate'].max()+1
self.sample_uniform_slate = sample_uniform_slate
"Loading dataset with slate size={} and uniform candidate sampling={}"
.format(['slate'].size(), self.sample_uniform_slate))

def __getitem__(self, idx):
batch = {key: val[idx] for key, val in}

if self.sample_uniform_slate:
# Sample actions uniformly:
action = torch.randint_like(batch['slate'], low=3, high=self.num_items)

# Add noclick action at pos0
# and the actual click action at pos 1 (unless noclick):
action[:,0] = 1
clicked = batch['click']!=1
action[:,1][clicked] = batch['click'][clicked]
batch['slate'] = action
# Set click idx to 0 if noclick, and 1 otherwise:
batch['click_idx'] = clicked.long()

return batch

def __len__(self):
return len(['click'])

def load_dataloaders(data_dir,
num_workers= 0,
valid_pct= 0.05,
test_pct= 0.05,
t_testsplit= 5):"Download data if not in data folder..")
datahelper.download_data_files(data_dir=data_dir)'Load data..')
with np.load("{}/data.npz".format(data_dir)) as data_np:
data = {key: torch.tensor(val) for key, val in data_np.items()}
dataset = SequentialDataset(data, sample_uniform_slate)

with open('{}/ind2val.json'.format(data_dir), 'rb') as handle:
# Use string2int object_hook found here:
ind2val = json.load(
object_hook=lambda d: {
int(k) if k.lstrip('-').isdigit() else k: v
for k, v in d.items()

# Split dataset into train, validation and test:
num_validusers = int(len(dataset) * valid_pct)
num_testusers = int(len(dataset) * test_pct)
num_users = len(dataset)
perm_user = torch.randperm(num_users)
valid_user_idx = perm_user[:num_validusers]
test_user_idx = perm_user[num_validusers:(num_validusers+num_testusers)]
train_user_idx = perm_user[(num_validusers+num_testusers):]
# Mask type: 1: train, 2: valid, 3: test['mask_type'] = torch.ones_like(['click'])['mask_type'][valid_user_idx, t_testsplit:] = 2['mask_type'][test_user_idx, t_testsplit:] = 3

subsets = {
'train': dataset,
'valid':, valid_user_idx),
'test':, test_user_idx)

# Build dataloaders for each data subset:
dataloaders = {
phase: DataLoader(ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=(phase=="train"), num_workers=num_workers)
for phase, ds in subsets.items()
for key, dl in dataloaders.items():
"In {}: num_users: {}, num_batches: {}".format(key, len(dl.dataset), len(dl))

# Load item attributes:
with np.load('{}/itemattr.npz'.format(data_dir), mmap_mode=None) as itemattr_file:
itemattr = {key : val for key, val in itemattr_file.items()}

return ind2val, itemattr, dataloaders

if __name__ == "__main__":
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions requirements.txt
Expand Up @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ ax==0.52.0